The Economic Optimality of Sanction Mechanisms in Interorganizational Ego Networks – A Game Theoretical Analysis –
Muhamed Kudic, Marc Banaszak
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
Even though small- and medium-sized firms (SMEs) were believed not to proceed beyond exporting in their internationalization routes, we can observe new types of co-operation intensive entrepreneurial firms – so-called “micromultinational enterprises” (mMNEs) – entering the global landscape. These firms face the challenge to manage and control a portfolio of national and international alliances simultaneously (ego network). The aim of this paper is to provide game theoretically consolidated conditions in order to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of interorganizational sanction mechanisms in an alliance portfolio setting. A game theoretical framework is developed over three stages with increasing complexity. Results show that two out of six analyzed sanction mechanisms do not fulfill the game theoretical condition for effectiveness. The efficiency analysis sensibilizes for discretionary elements in governance structures and demonstrates that not one single sanction mechanism but rather the right choice and combination of different types of sanction mechanisms leads to efficient results. We contribute to the international business, alliance, and network literature in several ways by focusing on alliance portfolios held by mMNEs. In doing so, we move beyond the dyadic level and analyze sanction mechanisms from an ego network perspective, a still widely under-emphasized topic in the literature.
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Barriers to Internationalization: Firm-Level Evidence from Germany
Claudia M. Buch
IAW Discussion Paper No. 52,
Exporters and multinationals are larger and more productive than their domestic
counterparts. In addition to productivity, financial constraints and labor market
constraints might constitute barriers to entry into foreign markets. We present new
empirical evidence on the extensive and intensive margin of exports and FDI based on detailed micro-level data of German firms. Our paper has three main findings. First, in line with earlier literature, we find a positive impact of firm size and productivity on firms’ international activities. Second, small firms suffer more frequently from financial constraints than bigger firms, but financial conditions have no strong effect on internationalization. Third, labor market constraints constitute a more severe barrier to foreign activities than financial constraints. Being covered by collective bargaining particularly impedes international activities.
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Transmission of Nominal Exchange Rate Changes to Export Prices and Trade Flows and Implications for Exchange Rate Policy
Oliver Holtemöller, Mathias Hoffmann
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper 21/2009,
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Currency Appreciation and Exports: Empirical Evidence for Germany
Götz Zeddies
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Trotz anfänglicher Skepsis hat sich der Euro in den ersten zehn Jahren nach seiner Einführung an den Devisenmärkten behauptet und gegenüber wichtigen Fremdwährungen deutlich an Wert gewonnen. Obgleich ein Großteil des Außenhandels der EWU-Mitgliedstaaten seit der Euro-Einführung keinem Wechselkursrisiko mehr unterliegt, birgt ein starker Euro für exportorientierte Länder wie Deutschland dennoch Gefahren.
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Auswirkungen von Wechselkursveränderungen auf die deutschen Exporte im Zeitverlauf. Die Analysen bestätigen, dass insbesondere die nominalen Wechselkurse an Einfluss verloren haben. Allerdings gilt dies nicht nur in Bezug auf den Gesamtexport, der allein durch die Verwirklichung der Währungsunion weniger anfällig gegenüber Wechselkursschwankungen geworden sein dürfte, sondern auch für die Warenlieferungen in Länder außerhalb des Euroraums. Ein zunehmender Ausgleich nominaler Wechselkursveränderungen durch Preisanpassungen findet zwar statt, kann aber sicherlich nicht als alleiniger Erklärungsansatz für die schwindende Wechselkursreagibilität der Ausfuhren dienen, sodass weitere Faktoren in Betracht zu ziehen sind.
So zeigt sich etwa, dass die Exporte auch auf Veränderungen der realen Wechselkurse und damit der internationalen Preisrelationen immer weniger reagieren. Stattdessen werden die Ausfuhren zunehmend durch die konjunkturelle Entwicklung in den Handelspartnerländern determiniert. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte Deutschland aufgrund seiner geographischen Lage sicherlich stärker als andere Länder von der kräftigen Nachfrageausweitung der mittel- und osteuropäischen Staaten profitieren, die die Euro-Aufwertung überlagert hat. Zudem haben die Kursgewinne des Euro den deutschen Exportgüterproduzenten auch wegen des auf Investitions- und qualitativ hochwertige Industriegüter ausgerichteten Warenangebots kaum geschadet.
