Taking the Leap: The Determinants of Entrepreneurs Hiring Their First Employee
Robert W. Fairlie, Javier Miranda
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
Nr. 1,
Job creation is one of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship, but we know relatively little about the hiring patterns and decisions of start‐ups. Longitudinal data from the Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (iLBD), Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS), and the Growing America through Entrepreneurship (GATE) experiment are used to provide some of the first evidence in the literature on the determinants of taking the leap from a nonemployer to employer firm among start‐ups. Several interesting patterns emerge regarding the dynamics of nonemployer start‐ups hiring their first employee. Hiring rates among the universe of nonemployer start‐ups are very low, but increase when the population of nonemployers is focused on more growth‐oriented businesses such as incorporated and employer identification number businesses. If nonemployer start‐ups hire, the bulk of hiring occurs in the first few years of existence. After this point in time, relatively few nonemployer start‐ups hire an employee. Focusing on more growth‐ and employment‐oriented start‐ups in the KFS, we find that Asian‐owned and Hispanic‐owned start‐ups have higher rates of hiring their first employee than white‐owned start‐ups. Female‐owned start‐ups are roughly 10 percentage points less likely to hire their first employee by the first, second, and seventh years after start‐up. The education level of the owner, however, is not found to be associated with the probability of hiring an employee. Among business characteristics, we find evidence that business assets and intellectual property are associated with hiring the first employee. Using data from the largest random experiment providing entrepreneurship training in the United States ever conducted, we do not find evidence that entrepreneurship training increases the likelihood that nonemployers hire their first employee.
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Bank Risk Proxies and the Crisis of 2007/09: A Comparison
Felix Noth, Lena Tonzer
Applied Economics Letters,
Nr. 7,
The global financial crisis has again shown that it is important to understand the emergence and measurement of risks in the banking sector. However, there is no consensus in the literature which risk proxy works best at the level of the individual bank. A commonly used measure in applied work is the Z-score, which might suffer from calculation issues given poor data quality. Motivated by the variety of bank risk proxies, our analysis reveals that nonperforming assets are a well-suited complement to the Z-score in studies of bank risk.
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12.01.2017 • 6/2017
Aufmacher hui – Qualität pfui Fehlerhafte Darstellung der Qualität der IWH-Prognosen im Handelsblatt
In der Ausgabe vom 09.01.2017 schreibt das Handelsblatt (Norbert Häring: „Neues Jahr, neues Glück“), dass die Konjunkturprognosen der Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute kaum besser seien als eine bloße Fortschreibung der Vorjahreswerte (naive Prognose). Beispielhaft wird eine Graphik („Wachstum hui, Inflation pfui“) zur Prognose der Inflationsrate gezeigt, in der das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) besonders schlecht abschneidet. Oliver Holtemöller, Vizepräsident des IWH und verantwortlich für die IWH-Konjunkturprognosen, stellt hierzu klar: „Die Darstellung des Handelsblatts zur Güte der IWH-Inflationsprognose ist falsch. Der Fehler ist auf handwerkliche Mängel in der wissenschaftlichen Studie zurückzuführen, auf die sich das Handelsblatt beruft.“ Tatsächlich können die Institute die Inflation (und andere wichtige Indikatoren) genauer vorhersagen als eine naive Prognose.
Oliver Holtemöller
Urban Agglomeration and CEO Compensation
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Kose John, Maya Waisman
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
Nr. 6,
We examine the relation between the agglomeration of firms around big cities and chief executive officer (CEO) compensation. We find a positive relation among the metropolitan size of a firm’s headquarters, the total and equity portion of its CEO’s pay, and the quality of CEO educational attainment. We also find that CEOs gradually increase their human capital in major metropolitan areas and are rewarded for this upon relocation to smaller cities. Taken together, the results suggest that urban agglomeration reflects local network spillovers and faster learning of skilled individuals, for which firms are willing to pay a premium and which are therefore important factors in CEO compensation.
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14.12.2016 • 50/2016
Konjunktur aktuell: Deutsche Wirtschaft weiter von Konsum und Bau beflügelt
Die deutsche Konjunktur bleibt aufgrund der starken Binnennachfrage recht kräftig. Im Jahr 2017 wird die Zuwachsrate des Bruttoinlandsprodukts nach der neuen IWH-Prognose 1,3% betragen. Sie fällt damit etwa einen halben Prozentpunkt geringer aus als im Jahr 2016. „Dies liegt an einer geringeren Anzahl an Arbeitstagen und an einem negativen Wachstumsbeitrag des Außenhandels“, so Oliver Holtemöller, Leiter der Abteilung Makroökonomik und Vizepräsident des IWH. Die Verbraucherpreisinflation bleibt mit 1,3% mäßig. Die Arbeitslosigkeit nimmt wohl etwas zu – dazu trägt bei, dass die Integration Geflüchteter in den Arbeitsmarkt langwierig ist.
