SEP 2020

09:00 - 17:00
Workshops and conferences

Online Event instead of 9th CompNet Annual Conference 2020

The Full-fledged Conference has been postponed to 18-19 February 2021 (tbc). A short online event will take place on 22 September. It will include a keynote speech by Marc Melitz where he will present the special chapter he co-authored in the CompNet Firm Productivity Report and a policy panel tentatively titled "How Covid-19 is reshaping international trade and capital flows" with Philip Lane (ECB), Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti (IMF), Caroline Freund (WB) and Beata Javorcik (EBRD).

Keynote Speaker: Marc Melitz  (Harvard University)
Keynote Speaker: Marc Melitz

Personal details

Marc Melitz is the David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University.

Whom to contact

Dr Peter Haug
Dr Peter Haug

If you have any further questions please contact me.

+49 345 7753-709 Request per E-Mail
Dr Matthias Mertens
Dr Matthias Mertens

If you have any further questions please contact me.

Request per E-Mail
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