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Can Germany’s economy stage an unexpected recovery?Steffen MüllerThe Economist, January 30, 2025
The recent surge in inflation led many unions and firms to alter their bargaining and wage-setting policies. Using novel German firm-level survey data, we document the extent of state dependence in wage setting across firms and workers during periods of high and low inflation.
So geht Forschen!
The Center for Advanced Studies on the Foundations of Law and Finance (LawFin), the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), the Humboldt University Berlin, the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) jointly organize the interdisciplinary workshop Financial Regulation - Going Green 2025.
Auch wenn die derzeitige Rezession die Zahl der offenen Stellen sinken und die Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland ansteigen lässt, stellt der demographisch bedingte Rückgang der Erwerbsbevölkerung und die sich daraus ergebende Knappheit an Arbeitskräften die zentrale Herausforderung am Arbeitsmarkt für die kommenden Jahre dar.