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Can Germany’s economy stage an unexpected recovery?Steffen MüllerThe Economist, January 30, 2025
The workshop provided a platform to discuss new developments in the field of empirical and applied macroeconomic modelling and aimed at bringing together academic researchers and practitioners.
We show that temporary place-based subsidies generate persistent effects on economic density. As our design allows us to control for agglomeration economies, we attribute an important role to policy-induced locational advantage (e. g. capital structures) in explaining persistent spatial patterns of economic activity.
Previous work has shown that, in a liquidity trap, aggressive government spending cuts can be self-defeating in the short-run due to a higher-than-normal multiplier.
We examine how state ownership of banks may have contributed to the ascent to power of Vladimir Putin during the Russian presidential elections of March 2000.
This paper extends the classic risk-return tradeoff of asset pricing to a risk-effort tradeoff, by assuming that managerial effort is necessary to generate cash flows. Corporate governance standards influence the manager's return to effort, her exposure to corporate risk, and the dilution of shareholder value.
Das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) veranstaltet seinen ersten IWH Policy Talk am Donnerstag, dem 2. Februar 2017. Mit den IWH Policy Talks etabliert das Institut ein neues After‐Work‐Format mit dem Ziel, namhafte Ökonomen und Ökonominnen mit einem Publikum zusammenzubringen, das sich für ökonomische Fragestellungen begeistert.
Most applied work in international economics treats trade policy (a) as a linear component of trade costs and (b) as an exogenous variable.
Unter dem Titel "Von der Transformation zur Europäischen Integration: Wachstumsfaktor Bildung besser nutzen" hat das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) am 22. Februar 2017 von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr eine Tagung durchgeführt. Den Eröffnungsvortrag hielt Dr. Jürgen Ude, Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.
The goal of the conference was to promote the exchange of ideas and experience among young economists conducting research in all fields of economics.
Firms’ financial leverage can largely explain the value effect, however, we document that the expected return-beta relationship of equity in unconditional tests of the CAPM is more generally distorted by leverage.