OCT 2018

OCT 2018
Workshops and conferences

Compnet-EBRD Workshop on Localisation and Productivity

The aim of this workshop is to dig deeper into localisation economies and associated productivity gains. The increasing availability of new cross-border databases at the firm level and of micro-level databases at the firm and individual levels creates the opportunity to analyse localisation economies in novel settings.

Keynote Speaker: Beata Javorcik  (University of Oxford)
EBRD, One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN
Keynote Speaker: Beata Javorcik

Personal details

Beata Javorcik is an international trade economist interested mainly in empirical work on policy-relevant questions. Her research programme focuses on identifying the policies through which developing countries can use international integration to facilitate their economic growth.

Whom to contact

Dr Viktor Slavtchev
Dr Viktor Slavtchev

If you have any further questions please contact me.

Request per E-Mail
Dr Peter Haug
Dr Peter Haug

If you have any further questions please contact me.

+49 345 7753-709 Request per E-Mail
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