Oliver Holtemöller
Mapping Potentials for Input-Output Based Innovation Flows in Industrial Clusters – An Application to Germany
Matthias Brachert, Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Mirko Titze
Economic Systems Research,
Nr. 4,
Our paper pursues two aims: first, it presents an approach based on input–output innovation flow matrices to study intersectoral innovation flows within industrial clusters. Second, we apply this approach to the identification of structural weaknesses in East Germany relative to the western part of the country. The case of East Germany forms an interesting subject because while its convergence process after unification began promisingly in the first half of the 1990s, convergence has since slowed down. The existing gap can now be traced mainly to structural weaknesses in the East German economy, such as the absence of strong industrial cluster structures. With this in mind, we investigate whether East Germany does in fact reveal the abovementioned structural weaknesses. Does East Germany possess fewer industrial clusters? Are they less connected? Does East Germany lack specific clusters that are also important for the non-clustered part of the economy?
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The European Refugee Crisis and the Natural Rate of Output
Katja Heinisch, Klaus Wohlrabe
The European Commission follows a harmonized approach for calculating structural (potential) output for EU member states that takes into account labor as an important ingredient. This paper shows how the recent huge migrants inflow to Europe affects trend output. Due to the fact that the immigrants immediately increase the working population but effectively do not enter the labor market, we illustrate that the potential output is potentially upward biased without any corrections. Taking Germany as an example, we find that the average medium-term potential growth rate is lower if the migration flow is modeled adequately compared to results based on the unadjusted European Commission procedure.
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Global Food Prices and Monetary Policy in an Emerging Market Economy: The Case of India
Oliver Holtemöller, Sushanta Mallick
Journal of Asian Economics,
This paper investigates a perception in the political debates as to what extent poor countries are affected by price movements in the global commodity markets. To test this perception, we use the case of India to establish in a standard SVAR model that global food prices influence aggregate prices and food prices in India. To further analyze these empirical results, we specify a small open economy New-Keynesian model including oil and food prices and estimate it using observed data over the period 1996Q2 to 2013Q2 by applying Bayesian estimation techniques. The results suggest that a big part of the variation in inflation in India is due to cost-push shocks and, mainly during the years 2008 and 2010, also to global food price shocks, after having controlled for exogenous rainfall shocks. We conclude that the inflationary supply shocks (cost-push, oil price, domestic food price and global food price shocks) are important contributors to inflation in India. Since the monetary authority responds to these supply shocks with a higher interest rate which tends to slow growth, this raises concerns about how such output losses can be prevented by reducing exposure to commodity price shocks.
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29.09.2016 • 40/2016
Gemeinschaftsdiagnose im Herbst 2016: Deutsche Wirtschaft gut ausgelastet – Wirtschaftspolitik neu ausrichten
Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich in einem moderaten Aufschwung, der von einem stabilen Arbeitsmarkt und kräftigen Konsum gestützt wird. Davon gehen die an der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose beteiligten Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute aus. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt wird demnach im nächsten Jahr um 1,4 Prozent und im Jahr 2018 um 1,6 Prozent wachsen. Für das laufende Jahr wird ein Wachstum von 1,9 Prozent erwartet, so die von der Bundesregierung in Auftrag gegebene Gemeinschaftsdiagnose. Im Frühjahr gingen die Institute noch von einem Wachstum von 1,6 Prozent für dieses und 1,5 Prozent für nächstes Jahr aus.
Konjunktur aktuell: Konjunktur in Deutschland bleibt trotz sinkender Stimmung robust
Konjunktur aktuell,
Nr. 3,
In Deutschland sind die Konjunkturaussichten weiter recht günstig. Stimmungsindikatoren deuten zwar auf ein etwas schwächeres Jahresende hin, die Binnenkonjunktur ist aber weiter aufwärtsgerichtet. Das deutsche Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2016 insgesamt um 1,9% zulegen. Für das Jahr 2017 wird dann mit 1,2% eine niedrigere jahresdurchschnittliche Wachstumsrate erwartet. Maßgeblich dafür sind vor allem schwächere Exporte und stärkere Importe. Die Arbeitslosigkeit dürfte im Zuge der Integration von Geflüchteten in den Arbeitsmarkt etwas steigen. Die Verbraucherpreisinflation bleibt weiterhin moderat. Die öffentlichen Haushalte werden wohl im Jahr 2016 ebenso wie im Jahr 2017 – auch in konjunkturbereinigter Rechnung – Überschüsse erwirtschaften.
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