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Can Germany’s economy stage an unexpected recovery?Steffen MüllerThe Economist, January 30, 2025
The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association and the FIRE research centre at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management are organising a joint workshop on "Challenges to Financial Stability" on August 19th and 20th, 2019, to be held in Halle (Saale). The workshop provides a platform to discuss changes in the regulatory framework of the financial sector, their impact on financial stability, and consequences for the real sector.
The 1st Data User Conference is jointly organized by the Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet), France Stratégie and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
We study stock market reactions to negative corporate social responsibility (CSR) incidents concerning 7,000 multinational firms from 97 countries over the 2007-2015 period.
Internationale Arbeitsteilung, Digitalisierung und technologischer Fortschritt stellen Unternehmen vor komplexe, zukunfts-entscheidende Fragen, können ganze Wirtschaftszweige bedrohen und viele Arbeitsplätze kosten. Gleichzeitig ergeben sich durch strukturellen Wandel und die damit einhergehende Verschiebung der Arbeitsnachfrage neue Arbeitsfelder und Berufsbilder in aufstrebenden Wirtschaftszweigen.
Zum Auftakt der gemeinsamen Veranstaltungsreihe der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) zu brennenden europapolitischen Themen diskutieren Eva Heidbreder, Jürgen Kocka und Sven Schulze über die Frage, wie viel Demokratie die Europäische Union künftig braucht und wie die demokratische Willensbildung ausgestaltet werden sollte.
We show that there are two separate incentive effects of soft law working in opposite directions, the “NoAPR- effect” and the “Chapter 11-effect”, respectively.
The organizing committee invites submissions of high-quality theoretical or empirical research papers on financial intermediation.
The workshop provided a platform to discuss new developments in the field of empirical and applied macroeconomic modelling and aimed at bringing together academic researchers and practitioners. We invited applied and theoretical papers dealing with time series and broad macroeconomic topics. Papers that explicitly covered the macroeconomic topics with microdata were particularly welcome.
In this paper, we analyze standard futures hedging problems with and without background risk under law invariant coherent risk measures.
A conference jointly organised by the Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)