Sukanya Mukherjee

Sukanya Mukherjee
Current Position

since 10/22

Economist in the Department of Macroeconomics

Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association

Research Interests

  • real estate markets
  • asset prices and macroeconomic dynamics

Sukanya Mukherjee joined the Department of Macroeconomics as a doctoral student in October 2022. Her research focuses on implementing the risks of climate change in the macroeconomic models through assets such as real estate.

Sukanya Mukherjee received her bachelor's degree from St. Xavier's College, Calcutta and her master's degrees from University College London and Singapore Management University.

Your contact

Sukanya Mukherjee
Sukanya Mukherjee
- Department Macroeconomics
Send Message +49 345 7753-791
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