A Novel Approach to Incubator Evaluations: The PROMETHEE Outranking Procedures
Michael Schwartz, Maximilian Göthner
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
Considerable public resources are devoted to the establishment and operation of business incubators (BIs), which are seen as catalysts for the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation activities and regional development. Despite the vast amount of research that has focused on the outcomes or effectiveness of incubator initiatives and how to measure incubator performance, there is still little understanding of how to determine incubators that are more effective than others. Based on data from 410 graduate firms, this paper applies the multi-criteria outranking technique PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) and compares the long-term effectiveness of five technology-oriented BIs in Germany. This is the first time that outranking procedures are used in incubator evaluations. In particular, we investigate whether PROMETHEE is a well-suited methodological approach for the evaluation and comparisons in the specific context of business incubation.
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Is There a Way for Old Industrial Districts to Become Attractive for Cultural Industry? The Case of Media Businesses in Halle (Saale), Germany
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Christoph Hornych
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
manufacturing have collapsed are trying to stimulate entrepreneurial activities of businesses in the cultural industry. The question is whether this strategy could be successful. This article examines the strategy of supporting the sector of Media Industry (´MI´) by policy makers in the region of Halle in East Germany, where a strong de-industrialization has taken place after the German reunification. Stimulated by the policy makers’ support measures, there actually was a remarkable development of MI. However, the number of MI firms and their employees did not further increase in recent years, after having reached a certain level. This illustrates the limits of political measures for turning a city’s path of industrial development voluntarily.
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Incubator Age and Incubation Time: Determinants of Firm Survival after Graduation?
Michael Schwartz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 14,
On the basis of a sample of 149 graduate firms from five German technology oriented business incubators, this article contributes to incubator/incubation literature by investigating the effects of the age of the business incubators and the firms’ incubation time in securing long-term survival of the firms after leaving the incubator facilities. The empirical findings from Cox-proportional hazards regression and parametric accelerated failure time models reveal a statistically negative impact for both variables incubator age and incubation time on post-graduation firm survival. One possible explanation for these results is that, when incubator managers become increasingly involved in various regional development activities (e.g. coaching of regional network initiatives), this may reduce the effectiveness of incubator support and therefore the survival chances of firms.
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Getting out of the ivory tower – New perspectives on the entrepreneurial university
Jutta Günther, Kerstin Wagner
European Journal of International Management,
Based on theoretical considerations about the ‘third mission’ of
universities and the discussion of different types of university-industry relations, we conclude that the entrepreneurial university is a manifold institution with direct
mechanisms to support the transfer of technology from academia to industry
as well as indirect mechanisms in support of new business activities via
entrepreneurship education. While existing literature usually deals with one or
another linking mechanism separately, our central hypothesis is that direct and
indirect mechanisms should be interrelated and mutually complementary. We
emphasise the importance of a more holistic view of the entrepreneurial university
and empirically investigate the scope and interrelatedness of direct technology
transfer mechanisms and indirect mechanisms, such as entrepreneurship education
at German universities. We find a variety of activities in both fields and most
universities’ technology transfer facilities and the providers of entrepreneurship
education co-operate in support of innovative start-ups.
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Technologie- und Gründerzentren im Lichte von Diversifizierung versus Spezialisierung
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 7,
Im Kontext einer Unternehmensförderung durch Technologie- und Gründerzentren (TGZ) lässt sich, nicht nur in Deutschland, seit einigen Jahren ein Trend zur Errichtung von TGZ erkennen, welche ihre Förderstrukturen auf eine einzige oder wenige komplementäre Branchen bzw. Technologien ausrichten. Trotz der stetig steigenden Bedeutung dieser spezifischen Maßnahme städtischer Wirtschaftsförderung, existieren noch keine verlässlichen Studien zu den Besonderheiten und vor allem Vorteilen spezialisierter TGZ im Vergleich zu eher traditionell diversifizierten Zentren. Diese Arbeit stellt nunmehr Ergebnisse einer im Frühjahr 2008 vom IWH durchgeführten Erhebung von 161 in spezialisierten wie auch diversifizierten TGZ in Deutschland ansässigen Unternehmen vor. Ziel ist es, erstmals theoretisch fundierte Hypothesen bezüglich der Wirkungsweise spezialisierter gegenüber diversifizierter TGZ im Rahmen einer auf die gesamtdeutsche Zentrenlandschaft fokussierten Querschnittsuntersuchung zu überprüfen.
