Anniversary 2017

25 years IWH. Highlights and turning points.

A quarter of a century ago, our employees started to work for IWH. What has happened from then until now?


25 years in pictures

The former IWH building

Today's IWH building

Aerial image of Halle's city centre (1998)

Aerial image of Halle's city centre (2012)

Courtyard before renovation

Today's courtyard

Former top floor

Today's top floor

Today's employees (2017)

Those who should know...

Professor Dr Udo Ludwig

About the CIA and a glass of red wine ...

Dr Brigitte Loose

When there were almost no flats in Halle yet ...



Dr Gerhard Heimpold

What South Korea has to do with the IWH ...



1992: Foundation

Manfred Wegner becomes IWH President.

Spring 1993: Joint Economic Forecast

For the first time, IWH actively participates in the Joint Economic Forecast in Kiel.

1994: New president

Rüdiger Pohl becomes the second IWH President.

2004: New president

Ulrich Blum becomes the third IWH President.

2011-2013: Acting directors

IWH is provisionally managed by Jutta Günther and Oliver Holtemöller.

2012: IWH-DPE

In 2012 IWH establishes the Doctoral Programme in Economics (DPE).

2013: New President

Claudia M. Buch becomes the fourth IWH President.

2013: Total-E-Quality

IWH admits to an active promotion of professional equalisation of men and women that exceeds legal guidelines.

In 2013, IWH was awarded the Total-E-Quality-Title for equal opportunities for the first time. In 2016, IWH achieved it again.

2014: IWH-CEP

In 2014, the Centre for evidence-based policy consulting (IWH-CEP) was established. It is a platform that bundles and structures activities in research, teaching, and policy consulting. IWH-CEP pursues the objective of creating better foundations for a causal analysis of policy instruments in Germany.

2014: New President

Since 2014 Reint E. Gropp is President of the IWH.

2015: Publication about the Greek crisis draws attention



In July 2015 IWH draws attention with the publication "Germany's Benefit from the Greek Crisis" and causes controversial discussions in the public.



2015: ASSA Meeting

In 2015, IWH is recruiting at the ASSA Meeting for the first time. Most recently in 2017.

2015: Research Data Center

In December 2015, the IWH Research Data Center (FDZ IWH) is accredited by the German Data Forum.

2016: Website Relaunch

At the end of 2016, IWH substantially relaunches its website:


The former design of our website...


...then appears in a brandnew look.


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