Research Data Centre

The IWH Research Data Centre provides external scientists with data for non-commercial research. The research data centre of the IWH was accredited by RatSWD.

Scientists can draw on the following services:

  • advice to the prospective data-users concerning supply and access of data
  • provision of widely used statistical software
  • support for researchers in their handling of complex data sets
  • clarification of data protection issues
  • creation of specific workplaces for guest scientists and support during their research visit

Further information about our FDZ can be found here (Open Access):

Please refer to the terms of use for more information.

You can reach us at:

Our Data Offer

Our Information Platform

International Banking Library

Data and research on cross-border banking


Note: Beginning from July 2016 the RatSWD (German Data Forum) has established a complaint point. By using a contact form provided on the RatSWD website, you have the possibilty to address directly those problems that arise by using data of the RDC when these issues could not be solved yet with the corresponding contact person of the RDC. The contact sheet including details of responsibilities and information on the procedure can be retrieved from

Your Contact

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