
Do Markets Value Manager-investor Interaction Quality? Evidence from IPO Returns

This paper investigates the impact of manager-investor interaction quality on stock returns by utilizing an online IPO roadshow dataset and leveraging a word-embedding model. We find that such interactions are positively valued, as reflected in initial returns. The effect is particularly pronounced for firms characterized by higher levels of information asymmetry, greater investor attention, increased question uncertainty, or discussions on topics not covered in prospectus. Additionally, our research reveals that effective management communication leads to increased first-day turnover rates and thus higher returns. These heightened returns persist up to 180 days following the IPO, without displaying a significant long-term reversal associated with interaction quality. These findings underscore the meaningful impact of the quality of manager-investor interactions on firm valuation.

01. August 2024

Authors Shibo Bian Iftekhar Hasan Xunxiao Wang Zhipeng Yan

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Professor Iftekhar Hasan, PhD
Professor Iftekhar Hasan, PhD

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