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Exploring the International Linkages of the Euro Area: A Global VAR Analysis
Stéphane Dées, Filippo di Mauro, M. Hashem Pesaran, Vanessa Smith
Journal of Applied Econometrics,
No. 1,
Abstract This paper presents a quarterly global model combining individual country vector error-correcting models in which the domestic variables are related to the country-specific foreign variables. The global VAR (GVAR) model is estimated for 26 countries, the euro area being treated as a single economy, over the period 1979?2003. It advances research in this area in a number of directions. In particular, it provides a theoretical framework where the GVAR is derived as an approximation to a global unobserved common factor model. Using average pair-wise cross-section error correlations, the GVAR approach is shown to be quite effective in dealing with the common factor interdependencies and international co-movements of business cycles. It develops a sieve bootstrap procedure for simulation of the GVAR as a whole, which is then used in testing the structural stability of the parameters, and for establishing bootstrap confidence bounds for the impulse responses. Finally, in addition to generalized impulse responses, the current paper considers the use of the GVAR for ?structural? impulse response analysis with focus on external shocks for the euro area economy, particularly in response to shocks to the US.
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Business Cycles and FDI: Evidence from German Sectoral Data
Claudia M. Buch, A. Lipponer
Review of World Economics,
No. 4,
Globalization has affected business cycle developments in OECD countries and has increased activities of firms across national borders. This paper analyzes whether these two developments are linked. We use a new firm-level data set on the foreign activities of German firms to test whether foreign activities are affected by business cycle developments. We aggregate the data by the sector of the reporting firm, the sector of the foreign affiliate, and the host country. Data are annual and cover the period 1989–2002. We find that German outward FDI increases in response to positive cyclical developments abroad and in response to a real depreciation of the domestic currency.
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Wirkungsanalyse der Wirtschaftsförderung in Ostdeutschland
Joachim Ragnitz, Harald Lehmann
Mittelstandsfinanzierung, Basel II und die Wirkung öffentlicher sowie privater Kapitalhilfen.,
In wenigen Regionen ist so massiv Wirtschaftsförderung betrieben worden wie in Ostdeutschland seit der deutschen Einheit. Das grundsätzliche Erfordernis, die Effektivität der Wirtschaftsförderung zu überprüfen, wird durch beihilferechtliche Vorgaben der EU, Haushaltszwänge und ad-hoc Überlegungen der beteiligten Ministerien verstärkt. Gleichwohl sind solche Analysen aufgrund methodischer und statistischer Probleme recht rar und eher selektiv. Das IWH hat vor diesem Hintergrund anhand der sich für eine Matching-Analyse anbietenden IAB-Betriebspanel-Daten und der Fördermaßnahme "GA-Investitionszuschuss" untersucht, wie die Förderung speziell auf das Investitionsverhalten der Betriebe im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe wirkt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der GA-Investitionszuschuss Mehrinvestitionen induziert hat, was anders als bei pauschalen Förderinstrumenten durch die individuell ausgestalteten Fördervoraussetzungen begünstig wurde. Letztlich entscheidend ist aber die Rentabilität der geförderten zusätzlichen Investitionsvorhaben und deren Effekte auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Betriebe und die Beschäftigungssituation in Ostdeutschland. Diese zeigen sich erst in der zeitlichen Entwicklung und lassen sich mangels statistischer Informationen nur anhand von Indizien abschätzen.
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The integration of imperfect financial markets: Implications for business cycle volatility
Claudia M. Buch, C. Pierdzioch
Journal of Policy Modeling,
No. 7,
During the last two decades, the degree of openness of national financial systems has increased substantially. At the same time, asymmetries in information and other financial market frictions have remained prevalent. We study the implications of the opening up of national financial systems in the presence of financial market frictions for business cycle volatility. In our empirical analysis, we show that countries with more developed financial systems have lower business cycle volatility. Financial openness has no strong impact on business cycle volatility, in contrast. In our theoretical analysis, we study the implications of the opening up of national financial markets and of financial market frictions for business cycle volatility using a dynamic macroeconomic model of an open economy. We find that the implications of opening up national financial markets for business cycle volatility are largely unaffected by the presence of financial market frictions.
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The Impact of Technology and Regulation on the Geographical Scope of Banking
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena
Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
No. 4,
We review how technological advances and changes in regulation may shape the (future) geographical scope of banking. We first review how both physical distance and the presence of borders currently affect bank lending conditions (loan pricing and credit availability) and market presence (branching and servicing). Next we discuss how technology and regulation have altered this impact and analyse the current state of the European banking sector. We discuss both theoretical contributions and empirical work and highlight open questions along the way. We draw three main lessons from the current theoretical and empirical literature: (i) bank lending to small businesses in Europe may be characterized both by (local) spatial pricing and resilient (regional and/or national) market segmentation; (ii) because of informational asymmetries in the retail market, bank mergers and acquisitions seem the optimal route of entering another market, long before cross-border servicing or direct entry are economically feasible; and (iii) current technological and regulatory developments may, to a large extent, remain impotent in further dismantling the various residual but mutually reinforcing frictions in the retail banking markets in Europe. We conclude the paper by offering pertinent policy recommendations based on these three lessons.
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