Determinants of International Fragmentation of Production in the European Union
Götz Zeddies
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
The last decades were characterized by large increases in world trade, not only in absolute terms, but also in relation to world GDP. This was in large parts caused by increasing exchanges of parts and components between countries as a consequence of international fragmentation of production. Apparently, greater competition especially from the Newly Industrializing and Post-Communist Economies prompted firms in ‘high-wage’ countries to exploit international factor price differences in order to increase their international competitiveness. However, theory predicts that, beside factor price differences, vertical disintegration of production should be driven by a multitude of additional factors. Against this background, the present paper reveals empirical evidence on parts and components trade as an indicator for international fragmentation of production in the European Union. On the basis of a panel data approach, the main explanatory factors for international fragmentation of production are determined. The results show that, although their influence can not be neglected, factor price differences are only one out of many causes for shifting production to or sourcing components from foreign countries.
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Implementation of Competition Law in Developing and Transition Countries. Theoretical and Empirical Considerations
Franz Kronthaler
Schriften des IWH,
No. 26,
The success of free market economies over the last 200 years supports the notion that competition increases individual and social wealth. Developing countries that have undergone the necessary reforms today are amongst the most driving “emerging” economies in the world.
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The Role of the Human Capital and Managerial Skills in Explaining the Productivity Gaps between East and West
Wolfgang Steffen, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
This paper assess determinants of productivity gaps between firms in the European transition countries and regions and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the firm level by use of a unique database constructed by field work. The determinants tested in a simple econometric regression model are focussed upon the issue of human capital and modern market-oriented management. The results are novel in as much as a solution was established for the puzzling results in related research with respect to a comparison of formal qualification between East and West. Furthermore, the analysis was able to establish that the kind of human capital and expertise mostly needed in the post-socialist firms are related to the particular requirements of a competitive marketbased economic environment. Finally, the analysis also finds empirical support for the role of capital deepening in productivity catch-up, as well as the case that the gaps in labour productivity are most importantly rooted in a more labour-intense production, which does not give rise to a competitive disadvantage.
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Die Rolle der Kommunen in der Wasserwirtschaft - Hallesches Kolloquium zur Kommunalen Wirtschaft 2005
Peter Haug, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Schriften des IWH,
No. 25,
Das IWH veranstaltete am 7. Juli 2005 eine Tagung zur künftigen Rolle der Kommunen bei der Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung. Das Kolloquium richtete sich sowohl an einschlägig tätige Wissenschaftler als auch an Praktiker der Wasserwirtschaft und Politiker. Die im vorliegenden Tagungsband gesammelten Beiträge behandeln ein breites Themenspektrum mit den Schwerpunkten Bewertung kommunaler Wirtschaftstätigkeit, empirische Untersuchungen zu Determinanten (insbesondere Organisationsstrukturen) der Effizienz und Innovationsneigung von Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgern, Problematik räumlicher Disparitäten bei der Infrastrukturversorgung und Reformvorschläge zum Ordnungsrahmen der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft (vergleichender Wettbewerb, Erfahrungen mit Benchmarkingsystemen).
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Lower Firm-Specific Productivity Levels in East Germany and East European Industrial Branches: The Role of Managerial Factors
Johannes Stephan
Germany’s Economic Performance: From Unification to Euroization,
During the socialist era, companies in East Germany became much weaker than firms in West Germany in terms of technology and competitiveness. In large part, this may be rooted in the different incentive structures of the two systems: whereas in the West, the criterion for companies’ success was their ability to remain in business and generate income in a contestable market environment, firms in the East were required to fulfil a plan to which they were subjected without having their opinions considered.
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Globalisation and Euro Area Trade: Interactions and Challenges
Filippo di Mauro, Ursel Baumann
ECB Occasional Paper,
No. 55,
As a major player in world trade, the euro area is strongly influenced by globalisation, but is far from being a passive spectator. The paper analyses how the euro area's trade specialization has changed in response to stronger international competition and the emergence of new global players, evaluating results and possible challenges ahead. The message remains mixed. On the positive side, the export specialisation of the euro area is increasing in some medium-high or high-tech sectors where productivity growth is strong and demand robust, such as pharmaceuticals, also by a more intensive recourse to importing intermediate goods from low-cost countries. On the other hand, in comparison to other industrialised economies, the euro area has been somewhat slower in moving towards research-intensive goods and away from labour-intensive sectors. While this could reflect data classification issues, it may also be a sign of structural rigidities in the euro area, which hinder adjustment processes.
