R&D Tax Credits and the Acquisition of Startups
William McShane, Merih Sevilir
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 15,
We propose a novel mechanism through which established firms contribute to the startup ecosystem: the allocation of R&D tax credits to startups via the M&A channel. We show that when established firms become eligible for R&D tax credits, they increase their R&D and M&A activity. In particular, they acquire more venture capital (VC)-backed startups, but not non-VC-backed firms. Moreover, the impact of R&D tax credits on firms’ R&D is increasing with their acquisition of VC-backed startups. The results suggest that established firms respond to R&D tax credits by acquiring startups rather than solely focusing on increasing their R&D intensity in-house. We also highlight evidence that startups do not appear to benefit from R&D tax credits directly, perhaps because they typically lack the taxable income necessary to directly benefit from the tax credits. In this context, established firms can play an intermediary role by acquiring startups and reallocating R&D tax credits, effectively relaxing the financial constraints faced by startups.
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13.04.2022 • 8/2022
Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Frühjahr 2022: Von der Pandemie zur Energiekrise – Wirtschaft und Politik im Dauerstress
Die deutsche Wirtschaft steuert durch schwieriges Fahrwasser und durchläuft die höchsten Inflationsraten seit Jahrzehnten. In ihrem Frühjahrsgutachten revidieren die führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute ihren Ausblick für dieses Jahr deutlich nach unten. Die Erholung von der Corona-Krise wird infolge des Kriegs in der Ukraine gedämpft, behält aber die Oberhand. Die Institute erwarten für 2022 und 2023 eine Zunahme des Bruttoinlandsprodukts um 2,7% bzw. 3,1%. Bei einer sofortigen Unterbrechung der russischen Gaslieferungen stünden hierzulande in beiden Jahren insgesamt 220 Mrd. Euro an Wirtschaftsleistung im Feuer.
Oliver Holtemöller
06.05.2021 • 13/2021
IWH-Insolvenztrend: Trendanstieg bei Insolvenzen gestoppt; Insolvenzwelle auch nach Rückkehr zur Antragspflicht unwahrscheinlich
Nach Zuwächsen in den Vormonaten ist die Anzahl der Unternehmensinsolvenzen im April deutlich gesunken. Die Zahl der betroffenen Jobs verharrt auf moderatem Niveau. Auch der jüngste, weitgehend unbemerkt gebliebene starke Anstieg bei den Kleinstinsolvenzen hat sich im April nicht fortgesetzt. Das IWH liefert mit dem IWH-Insolvenztrend ein monatliches Update zum bundesweiten Insolvenzgeschehen.
Steffen Müller
Is Social Capital Associated with Corporate Innovation? Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in the U.S.
Iftekhar Hasan, Chun-Keung (Stan) Hoi, Qiang Wu, Hao Zhang
Journal of Corporate Finance,
We find that social capital in U.S. counties, as captured by strength of social norms and density of social networks, is positively associated with innovation of firms headquartered in the county, as captured by patents and citations. This relation is robust in fixed-effect regressions, instrumental variable regressions with a Bartik instrument, propensity score matching regressions, and a difference-in-differences design that isolates the effects of over time variations in social capital due to corporate headquarter relocations. Strength of social norms plays a more dominant role than density of social networks in producing these empirical regularities. Cross-sectional evidence indicates the prominence of the contracting channel through which social capital relates to innovation. Additionally, we find that social capital is also positively associated with trademarks and effectiveness of corporate R&D expenditures.
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Total Factor Productivity and the Terms of Trade
Jan Teresinski
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
Nr. 6,
In this paper we analyse how the terms of trade (TOT) – the ratio of export prices to import prices – affect total factor productivity (TFP). We provide empirical macroeconomic evidence for the European Union countries based on the times series SVAR analysis and microeconomic evidence based on industry level data from the Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet) database which shows that the terms of trade improvements are associated with a slowdown in the total factor productivity growth. Next, we build a theoretical model which combines open economy framework with the endogenous growth theory. In the model the terms of trade improvements increase demand for labour employed in exportable goods production at the expense of technology production (research and development – R&D) which leads to a shift of resources from knowledge development towards physical exportable goods. This reallocation has a negative impact on the TFP growth. Under a plausible calibration the model is able to replicate the observed empirical pattern.
