Why Doctoral Studies at IWH?

The IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics –
one of the Top 20 places to do a PhD (INOMICS Career Guide 2023)
The Halle Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association is home to many exceptionally motivated and highly skilled young researchers working on a doctoral dissertation in economics. These fellows are an important part of the IWH research community. The IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics (IWH-DPE) aims to provide these young researchers with a nurturing place to further develop and advance their competences and to make the most of their skills.
Being open to young fellows of the partner universities, IWH-DPE offers a platform for sharing the experience of a program that complies with international standards in post-graduate education and training in economics. IWH-DPE is a milestone in improving the quality of post-graduate education of young economists in the region – in accordance with recommendations by the Leibniz Association and the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat).
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People Study Programme Courses Seminar Standards IWH-DPE Fall 2024 Intake
Research grant for PhD thesis
IWH doctoral student Eleonora Sfrappini won the 2023 FIR-PRI research grant for her ongoing PhD thesis on "Financial Constraints and Emission Intensity". Watch the interview to get a glimpse of what her work focuses on.
What Alumni Say

"Working on my doctoral dissertation at the IWH was an enriching experience both at the scientific and personal level. For instance, it helped me to further develop my analytical skills, which are also very useful in my current job."
Dr Manuel Buchholz, Deutsche Bundesbank, Financial Stability Department, Frankfurt am Main, Germany – DPE Graduate 2016

"The IWH-DPE not only enables specialisation in a particular field of economics, but also the development of an international network in this field. It thus lays important cornerstones for a career after the doctorate."
Dr Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) – DPE Graduate 2018

"The IWH-DPE provides a well-balanced course programme, high-quality supervision, ample opportunities for the exchange of ideas, a large international network, financial support and a great working environment at the IWH – in short, everything that is needed for a successful career in academics."
Dr Gregor von Schweinitz, Assistant Professor for Economics, esp. Quantitative Macroeconomics at the University Leipzig, Germany – DPE Graduate 2013

"I think back on my time at IWH quite fondly. Those years were foundational in shaping my academic career. Close contact with faculty members and post-doctoral candidates, frequent conferences, internal seminars, and guest speakers, high research standards, access to a huge variety of datasets, as well as a deeply scientific culture create an intellectually stimulating environment and make IWH a perfect institute for doctoral students to learn rigorous academic research."
Vahid Saadi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Finance, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
Doctoral Programme Director

Vice President Department Head
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+49 345 7753-800 Request per E-MailProgramme Manager

If you have any further questions please contact me.
+49 345 7753-812 Request per E-MailAims and Approach
This is achieved by combining an excellent course programme and research seminar series with unique chances to conduct research in teams with IWH fellows under the guidance of an IWH supervisor. IWH supervisors will be experienced in both fields, economic research and policy work.
Close collaboration with internationally renowned IWH Research Affiliates, further guidance by IWH Research Professors as well as IWH Research Fellows and research in teams (related to the IWH research agenda) also contributes to the outstanding environment at IWH.
Close collaboration with internationally renowned IWH Research Affiliates and further guidance by IWH Research Professors also contributes to the outstanding environment at IWH. The opportunity to do research on real-world economic and political challenges is an additional advantage.
The opportunity to do research on real-world economic and political challenges is an additional advantage. This approach allows doctoral students to finish their studies within a four-year track.
The Doctoral Programme in Economics is primarily intended for doctoral students employed at IWH or at one of our partner institutions. You can find out about vacancies and scholarships within the section Career.
Central-German Doctoral Program Economics
The central aim of the Central-German Doctoral Program Economics (CGDE) is to enhance the quality of doctoral education by offering research-oriented courses which are held by internationally renowned researchers. The Ph.D. programme is a joint initiative of various economics faculties and research institutes in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony:
- Technical University of Dresden: Faculty of Economics and Management
- ifo Institute for Economic Research Dresden (ifo Dresden)
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg: Faculty of Economics and Management
- Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Leipzig University: Faculty of Economics and Management
- Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg: Faculty of Economics and Management
The core program comprises first-year courses from the fields Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Econometrics. Internationally acknowledged researchers provide an overview of their respective field of research.
International Graduate Academy
The IWH cooperates with the International Graduate Academy (InGrA) of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg on the organization of personal qualification workshops. The InGrA was founded in 2008 to ensure and increase the quality of methodical education for PhD students.