Political Ideology and International Capital Allocation
Elisabeth Kempf, Mancy Luo, Larissa Schäfer, Margarita Tsoutsoura
Journal of Financial Economics,
Nr. 2,
Does investors’ political ideology shape international capital allocation? We provide evidence from two settings—syndicated corporate loans and equity mutual funds—to show ideological alignment with foreign governments affects the cross-border capital allocation by U.S. institutional investors. Ideological alignment on both economic and social issues plays a role. Our empirical strategy ensures direct economic effects of foreign elections or government ties between countries are not driving the result. Ideological distance between countries also explains variation in bilateral investment. Combined, our findings imply ideological alignment is an important, omitted factor in models of international capital allocation.
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On the Effect of Business and Economic University Education on Political Ideology: An Empirical Note
Manthos D. Delis, Iftekhar Hasan, Maria Iosifidi
Journal of Business Ethics,
We empirically test the hypothesis that a major in economics, management, business administration or accounting (for simplicity referred to as Business/Economics) leads to more-conservative (right-wing) political views. We use a panel dataset of individuals (repeated observations for the same individuals over time) living in the Netherlands, drawing data from the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences from 2008 through 2013. Our results show that when using a simple fixed effects model, which fully controls for individuals’ time-invariant traits, any statistically and quantitatively significant effect of a major in Business/Economics on the Political Ideology of these individuals disappears. We posit that, at least in our sample, there is no evidence for a causal effect of a major in Business/Economics on individuals’ Political Ideology.
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06.07.2017 • 28/2017
Politiker sind mitverantwortlich für Ausfallrisiko ihres Staates
Investoren gehen von höheren Ausfallrisiken aus, wenn ein Land politisch instabil ist oder von einer Partei regiert wird, die am linken bzw. rechten Rand des Parteienspektrums angesiedelt ist. Je demokratischer aber der Staat und je stärker er in die Weltwirtschaft eingebunden ist, desto geringer ist auch der Einfluss dieser politischen Faktoren, fand Stefan Eichler vom Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (IWH) heraus.
Stefan Eichler