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Structural Stability of the Research & Development Sector in European Economies Despite the Economic Crisis
Jutta Günther, Maria Kristalova, Udo Ludwig
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Nr. 5,
When an external shock such as the economic crisis in 2008/2009 occurs, the interconnectedness of sectors can be affected. This paper investigates whether the R&D sector experienced changes in its sectoral integration through the recession. Based on an input-output analysis, it can be shown that the linkages of the R&D sector with other sectors remain stable. In some countries, the inter-sectoral integration becomes even stronger. Policy makers can be encouraged to use public R&D spending as a means of fiscal policy against an economic crisis.
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02.10.2019 • 20/2019
Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2019: Konjunktur kühlt weiter ab – Industrie in der Rezession
Berlin, 2. Oktober 2019 – Die führenden deutschen Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute haben ihre Konjunkturprognose für Deutschland deutlich nach unten korrigiert. Waren sie im Frühjahr noch von einer Zunahme des Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 0,8% im Jahr 2019 ausgegangen, erwarten sie nun nur noch 0,5%. Gründe für die schwache Entwicklung sind die nachlassende weltweite Nachfrage nach Investitionsgütern, auf deren Export die deutsche Wirtschaft spezialisiert ist, politische Unsicherheit und strukturelle Veränderungen in der Automobilindustrie. Die Finanzpolitik stützt hingegen die gesamtwirtschaftliche Expansion. Für das kommende Jahr senken die Konjunkturforscher ebenfalls ihre Prognose auf 1,1% nach noch 1,8% im Frühjahr.
Oliver Holtemöller
19.09.2019 • 19/2019
Spätfolgen der Treuhand: Preisgekrönter US-Ökonom startet Forschungsprojekt am IWH
Es ist eine der wichtigsten Auszeichnungen des deutschen Wissenschaftsbetriebs: Der mit 1,5 Millionen Euro dotierte Max-Planck-Humboldt-Forschungspreis geht in diesem Jahr an den Volkswirt Ufuk Akcigit von der Universität Chicago. Am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) will Akcigit mit innovativen Methoden untersuchen, warum die Wirtschaft in Ostdeutschland bis heute hinter der westdeutschen zurückbleibt – und welche Rolle die Treuhandanstalt dabei spielt.
Reint E. Gropp
Innovation, Reallocation, and Growth
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, Nicholas Bloom, William R. Kerr
American Economic Review,
Nr. 11,
We build a model of firm-level innovation, productivity growth, and reallocation featuring endogenous entry and exit. A new and central economic force is the selection between high- and low-type firms, which differ in terms of their innovative capacity. We estimate the parameters of the model using US Census microdata on firm-level output, R&D, and patenting. The model provides a good fit to the dynamics of firm entry and exit, output, and R&D. Taxing the continued operation of incumbents can lead to sizable gains (of the order of 1.4 percent improvement in welfare) by encouraging exit of less productive firms and freeing up skilled labor to be used for R&D by high-type incumbents. Subsidies to the R&D of incumbents do not achieve this objective because they encourage the survival and expansion of low-type firms.
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Benchmark Value-added Chains and Regional Clusters in R&D-intensive Industries
Reinhold Kosfeld, Mirko Titze
International Regional Science Review,
Nr. 5,
Although the phase of euphoria seems to be over, policy makers and regional agencies have maintained their interest in cluster policy. Modern cluster theory provides reasons for positive external effects that may accrue from interaction in a group of proximate enterprises operating in common and related fields. Although there has been some progress in locating clusters, in most cases only limited knowledge on the geographical extent of regional clusters has been established. In the present article, we present a hybrid approach to cluster identification. Dominant buyer–supplier relationships are derived by qualitative input–output analysis from national input–output tables, and potential regional clusters are identified by spatial scanning. This procedure is employed to identify clusters of German research and development-intensive industries. A sensitivity analysis reveals good robustness properties of the hybrid approach with respect to variations in the quantitative cluster composition.
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