Transposition Frictions, Banking Union, and Integrated Financial Markets in Europe
Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, Lena Tonzer
G20 Insights Policy Brief, Policy Area "Financial Resilience",
In response to the financial crisis of 2007/2008, policymakers implemented comprehensive changes concerning the regulation and supervision of banks. Many of those changes, including Basel III or the directives pertaining to the Single Rulebook in the European Union (EU), are agreed upon at the supranational level, which constitutes a key step towards harmonized regulation and supervision in an integrated European financial market. However, the success of these reforms depends on the uniform and timely implementation at the national level. Avoiding strategic delays to implement EU regulation into national laws should thus constitute a main target of the G20.
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Bank Regulation and Supervision in Bank-dominated Financial Systems: A Comparison between Japan and Germany
Diemo Dietrich, Ralf Bebenroth, Uwe Vollmer
European Journal of Law and Economics,
Diese Arbeit vergleicht die Bankenregulierung und -aufsicht in Japan und Deutschland. Diese Länder werden betrachtet, weil sie beide ein bankendominiertes Finanzsystem aufweisen und trotzdem Unterschiede in Bezug auf die Bankenstabilität aufweisen. Es wird gezeigt, dass Japan und Deutschland unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Regulierung und Aufsicht von Banken gewählt haben, und fragt, warum sie ihre Wahl so getroffen haben. Es wird argumentiert, dass Regulierung und Aufsicht in Japan weniger effizient gewesen sind und dass diese Unterschiede maßgeblich für das verschiedene Bankenverhalten war.
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Do Weak Supervisory Systems Encourage Bank Risk-taking?
Claudia M. Buch, G. DeLong
Journal of Financial Stability,
Weak bank supervision could give banks the ability to shift risk from themselves to supervisors. We use cross-border bank mergers as a natural experiment to test changes in risk and the impact of supervision. We examine cross-border bank mergers and find that the supervisory structures of the partners’ countries influence changes in post-merger total risk. An acquirer from a country with strong supervision lowers total risk after a cross-border merger. However, total risk increases when the target bank is located in a country with relatively strong supervision. This result is consistent with strong host regulators limiting the risky activities of their local banks. Foreign-owned competitors could then engage in the risky projects, especially if the foreign banks’ supervisors are not strong. An acquirer entering a country with strong supervision appears to shift risk back to its home country. The results suggest that bank supervisors can reduce total banking risk in their countries by being strong.
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