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Can Germany’s economy stage an unexpected recovery?Steffen MüllerThe Economist, January 30, 2025
We show that in the overlapping generations model, global financial integration may lead to higher levels of public debt by externalizing its crowding-out effect.
This study examines dynamics of solo self-employment. In particular, we investigate the extent of true state dependence and cross state dependence, i.e., whether experiencing solo self-employment causally affects the probability of becoming an employer in the future.
Existing empirical studies on the effect of monetary policy on bank lending almost exclusively focus on a closed economy setting and ignore the interactions between domestic monetary policy and international financial markets.
Als Eröffnungsredner erörterte Christian Lindner unter dem Titel: 'Mehr Unternehmertum in Deutschland - was die Politik tun sollte' die wirtschaftspolitische Dimension des Tagungsthemas.
Podiumsdiskussion in Kooperation mit der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina Die Bevölkerung in Deutschland wird in den kommenden Jahrzehnten aller Voraussicht nach weniger und älter werden. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Zahl derjenigen zu, die als Einwanderer und Einwanderinnen oder Asylsuchende nach Deutschland kommen.
The latest global survey on relative prices and income levels, for the year 2011, showed changes to relative income levels that were larger in lower-income countries, thereby narrowing the world income distribution compared to estimates based on the 2005 survey.
The Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth - established in 2006 - aims at bringing together original economic and interdisciplinary papers that cast some light on new developments in theoretical and empirical research on economic growth and development in urban environments.
This paper develops a dynamic evaluation approach in discrete time to estimate the impact of training programs for the unemployed on employment transitions.
This paper studies the effects of a series of reforms of the public pension system in Austria in 2000 and 2004.
The Department of Structural Change and Productivity at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) - Member of the Leibniz Association is hosting a workshop on Entrepreneurship and the Labour Market to be held in Halle (Saale) on April 22-23, 2016.