Parent Universities and the Location of Academic Startups
S. Heblich, Viktor Slavtchev
Small Business Economics,
No. 1,
Academic startups are thought to locate in their parent university’s home region because geographic proximity to a university facilitates access to academic knowledge and resources. In this paper we analyze the importance of a different channel, namely social ties between academic entrepreneurs and university researchers, for the access to academic knowledge and resources, and therefore for the location of the startups. We employ unique data on academic startups from regions with more than one university and find that only the parent university influences academic entrepreneurs’ decisions to stay in the region while other universities in the same region play no role. Our findings suggest that geographic proximity to a university may not per se guarantee access to knowledge and resources; social contacts are additionally required. The importance of social ties implies that academic knowledge and resources are not necessarily local public goods. This holds implications for universities’ role in stimulating regional development.
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Proximity and the Transfer of Academic Knowledge: Evidence from the Spatial Pattern of Industry Collaborations of East German Professors
Viktor Slavtchev
Regional Studies,
No. 5,
Nähe und Übertragung von akademischem Wissen: Belege aus dem räumlichen Muster der Kooperation zwischen ostdeutschen Professoren und der Industrie, Regional Studies. Universitäten können die ökonomische Entwicklung von Regionen stimulieren, insbesondere durch Kooperation mit der lokalen Industrie. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert, wann solche Kooperationen lokal stattfinden. Die existierende Literatur deutet daraufhin, dass aufgrund von tacidem Wissen und der Bedeutung geographischer Nähe Kooperationen überwiegend lokal stattfinden. Die vorliegende Studie findet Evidenz, dass das räumliche Muster von Kooperationen zwischen Universitäten und der Industrie als Resultat eines komplexen Matching-Prozesses zwischen Partnern mit geeigneten Charakteristika betrachtet werden kann. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass individuelle, relationale sowie institutionelle Charakteristika der Akteure eine wichtige Rolle für die Partnerwahl spielen. Demnach sind lokale Kooperationen nicht zwingend.
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Regions as Selection Environments? The Emergence of the Solar Industry in Germany from 1992 to 2008
Matthias Brachert, Christoph Hornych, Peter Franz
European Planning Studies,
No. 11,
The spatial evolution of the German solar industry is analysed in the light of the “window of locational opportunity” and the “selection environment” approach. The paper argues that differences in the regions' ability to promote the emergence of local external economies contribute to increasing regional differentiation in the German structure of the industry. Applied empirical methods enclose longitudinal firm entry and network analysis. A special focus is given upon the realignment processes in the science system. Our findings show a relatively rapid spatial concentration of production in eastern Germany since the year 2000. This process is accompanied by intensified networking between firms and between firms and universities as well as research institutes. The responsiveness of regional institutions and the self-organizing capabilities of the solar firms substantiate some propositions of the “selection environment” approach.
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Are Universal Banks Bad for Financial Stability? Germany During the World Financial Crisis
Diemo Dietrich, Uwe Vollmer
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,
No. 2,
This case study explores the contribution of universal banking to financial stability in Germany during the recent financial crisis. Germany is a prototype for universal banking and has suffered from a rather small number of banking crises in the past. We review the banking literature and analyze the major institutional and regulatory features of the German financial system to establish a nexus between universal banking and stability.
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Effects of Entrepreneurship Education at Universities
S. Laspita, H. Patzelt, Viktor Slavtchev
Jena Economic Research Papers,
No. 25,
This study analyzes the impact of entrepreneurship education at universities on the intentions of students to become entrepreneurs or self-employed in the short-term (immediately after graduation) and in the long-term (five years after graduation). A difference-in-differences approach is applied that relates changes in entrepreneurial intentions to changes in the attendance of entrepreneurship classes in the same period. To account for a potential bias due to self-selection into entrepreneurship classes, only individuals having no prior entrepreneurial intentions are analyzed. Our results indicate a stimulating effect of entrepreneurship education on students’ intentions to become entrepreneurs or self-employed in the long-term but a discouraging effect on their intentions in the short-term. These results support the conjecture that entrepreneurship education provides more realistic perspectives on what it takes to be an entrepreneur, resulting in ‘sorting’. Overall, the results indicate that entrepreneurship education may improve the quality of labor market matches, the allocation of resources and talent, and increase social welfare. Not distinguishing between short- and long-term intentions may lead to misleading conclusions regarding the economic and social impact of entrepreneurship education.
