From Labor to Intermediates: Firm Growth, Input Substitution, and Monopsony
Matthias Mertens, Benjamin Schoefer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 24,
We document and dissect a new stylized fact about firm growth: the shift from labor to intermediate inputs. This shift occurs in input quantities, cost and output shares, and output elasticities. We establish this fact using German firm-level data and replicate it in administrative firm data from 11 additional countries. We also document these patterns in micro-aggregated industry data for 20 European countries (and, with respect to industry cost shares, for the US). We rationalize this novel regularity within a parsimonious model featuring (i) an elasticity of substitution between intermediates and labor that exceeds unity, and (ii) an increasing shadow price of labor relative to intermediates, due to monopsony power over labor or labor adjustment costs. The shift from labor to intermediates accounts for one half to one third of the decline in the labor share in growing firms (the remainder is due to wage markdowns and markups) and rationalizes most of the labor share decline in growing industries.
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From Labor to Intermediates: Firm Growth, Input Substitution, and Monopsony
Matthias Mertens, Benjamin Schoefer
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
We document and dissect a new stylized fact about firm growth: the shift from labor to intermediate inputs. This shift occurs in input quantities, cost and output shares, and output elasticities. We establish this fact using German firm-level data and replicate it in administrative firm data from 11 additional countries. We also document these patterns in micro-aggregated industry data for 20 European countries (and, with respect to industry cost shares, for the US). We rationalize this novel regularity within a parsimonious model featuring (i) an elasticity of substitution between intermediates and labor that exceeds unity, and (ii) an increasing shadow price of labor relative to intermediates, due to monopsony power over labor or labor adjustment costs. The shift from labor to intermediates accounts for one half to one third of the decline in the labor share in growing firms (the remainder is due to wage markdowns and markups) and rationalizes most of the labor share decline in growing industries.
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International Trade Barriers and Regional Employment: The Case of a No-Deal Brexit
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Oliver Holtemöller
Journal of Economic Structures,
No. 11,
We use the World Input–Output Database (WIOD) combined with regional sectoral employment data to estimate the potential regional employment effects of international trade barriers. We study the case of a no-deal Brexit in which imports to the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) would be subject to tariffs and non-tariff trade costs. First, we derive the decline in UK final goods imports from the EU from industry-specific international trade elasticities, tariffs and non-tariff trade costs. Using input–output analysis, we estimate the potential output and employment effects for 56 industries and 43 countries on the national level. The absolute effects would be largest in big EU countries which have close trade relationships with the UK, such as Germany and France. However, there would also be large countries outside the EU which would be heavily affected via global value chains, such as China, for example. The relative effects (in percent of total employment) would be largest in Ireland followed by Belgium. In a second step, we split up the national effects on the NUTS-2 level for EU member states and additionally on the county (NUTS-3) level for Germany. The share of affected workers varies between 0.03% and 3.4% among European NUTS-2 regions and between 0.15% and 0.4% among German counties. A general result is that indirect effects via global value chains, i.e., trade in intermediate inputs, are more important than direct effects via final demand.
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Short-term Economic Effects of a "Brexit" on the German Economy
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Andrej Drygalla, Stefan Gebauer, Oliver Holtemöller, Martina Kämpfe, Axel Lindner, Claus Michelsen, Malte Rieth, Thore Schlaak
IWH Online,
No. 3,
Viele Fragen rund um den Brexit sind weiterhin offen. Es kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass sich Großbritannien und die Europäische Union nicht auf einen Austrittsvertrag einigen können. Dann könnte es zu einem sogenannten harten Brexit (No-Deal Brexit) kommen. Wir haben die kurzfristigen Effekte eines harten Brexit für die deutsche Wirtschaft untersucht. Effekte über den Handelskanal werden zunächst auf Basis einer Input-Output-Analyse der internationalen und sektoralen Verflechtungen auf 0,3% in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt geschätzt. Diese Größenordnung ergibt sich auch aus dem internationalen Konjunkturmodell des IWH, mit dem auch makroökonomische Rückwirkungen berücksichtigt werden. Mit einem harten Brexit entstünde neben den Handelsbarrieren ein erhebliches Verunsicherungspotenzial für Unternehmer und private Haushalte. Dies wirkt sich nachfrageseitig negativ auf die Investitionstätigkeit und den privaten Verbrauch aus. Für sich genommen belaufen sich diese Effekte auf 0,1% des Bruttoinlandsproduktes. Insgesamt könnte das deutsche Bruttoinlandsprodukt in den ein bis zwei Jahren nach einem harten Brexit um mehrere zehntel Prozentpunkte gedämpft werden. Am stärksten wäre wohl die Automobilbranche betroffen. Empfehlungen für diskretionäre konjunkturpolitische Maßnahmen, die auf die Dämpfung der kurzfristigen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte oder auf einzelne Wirtschaftszweige abzielen, lassen sich daraus nicht ableiten. Die automatischen Stabilisatoren sind angesichts der erwarteten Größenordnung der Effekte ausreichend.
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Motivating High‐impact Innovation: Evidence from Managerial Compensation Contracts
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Zenu Sharma, Maya Waisman
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments,
No. 3,
We investigate the relationship between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation and firm innovation and find that long‐term incentives in the form of options, especially unvested options, and protection from managerial termination in the form of golden parachutes are positively related to corporate innovation, and particularly to high‐impact, exploratory (new knowledge creation) invention. Conversely, non‐equity pay has a detrimental effect on the input, output and impact of innovation. Tests using the passage of an option expensing regulation (FAS 123R) as an exogenous shock to option compensation suggest a causal interpretation for the link between long‐term pay incentives, patents and citations. Furthermore, we find that the decline in option pay following the implementation of FAS 123R has led to a significant reduction in exploratory innovation and therefore had a detrimental effect on innovation output. Overall, our findings support the idea that compensation contracts that protect from early project failure and incentivize long‐term commitment are more suitable for inducing high‐impact corporate innovation.
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