MAY 2021

14:15 - 15:45
IWH Research Seminar

Virtual Lecture: The Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel

Jan De Loecker  (KU Leuven)
via Zoom
Jan De Loecker

Personal details

Jan De Loecker is Full Professor of Economics, and Research Professor (BOFZAP) at the KU Leuven, Fellow of the Econometric Society, a Research Associate at the NBER and a Research Fellow at the CEPR. His research interests are Industrial Organization, Empirical International Economics and Firms in Developing Economies.

To join the virtual lecture via ZOOM, please contact Georg Neuschäffer.

Whom to contact

Georg Neuschäffer
Georg Neuschäffer

If you have any further questions please contact me.

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