Projektion der Ausgaben für die Beamtenversorgung in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2080
Oliver Holtemöller, Götz Zeddies
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 2,
Seit einigen Jahren steigt die Zahl der Pensionäre in Deutschland. Der demographische Wandel dürfte die Versorgungsausgaben von Bund, Ländern und Gemeinden in den kommenden Jahren und Jahrzehnten deutlich zunehmen lassen. In diesem Beitrag wird die Zahl der Versorgungsempfänger bis zum Jahr 2080 vorausgeschätzt und die Versorgungsausgaben werden projiziert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich ein teilweise deutlicher Anstieg der Versorgungsausgaben der Gebietskörperschaften. Im Verhältnis zum erwarteten Zuwachs des Steueraufkommens fällt dieser jedoch beim Bund vergleichsweise moderat und auch bei Ländern und Gemeinden nicht übermäßig hoch aus. Dies geht unter anderem auf die Annahme zurück, dass der Anteil der Beamten an der Gesamtbevölkerung in Zukunft konstant bleibt. Dagegen steht die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung größeren finanziellen Herausforderungen gegenüber, weil der Anteil der Rentenempfänger an der Gesamtbevölkerung in den kommenden Jahren zunehmen wird.
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Projektion der Ausgaben für die Beamtenversorgung in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2080
Oliver Holtemöller, Götz Zeddies
IWH Technical Reports,
No. 2,
In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Zahl der Pensionäre (ehemalige Beamte, Richter und Soldaten) in Deutschland deutlich zugenommen. Damit gehen immer höhere Versorgungsausgaben einher, die Bund, Länder und Gemeinden aufbringen müssen. Der demographische Wandel könnte in Zukunft nicht nur ausgabeseitig eine Herausforderung aufgrund weiter steigender Versorgungsausgaben darstellen, sondern auch auf der Einnahmeseite, weil die Versorgungslasten von immer weniger Steuerzahlern getragen werden müssen. Im Folgenden werden mit Hilfe eines Kohorten-Komponenten-Modells die Zahl der Versorgungsempfänger und die daraus resultierenden Versorgungsausgaben für Bund, Länder und Gemeinden bis zum Jahr 2080 geschätzt und die Konsequenzen für die öffentlichen Haushalte abgeleitet. Es zeigt sich, dass die Versorgungsausgaben der Gebietskörperschaften zwar ansteigen, die Versorgungs-Steuerquote insgesamt allerdings relativ stabil bleibt. Da die Zahl der Versorgungsempfänger bei Ländern und Gemeinden bis zum Jahr 2080 kaum zunehmen und beim Bund sogar zurückgehen wird, stehen die Gebietskörperschaften infolge der Pensionslasten vor weitaus kleineren finanziellen Herausforderungen als die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung angesichts des wachsenden Anteils der Rentenempfänger an der Gesamtbevölkerung.
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Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the Twenty-First Century
Carol Corrado, Jonathan Haskel, Javier Miranda, Daniel Sichel
NBER Studies in Income and Wealth,
Measuring innovation is challenging both for researchers and for national statisticians, and it is increasingly important in light of the ongoing digital revolution. National accounts and many other economic statistics were designed before the emergence of the digital economy and the growing importance of intangible capital. They do not yet fully capture the wide range of innovative activity that is observed in modern economies.
This volume examines how to measure innovation, track its effects on economic activity and prices, and understand how it has changed the structure of production processes, labor markets, and organizational form and operation in business. The contributors explore new approaches to, and data sources for, measurement—such as collecting data for a particular innovation as opposed to a firm, and the use of trademarks for tracking innovation. They also consider the connections between university-based R&D and business startups, and the potential impacts of innovation on income distribution.
The research suggests potential strategies for expanding current measurement frameworks to better capture innovative activity, such as more detailed tracking of global value chains to identify innovation across time and space, and expanding the measurement of the GDP impacts of innovation in fields such as consumer content delivery and cloud computing.
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Introduction to "Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the Twenty-First Century"
Javier Miranda
Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the Twenty-First Century,
NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol 78 /
Measuring innovation is challenging both for researchers and for national statisticians, and it is increasingly important in light of the ongoing digital revolution. National accounts and many other economic statistics were designed before the emergence of the digital economy and the growing importance of intangible capital. They do not yet fully capture the wide range of innovative activity that is observed in modern economies. This volume examines how to measure innovation, track its effects on economic activity and prices, and understand how it has changed the structure of production processes, labor markets, and organizational form and operation in business. The contributors explore new approaches to, and data sources for, measurement—such as collecting data for a particular innovation as opposed to a firm, and the use of trademarks for tracking innovation. They also consider the connections between university-based R&D and business startups, and the potential impacts of innovation on income distribution. The research suggests potential strategies for expanding current measurement frameworks to better capture innovative activity, such as more detailed tracking of global value chains to identify innovation across time and space, and expanding the measurement of the GDP impacts of innovation in fields such as consumer content delivery and cloud computing.
