Cultural Norms and Corporate Fraud: Evidence from the Volkswagen Scandal
Iftekhar Hasan, Felix Noth, Lena Tonzer
We investigate whether cultural norms shaped by religion drive consumer decisions after a corporate scandal. We exploit the notice of violation by the US Environmental Protection Agency in September 2015 accusing Volkswagen (VW) of using software to manipulate car emission values during test phases. We show that new registrations of VW cars decline significantly in German counties with a high share of Protestants following the VW scandal. Our findings document that the enforcement culture in Protestantism facilitates penalising corporate fraud. We corroborate this channel with a survey documenting that Protestants respond significantly different to fraud but not to environmental issues.
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Cultural Resilience and Economic Recovery: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina
Iftekhar Hasan, Stefano Manfredonia, Felix Noth
This paper investigates the critical role of culture for economic recovery after natural disasters. Using Hurricane Katrina as our laboratory, we find a significant adverse treatment effect for plant-level productivity. However, local religious adherence and larger shares of ancestors with disaster experiences mutually mitigate this detrimental effect from the disaster. Religious adherence further dampens anxiety after Hurricane Katrina, which potentially spur economic recovery. We also detect this effect on the aggregate county level. More religious counties recover faster in terms of population, new establishments, and GDP.
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Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness Against Your Customers: Cultural Norms and the Volkswagen Scandal
Iftekhar Hasan, Felix Noth, Lena Tonzer
This paper investigates whether cultural norms shaped by religion drive consumer decisions after a corporate scandal. We exploit the unexpected notice of violation by the US Environmental Protection Agency in September 2015, accusing the car producer Volkswagen (VW) to have used software to manipulate car emission values during test phases. Using a difference-in-difference model, we show that new registrations of VW (diesel) cars decline significantly in German counties with a high share of Protestants following the VW scandal. Our results suggest that the enforcement culture rooted in Protestantism affects consumer decisions and penalises corporate fraud.
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‘And Forgive Us Our Debts’: Do Christian Moralities Influence Over-indebtedness of Individuals?
Iftekhar Hasan, Konstantin Kiesel, Felix Noth
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
This paper analyses whether Christian moralities and rules formed differently by Catholics and Protestants impact the likelihood of households to become overindebted. We find that over-indebtedness is lower in regions in which Catholics outweigh Protestants, indicating that Catholics‘ forgiveness culture and a stricter enforcement of rules by Protestants serve as explanations for our results. Our results provide evidence that religion affects the financial situations of individuals and show that even 500 years after the split between Catholics and Protestants, the differences in the mind-sets of both denominations play an important role for situations of severe financial conditions.
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Im Fokus: Bevölkerungsentwicklung der ostdeutschen Städte seit 1990 – Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit?
Albrecht Kauffmann
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Die Einwohnerzahl und ihre Entwicklung im Zeitverlauf sind zwei der wichtigsten Indikatoren für die Beurteilung der Perspektiven einer Stadt bzw. für die Wahl kommunalpolitischer Strategien. Auch für Investitions- und Standortentscheidungen von Unternehmen sind dies relevante Größen. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand einer Analyse für die 132 größten Städte Ostdeutschlands, dass die von der amtlichen Statistik veröffentlichten Bevölkerungszahlen, die periodisch auf der Grundlage von Fortschreibungen und Volkszählungen zum jeweiligen Gebietsstand ermittelt werden, die demographische Entwicklung der Städte nur bedingt widerspiegeln, da der Einfluss von Gebietsänderungen nicht ohne Weiteres erkennbar ist. Für einen aussagefähigen Städtevergleich ist es unabdingbar, territoriale Veränderungen z. B. infolge von Gemeindegebietsreformen zu berücksichtigen. Dies kann zu einer veränderten Sichtweise beim Vergleich der Entwicklung von Städten führen.
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