Illusive Compliance and Elusive Risk-shifting after Macroprudential Tightening: Evidence from EU Banking
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth, Fabian Wöbbeking
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
We study whether and how EU banks comply with tighter macroprudential policy (MPP). Observing contractual details for more than one million securitized loans, we document an elusive risk-shifting response by EU banks in reaction to tighter loan-to-value (LTV) restrictions between 2009 and 2022. Our staggered difference-in-differences reveals that banks respond to these MPP measures at the portfolio level by issuing new loans after LTV shocks that are smaller, have shorter maturities, and show a higher collateral valuation while holding constant interest rates. Instead of contracting aggregate lending as intended by tighter MPP, banks increase the number and total volume of newly issued loans. Importantly, new loans finance especially properties in less liquid markets identified by a new European Real Estate Index (EREI), which we interpret as a novel, elusive form of risk-shifting.
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European Real Estate Index (EREI) 2025
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth, Fabian Wöbbeking
IWH Technical Reports,
No. 1,
This Technical Report documents the construction and coverage of the IWH European Real Estate Index (EREI). Since 2018, we have used machine-learning methods to collect monthly listings of residential real estate available for sale or rent in up to 20 European countries. The Technical Report documents the cleaning and selection process and describes the data regarding coverage, moments, and frequencies to construct the EREI.
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Banks’ foreign homes
Kirsten Schmidt, Lena Tonzer
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Papers,
No. 46,
Our results reveal that higher lending spreads between foreign and home markets redirect real estate backed lending towards foreign markets offering a higher interest rate, which provides evidence for "search for yield" behavior. This re-allocation is found especially for banks with more expertise on the foreign market due to a higher local activity and holds for commercial and residential real estate backed loans. Furthermore, "search for yield" behavior and a resulting increase in foreign real estate backed lending is found when macroprudential regulation is missing or misaligned between a bank’s country of residence and the destination country. When turning to the question of whether the detected search for yield behavior results in more risk, we find that especially better capitalized banks report higher forbearance ratios as they might face less stigma effects compared to low capitalized banks.
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Forecasting Natural Gas Prices in Real Time
Christiane Baumeister, Florian Huber, Thomas K. Lee, Francesco Ravazzolo
NBER Working Paper,
No. 33156,
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the forecastability of the real price of natural gas in the United States at the monthly frequency considering a universe of models that differ in their complexity and economic content. Our key finding is that considerable reductions in mean-squared prediction error relative to a random walk benchmark can be achieved in real time for forecast horizons of up to two years. A particularly promising model is a six-variable Bayesian vector autoregressive model that includes the fundamental determinants of the supply and demand for natural gas. To capture real-time data constraints of these and other predictor variables, we assemble a rich database of historical vintages from multiple sources. We also compare our model-based forecasts to readily available model-free forecasts provided by experts and futures markets. Given that no single forecasting method dominates all others, we explore the usefulness of pooling forecasts and find that combining forecasts from individual models selected in real time based on their most recent performance delivers the most accurate forecasts.
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A turning point for the German economy? The international political environment has fundamentally changed with looming trade wars and a deteriorating security situation in Europe.…
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