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Staggered Completion of the European Banking Union: Transposition Dates of the BRRD
Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, Eleonora Sfrappini, Lena Tonzer
IWH Technical Reports,
No. 1,
In May 2014, the European Commission published the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). The directive introduces rules on bank resolution and restructuring including a bailin tool. It constitutes the legal foundation underlying the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). Member countries of the European Union (EU) had to transpose this directive into national law by 31 December 2014 and implement the rules on resolution and restructuring of failing banks from 1 January 2015 onwards. However, many countries delayed the implementation. We assemble a dataset on national transposition dates of the BRRD across the EU-27 countries.
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Benchmarking New Zealand's Frontier Firms
Guanyu Zheng, Hoang Minh Duy, Gail Pacheco
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
New Zealand has experienced poor productivity performance over the last two decades. Factors often cited as reasons behind this are the small size of the domestic market and distance to international partners and markets. While the distance reason is one that is fairly insurmountable, there are a number of other small advanced economies that also face similar domestic market constraints. This study compares the relative performance of New Zealand’s firms to those economies using novel cross-country microdata from CompNet. We present stylised facts for New Zealand relative to the economies of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden based on average productivity levels, as well as benchmarking laggard, median and frontier firms. This research also employs an analytical framework of technology diffusion to evaluate the extent of productivity convergence, and the impact of the productivity frontier on non-frontier firm performance. Additionally, both labour and capital resource allocation are compared between New Zealand and the other small advanced economies. Results show that New Zealand’s firms have comparatively low productivity levels and that its frontier firms are not benefiting from the diffusion of best technologies outside the nation. Furthermore, there is evidence of labour misallocation in New Zealand based on less labour-productive firms having disproportionally larger employment shares than their more productive counterparts. Counter-factual analysis illustrates that improving both technology diffusion from abroad toward New Zealand’s frontier firms, and labour allocation across firms within New Zealand will see sizable productivity gains in New Zealand.
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Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital?
Reint E. Gropp, Thomas Mosk, Steven Ongena, Ines Simac, Carlo Wix
We study how higher capital requirements introduced at the supranational and implemented at the national level affect the regulatory capital of banks across countries. Using the 2011 EBA capital exercise as a quasi-natural experiment, we find that affected banks inflate their levels of regulatory capital without a commensurate increase in their book equity and without a reduction in bank risk. This observed regulatory capital inflation is more pronounced in countries where credit supply is expected to tighten. Our results suggest that national authorities forbear their domestic banks to meet supranational requirements, with a focus on short-term economic considerations.
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Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital
Reint E. Gropp, Thomas Mosk, Steven Ongena, Ines Simac, Carlo Wix
The implementation of supranational regulations at the national level often provides national authorities with substantial room to engage in discretion and forbearance. Using evidence from a supranational increase in bank capital requirements, this column shows that national authorities may assist banks' efforts to inflate their regulatory capital to pass such supranational requirements. While supranational rules should be binding in theory, national discretion may effectively undermine them in practice.
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Names and Behavior in a War
Štěpán Jurajda, Dejan Kovač
Journal of Population Economics,
No. 1,
We implement a novel empirical strategy for measuring and studying a strong form of nationalism—the willingness to fight and die in a war for national independence—using name choices corresponding to a previous war leader. Based on data on almost half a million soldiers, we first show that having been given a first name that is synonymous with the leader(s) of the Croatian state during World War II predicts volunteering for service in the 1991–1995 Croatian war of independence and dying during the conflict. Next, we use the universe of Croatian birth certificates and the information about nationalism conveyed by first names to suggests that in ex-Yugoslav Croatia, nationalism rose continuously starting in the 1970s and that its rise was curbed in areas where concentration camps were located during WWII. Our evidence on intergenerational transmission of nationalism is consistent with nationalist fathers purposefully reflecting the trade-off between within-family and society-wide transmission channels of political values. We also link the nationalist values we proxy using first name choices to right-wing voting behavior in 2015, 20 years after the war.
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What’s slowing down the European Banking Union?
Simon Grothe, Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, Lena Tonzer
LSE Business Review,
Differences in national bank regulation and supervision hamper the process; political factors play a minor role, write Simon Grothe, Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, and Lena Tonzer
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