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What Drives Innovation Output from Subsidized R&D Cooperation? — Project-level Evidence from Germany
Michael Schwartz, Michael Fritsch, Jutta Günther, François Peglow
No. 6,
Using a large dataset of 406 subsidized R&D cooperation projects, we provide detailed insights into the relationship between project characteristics and innovation output. Patent applications and publications are used as measures for the innovation output of an R&D project. We find that large-firm involvement is strongly positively related with the number of patent applications, but not with the number of publications. Conversely, university involvement has positive effects on projects’ innovation output in terms of the number of publications but not in terms of patent applications. In general, projects’ funding as measure of projects’ size is an important predictor of the innovation output of R&D cooperation projects. No significant effects are found for the number of partners as (an alternative) measure of projects’ size, for spatial proximity between cooperation partners, for the involvement of a public institute for applied research, and for prior cooperation experiences. We derive conclusions for the design of R&D cooperation support schemes.
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Foreword: Competing: Important Stimuli for Knowledge Cities to Become Prosperous
Peter Franz
T. Yigitcanlar, K. Metaxiotis, J. Carrillo (eds), Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities. Policies, Plans and Metrics,
The author discusses the role of competitions in urban development strategies based on the cooperation of higher education institutions. The experience with similar strategies in regional policy and in innovation policy is reflected upon. After the presentation of some cases, the advantages and disadvantages of development strategies based on competitions are compared.
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University Cities: Including Universities and Research Institutes into Strategies for Urban Growth
Peter Franz
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
The topic of this special issue refers to the observation that many larger and middle-sized cities dispose of a considerable potential of institutions creating and disseminating knowledge. This kind of endowment seems to be especially valuable in an upcoming knowledge-based economy. Recent strategic concepts and inter-city competitions referring to ‘knowledge-based urban development’, ‘knowledge city’, ‘creative city’, ‘science city’ or ‘entrepreneurial university’ indicate that urban planners and politicians are beginning to search for strategies to take advantage and to make use of this potential. The papers in this special issue a) present case studies of cities trying to activate their knowledge resources for local economic growth, b) deal with regulatory barriers and problems for cities applying ‘knowledge city’ strategies, c) analyze the university support for entrepreneurial activities, and d) discuss some implications of ‘knowledge city’ strategies for architecture and urban planning.
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Analyse der Patentaktivitäten in den öffentlichen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen des Freistaates Sachsen im Auftrag des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK)
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Katja Wilde
Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die Analyse der Forschungsverwertung im Sinne von Patentanmeldungen der öffentlich finanzierten Wissenschaftseinrichtungen des Freistaates Sachsen und deren Vernetzung mit Unternehmen im Zeitraum 2002-2007. Die veröffentlichten Patentanmeldungen der Wissenschaftseinrichtungen am Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) im Zeitraum 2002-2007 dienen als Datengrundlage für die Untersuchung. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass im Betrachtungszeitraum 2002-2007 die Anzahl der Patentanmeldungen der sächsischen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen nahezu kontinuierlich angestiegen ist. Dabei spielen die Institute der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft sowie die Technische Universität Dresden eine bedeutende Rolle. Die ermittelten Erkenntnisse für Sachsen werden einem Vergleich mit den Ländern Thüringen, Niedersachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen unterzogen. Insgesamt ergibt die Analyse vergleichsweise positive Resultate für die Patentverwertung der öffentlichen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen in Sachsen. Hinsichtlich der Vernetzung der wissenschaftlichen Forschungsaktivitäten mit der gewerblichen Wirtschaft konnte kein Unterschied zwischen Sachsen und den drei Vergleichsländern gezeigt werden. Hierbei scheint für die sächsischen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen noch ein erhebliches Verbesserungspotenzial zu bestehen. Diese Ergebnisse sind jedoch mit Vorsicht zu interpretieren, da die zugrunde liegende Patentstatistik nicht alle Vernetzungsformen in der Patentverwertung erfassen kann.
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