Anna Solms

Anna Solms
Current Position

since 6/22

Economist in the Department of Macroeconomics

Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association

Research Interests

  • dynamic macroeconomics
  • environmental economics

Anna Solms joined the Department of Macroeconomics as a doctoral student in June 2022. Her research focuses on dynamic macroeconomics. In particular, she explores potential impacts of environmental influences on the economy.

Anna Solms received her bachelor's degree from University of Bonn and her master's degree from Leipzig University. She also spent a semester at University of Luxembourg and at Keio University in Tokyo.

Your contact

Anna Solms
Anna Solms
- Department Macroeconomics
Send Message +49 345 7753-804



Business Cycle Characteristics of Mediterranean Economies: a Secular Trend and Cycle Dynamics Perspective

Anna Solms Bernd Süssmuth

in: International Economics and Economic Policy, October 2022


This study analyzes business cycle characteristics for all 20 major contemporaneous economies bordering the Mediterranean Sea based on annual real gross domestic product series for the period from 1960 to 2019. The region we investigate corresponds to the Mare Internum region of the Imperial Roman Empire during the Nerva-Antonine and early Severan dynasty, i.e., at the time of the maximum extent of the Roman Empire around 100 to 200 CE. The covered area encircles the Mediterranean, including economies now belonging to the European Union as well as acceding countries, Turkey, and the Middle East and North African economies. Using a components-deviation-cycle approach, we assess level trends and relative volatility of output. We also quantify the contribution of various factors to the business cycle variability within a region. We find cyclic commonalities and idiosyncrasies are related to ancient and colonial history and to contemporaneous trade relationships. Caliphate and Ottoman Empire membership as well as colonial rule in the twentieth century and contemporary Muslim share of population are the most promising predictors of business cycle commonalities in the region.

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