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Mit 55 zum alten Eisen? Eine Analyse des Alterseinflusses auf die Produktivität anhand des LIAB
Lutz Schneider
Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung,
No. 1,
Angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Alterung der Erwerbsfähigen in Deutschland sowie der unzureichenden Arbeitsmarktchancen Älterer stellt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluß das Lebensalter auf die Produktivität von Beschäftigten ausübt. Aus gerontologischer Sicht ist - aufgrund gegenläufiger Entwicklungsverläufe von zentralen Leistungskomponenten - ein umgekehrt u-förmiger Verlauf des Alters-Produktivitäts-Profils zu erwarten. Das höchste Leistungsniveau sollte im Bereich der mittleren Jahrgänge erreicht werden, während sowohl die Jüngeren als auch die Älteren ein deutlich vermindertes Leistungsniveau aufweisen dürften. Zur Überprüfung dieser These wird der Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung (LIAB) herangezogen. Auf der Basis einer betrieblichen Produktionsfunktion wird mittels regressionsanalytischer Methoden getestet, ob und wie sich die Altersstruktur der Beschäftigten eines Betriebs auf dessen Produktivität auswirkt, wobei zwischen Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes und des Dienstleistungssektors unterschieden wird. Allgemein lassen die realisierten Querschnittsschätzungen des Jahres 2003 eine positive Korrelation des Anteils der Beschäftigten im mittleren Alter (35-44 Jahre) und der betrieblichen Produktivität erkennen. Im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe zeigt sich des weiteren ein negativer Zusammenhang zwischen Produktivität und Größe der jüngsten Altersgruppe (15-24 Jahre). Alles in allem spricht dies für einen umgekehrt u-förmigen Verlauf des Alters-Produktivitäts-Profils in diesem Sektor. Im Dienstleistungssektor hingegen wirkt bereits die jüngste Altersgruppe produktivitätsfördernd im Vergleich zur Referenzgruppe der 55-64jährigen.
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The relationship between unemployment and output in post-communist countries
Hubert Gabrisch, Herbert Buscher
Post-Communist Economies,
Unemployment is still disappointingly high in most Central and East European countries, and might be a reflection of the ongoing adjustment to institutional shocks resulting from systemic transition, or it may be caused by high labour market rigidity, or aggregate demand that is too weak. In this paper we have investigated the dynamics of unemployment and output in those eight post-communist countries, which entered the EU in 2004. We used a model related to Okun’s Law; i.e. the first differences in unemployment rates were regressed on GDP growth rates. We estimated country and panel regressions with instrument variables (TSLS) and applied a few tests to the data and regression results. We assume transition of labour markets to be accomplished when a robust relationship exists between unemployment rate changes and GDP growth. Moreover, the estimated coefficients contain information about labour market rigidity and unemployment thresholds of output growth. Our results suggest that the transition of labour markets can be regarded as completed since unemployment responds to output changes and not to a changing institutional environment that destroys jobs in the state sector. The regression coefficients have demonstrated that a high trend rate of productivity and a high unemployment intensity of output growth have been occurring since 1998. Therefore, we conclude that labour market rigidities do not play an important role in explaining high unemployment rates. However, GDP growth is dominated by productivity progress and the employment-relevant component of aggregate demand is too low to reduce the high level of unemployment substantially.
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Crossing Networks Competition and Design
Hans Degryse, Mark Van Achter, Gunther Wuyts
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries,
No. 4,
In the past two decades, Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) started to compete with traditional exchanges. Our paper focuses on one such system: a Crossing Network (CN). First, we discuss the distinct institutional aspects a CN offers compared to traditional markets. Next, we present an overview of the theoretical and empirical literature analyzing their success in competing with traditional markets. Finally, we offer some prospects on the potential outcome of this competition, taking into account market design issues such as the optimal degree of transparency of CNs. We also provide a market practioner’s view on the market design of CNs.
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Can EU Policy Intervention Help Productivity Catch-Up?
Johannes Stephan, P. Holmes, J. Lopez-Gonzales, C. Stolberg
Closing the EU East-West Productivity Gap - Foreign direct Investment, Competitiveness, and Public Policy,
"A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the ‘new’ EU so much poorer than the ‘old’, and how will EU enlargement help to solve the problem? Focusing on the productivity problems underlying the East-West gap, it looks in particular at the role that foreign investment and R&D can play in closing it. Against that background, the book assesses what role proactive development policy might play in attacking the roots of low social productivity. Concluding that there will be a clear-cut process of convergence between East and West, albeit an incomplete one, it finishes with an assessment of the patterns of competitiveness, East and West, that are likely to emerge from this process of incomplete convergence."
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