Request Form for Use of CompNet Competitiveness Database

Request Form for Use of CompNet Competitiveness Database


Please fill in the blanks below with all required information. Fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. The request will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of CompNet and you will be informed about the acceptance of your application.

With this form, you are requesting the 9th vintage dataset. For a detailed documentation of this dataset please refer to the:

– User Guide for the 9th Vintage of the CompNet dataset (link)

Additional helpful material:

– CompNet Firm Productivity Report, based on the 7th vintage (link)

– Cross-Country Comparability Report, based on the 6th vintage (link)

For access to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th vintage datasets please contact the IWH Research Data Centre:

If you intend to publish research that is based or makes use of CompNet data we kindly require you to: (1) include a reference to the User Guide and (2) include the following footnote naming the caveats for interpretation of the results: "The user must be aware that small differences in data collection rules and procedures across countries may exist and are out of CompNet’s control. Nevertheless comparability issues appear to be limited."

1. Personal details
2. Professional affiliation
3. Research plan
If this is a joint project with other researchers, please indicate the names and professional affiliation of your co-authors, starting with the lead researcher in the project.
4. Identification of the sources of research funding
5. Security of data storage
You are required to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data released to you. Please confirm that you will comply with the following data security rules:*
6. Terms and conditions for the usage of data
  • The data may not be used for any purpose other than for the scientific purpose mentioned in this research proposal; commercial use is strictly prohibited.
  • The use of the data is under your full and exclusive responsibility.
  • You may not duplicate, transfer, disclose, publish or otherwise reveal to any third party the data without explicit authorisation.
  • Confidential information will be deleted or destroyed immediately after the research project defined in the application has been completed, or the time limit of five years has expired, unless you have reapplied for access or otherwise agreed.
  • You must send a copy of the publicly released research work to
  • Access to the data requires researchers to submit any resulting working papers to the IWH-CompNet working paper series. Please contact Stefanie Müller-Dreißigacker for your submission. In accordance with the common practice of other working paper series, the copyright will remain with the author and the submission to the IWH-CompNet working paper series will not preclude the submission to other working paper series or journals.
7. Additional required documentation
8. Data privacy notice

Your answers to this request form constitute personal data and will be processed in accordance with the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation). The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is the controller for the processing of personal data in relation to the request for use of the CompNet firm-level-based dataset. The personal data provided by you in this request form shall be used exclusively for the purposes of granting access to the research dataset of the CompNet micro-based database and any further monitoring of such access including possibly contacting you for the purpose of maintaining and improving the quality of CompNet’s service, newsletters and other important information (e.g. calls for papers).

In case of further queries on the above processing of your personal data, please refer to the data protection policy of the IWH. 

Please save your data before submitting!

Due to technical problems sometimes an error message might appear after clicking the submit button. In this case please send the relevant information by email to (For example, you could make a screenshot of your completed online request form and send it with your CV to the above e-mail address.)

Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft LogoTotal-Equality-LogoSupported by the BMWK