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IWH in Halle gründet europäisches Zentrum für MikrodatenforschungReint GroppDeutschlandfunk, 9. Januar 2025
A conference jointly organised by the ESADE Business School, the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Banking Association (EBA), the Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet) and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
Focusing on both micro and aggregate U.S. data, we document the existence of a significant link between aggregate uncertainty, capital market valuations and reallocation of resources away from risky R&D-intensive capital.
This paper finds that worsened bilateral political relations between the US and foreign host countries harm the innovation of US multinational firms that conduct offshore R&D.
The 13th CompNet conference will gather frontier researchers with top notch policy advises on competitiveness.
An active debate has centered on the importance of manufacturing for driving innovation in the U.S. economy. This paper offers an alternative framework that focuses on the role of suppliers of goods and services (the “supply chain economy”) in national performance.
Using a unique setting in Antebellum America, this paper provides new evidence on how access to finance impacts technological innovation.
Does regulation affect the pace and nature of innovation and if so, by how much? We build a tractable and quantifiable endogenous growth model with size-contingent regulations.