IWH-Flash-Indikator I. Quartal und II. Quartal 2022
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
Nr. 1,
Nach der wirtschaftlichen Erholung im Sommerhalbjahr kam es im vierten Quartal 2021 wieder zu einem kräftigen Rückschlag. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt sank um 0,7%, nachdem es im Vorquartal trotz der Probleme durch Lieferengpässe noch um 1,7% zugelegt hatte. Der Aufschwung wird wohl auch im ersten Quartal 2022 gedämpft sein, da die Infektionszahlen in Deutschland anders als in einigen anderen europäischen Ländern derzeit kräftig steigen und noch starke Pandemierestriktionen gelten. Auch die anhaltend kräftige Inflation dürfte Bremsspuren bei den wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten hinterlassen. Insgesamt wird die Wirtschaft in Deutschland laut IWH-Flash-Indikator im ersten Quartal 2022 um 0,7% zurückgehen und im zweiten Quartal 2022 um 2,0% zulegen (vgl. Abbildung 1).
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Why are East Germans not More Mobile? Analyzing the Impact of Social Ties on Regional Migration
Peter Bönisch, Lutz Schneider
Individuals’ preferences in transition regions are still shaped by the former communist system. We test this ‘Communism legacy’ hypothesis by examining the impact of acculturation in a communist regime on social network participation and, as a consequence, on preferences for spatial mobility. We focus on the paradigmatic case of East Germany where mobility intentions seem to be substantially weaker than in the western part. Applying an IV ordered probit approach we firstly find that East German people acculturated in a Communist system are more invested in locally bounded informal social capital than West Germans. Secondly, we confirm that membership in such locally bounded social networks reduces the intention to move away. Thirdly, after controlling for the social network effect the mobility gap between East and West substantially reduces. Low spatial mobility of the eastern population, we conclude, is to an important part attributable to a social capital endowment characteristic to post-communist economies.
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Kommentar: Weniger Krisenmodus und wieder mehr Wettbewerb, bitte!
Steffen Müller
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 4,
Ende November kam die frohe Kunde aus Nürnberg: Die Arbeitslosenzahlen sind weiter gesunken, sogar den zehnten Monat in Folge. Was auf der einen Seite erfreulich ist, zeigt auf der anderen Seite, dass Arbeitskräftemangel eines der größten Probleme der deutschen Wirtschaft ist.
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IWH-Flash-Indikator I. Quartal und II. Quartal 2021
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
Nr. 1,
Seit November 2020 befindet sich Deutschland im Lockdown. Dadurch konnte sich der Erholungskurs der deutschen Wirtschaft im vierten Quartal nicht weiter fortsetzen, und das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) stagnierte mit 0,1% nahezu. Durch die Mitte Dezember weiter verschärften Eindämmungsmaßnahmen wird die wirtschaftliche Aktivität in vielen Branchen im laufenden Quartal erschwert oder gänzlich verhindert. Auch ein weiteres Sinken der Anzahl der Covid-19-Infizierten dürfte daran so schnell nichts ändern, da die Furcht vor hochinfektiösen Corona-Mutationen groß ist. Ebenfalls versprechen die mittlerweile zugelassenen Impfstoffe gegen Covid-19-Erkrankungen keine kurzfristige Verbesserung der Situation, da sie wohl frühestens in einigen Monaten für die breite Masse der Bevölkerung verfügbar sein werden. Aufgrund der robusten Nachfrage aus dem Ausland dürfte die Wirtschaftsleistung laut IWH-Flash-Indikator jedoch im ersten Quartal 2021 nur um 0,7% zurückgehen und im zweiten Quartal, wenn die Corona-Eindämmungsmaßnahmen langsam zurückgeführt werden sollten, um 1,5% steigen. (vgl. Abbildung 1).
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Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany
Nicole Gürtzgen, André Diegmann, Laura Pohlan, Gerard J. van den Berg
This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on high-speed (broadband) internet availability at the local level with German individual register data. We address endogeneity by exploiting technological peculiarities that affected the roll-out of high-speed internet. The results show that high-speed internet improves reemployment rates after the first months in unemployment. This is confirmed by complementary analyses with individual survey data suggesting that internet access increases online job search and the number of job interviews after a few months in unemployment.
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Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany
Nicole Gürtzgen, André Diegmann, Laura Pohlan, Gerard J. van den Berg
European Economic Review,
This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on broadband internet availability at the local level with German individual register data. We address endogeneity by exploiting technological peculiarities that affected the roll-out of broadband internet. Results show that broadband internet improves reemployment rates after the first months in unemployment for males. Complementary analyses with survey data suggest that internet access mainly changes male job seekers’ search behavior by increasing online search and the number of job applications.
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Inflation Puzzles, the Phillips Curve and Output Expectations: New Perspectives from the Euro Zone
Alessandro Sardone, Roberto Tamborini, Giuliana Passamani
Confidence in the Phillips Curve (PC) as predictor of inflation developments along the business cycle has been shaken by recent “inflation puzzles” in advanced countries, such as the “missing disinflation” in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the “missing inflation” in the years of recovery, to which the Euro-Zone “excess deflation” during the post-crisis depression may be added. This paper proposes a newly specified Phillips Curve model, in which expected inflation, instead of being treated as an exogenous explanatory variable of actual inflation, is endogenized. The idea is simply that if the PC is used to foresee inflation, then its expectational component should in some way be the result of agents using the PC itself. As a consequence, the truly independent explanatory variables of inflation turn out to be the output gaps and the related forecast errors by agents, with notable empirical consequences. The model is tested with the Euro-Zone data 1999–2019 showing that it may provide a consistent explanation of the “inflation puzzles” by disentangling the structural component from the expectational effects of the PC.
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Gender, Credit, and Firm Outcomes
Manthos D. Delis, Iftekhar Hasan, Maria Iosifidi, Steven Ongena
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
Nr. 1,
Small and micro enterprises are usually majority-owned by entrepreneurs. Using a unique sample of loan applications from such firms, we study the role of owners’ gender in bank credit decisions and post-credit-decision firm outcomes. We find that, ceteris paribus, female entrepreneurs are more prudent loan applicants than are males, since they are less likely to apply for credit or to default after loan origination. The relatively more aggressive behavior of male applicants pays off, however, in terms of higher average firm performance after loan origination.
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The Real Effects of Universal Banking: Does Access to the Public Debt Market Matter?
Stefano Colonnello
Journal of Financial Services Research,
I analyze the impact of the formation of universal banks on corporate investment by looking at the gradual dismantling of the Glass-Steagall Act’s separation between commercial and investment banking. Using a sample of US firms and their relationship banks, I show that firms curtail debt issuance and investment after positive shocks to the underwriting capacity of their main bank. This result is driven by unrated firms and is strongest immediately after a shock. These findings suggest that universal banks may pay more attention to large firms providing more underwriting opportunities while exacerbating financial constraints of opaque firms, in line with a shift to a banking model based on transactional lending.
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