MÄR 2024

14:00 - 15:30

WILL BE POSTPONED: Interest Rate Rises Hit Vulnerabilities – How Stable is the German Financial System?

Presentation of Bundesbank's Financial Stability Review 2023

Manuel Buchholz, Moritz Stieglitz (Deutsche Bundesbank)
IWH, conference room

With the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, two severe shocks hit the world economy. As a result, the macroeconomic environment has changed fundamentally: Interest rates have risen sharply in response to high inflation. The rise in interest rates poses challenges to the German financial system, as numerous vulnerabilities had built up in the years of low interest rates. At the same time, the real economy and the financial system are undergoing a profound structural change, for example through the decarbonisation and digitalisation of the economy.

What does all this mean for the stability of the German financial system? Is it resilient enough to deal with the challenges and fulfill its key macroeconomic role, especially in structural change?

Manuel Buchholz and Moritz Stieglitz (both Directorate General Financial Stability at Deutsche Bundesbank and former employees at Halle Institute for Economic Research ‒ IWH) will shed light on these and other questions in their presentation of the latest Financial Stability Review.

Please register by 1 March 2024 at No participation fees will be charged.

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Photos and/or films will be taken during the event for public relations purposes. By participating, you agree to the use of your image in the media.

Ihr Kontakt

Annette Graham
Annette Graham

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