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24.06.2009 • 37/2009
Exportweltmeister trotz Euro-Höhenflug – Zum Einfluss der Wechselkurse auf die deutschen Ausfuhren –
Ein starker Euro wird häufig als Gefahr für die exportierenden Unternehmen gesehen, weil er deren preisliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit schwächt. Jedoch werden die deutschen Ausfuhren zunehmend durch die konjunkturelle Entwicklung in den Handelspartnerländern bestimmt: So legten die deutschen Exporte in der Aufschwungphase der vergangenen Jahre – trotz starker Euro-Aufwertung – kräftig zu.
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Does Export Openness Increase Firm-level Output Volatility?
Claudia M. Buch, Jörg Döpke, H. Strotmann
World Economy,
No. 4,
There is a widespread concern that increased trade may lead to increased instability and thus risk at the firm level. Greater export openness can indeed affect firm-level volatility by changing the exposure and the reaction of firms to macroeconomic developments. The net effect is ambiguous from a theoretical point of view. This paper provides firm-level evidence on the link between openness and volatility. Using comprehensive data on more than 21,000 German manufacturing firms for the period 1980–2001, we analyse the evolution of firm-level output volatility and the link between volatility and export openness. Our paper has three main findings. First, firm-level output volatility is significantly higher than the level of aggregate volatility, but it displays similar patterns. Second, increased export openness lowers firm-level output volatility. This effect is primarily driven by variations along the extensive margin, i.e. by the distinction between exporters and non-exporters. Variations along the intensive margin, i.e. the volume of exports, tend to have a dampening impact on volatility as well. Third, small firms are more volatile than large firms.
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Ownership Structure, Strategic Controls and Export Intensity of Foreign-invested Firms in Transition Economies
I. Filatotchev, Johannes Stephan, Björn Jindra
Journal of International Business Studies,
No. 7,
This paper examines the relationships between foreign ownership, managers’ independence in decision-making and exporting of foreign-invested firms in five European Union accession countries. Using a unique, hand-collected data set of 434 foreign-invested firms in Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Estonia, we show that foreign investors’ ownership and control over strategic decisions are positively associated with export intensity, measured as the proportion of exports to total sales. The study also analyzes specific governance and control configurations in foreign-invested firms, showing that foreign equity and foreign control over business functions are complementary in terms of their effects on export intensity.
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Globalisation and the Competitiveness of the Euro Area
Filippo di Mauro, Katrin Forster
ECB Occasional Paper Series,
No. 97,
Against the background of increasing competition and other significant structural changes implied by globalisation, maintaining and enhancing competitiveness has evolved into one of the prime concerns in most countries. Following up on previous work (see in particular ECB Occasional Papers No. 30 and No. 55), this Occasional Paper examines the latest developments and prospects for the competitiveness and trade performance of the euro area and the euro area countries. Starting from an analysis of most commonly used, traditional competitiveness indicators, the paper largely confirms the findings of previous studies that there have been substantial adjustments in euro area trade. Euro area firms have taken advantage of the new opportunities offered by globalisation, and have at the same time been increasingly challenged by emerging economies. This is primarily reflected in the loss of export market shares which have been recorded over the last decade. While these can partly be related to the losses in the euro area's price competitiveness, further adjustment also seems warranted with regard to the export specialisation. Compared with other advanced competitors, the euro area remains relatively more specialised in labour intensive categories of goods and has shown only a few signs of a stronger specialisation in research-intensive goods. Nevertheless, the paper generally calls for a more cautious approach when assessing the prospects for euro area competitiveness, as globalisation has made it increasingly difficult to define and measure competitiveness. Stressing the need to take a broader view on competitiveness, specifically with a stronger emphasis on productivity performance, the paper also introduces a more elaborate framework that takes into account the interactions between country-specific factors and firm-level productivity. It thus makes it possible to construct more broadly defined competitiveness measures. Pointing to four key factors determining the global competitiveness of euro area countries - market accessibility, market size, technological leadership of firms and institutional set-up - the analysis provides further arguments for continuing efforts to increase market integration and strengthen the competitive environment within Europe as a mean of enhancing resource allocation and coping with the challenges globalisation creates.
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