Gemeinschaftsdiagnose: Pandemic Delays Upswing — Demography Slows Growth
Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Claus Michelsen, Torsten Schmidt, Timo Wollmershäuser
Das erste Jahr der Corona-Pandemie stand in Deutschland im Zeichen extremer Schwankungen der ökonomischen Aktivität und einer massiv gelähmten Binnenwirtschaft. In ihrem Frühjahrsgutachten gehen die Institute davon aus, dass der derzeitige Shutdown zunächst fortgesetzt und ab Mitte Mai bis zum Ende des dritten Quartals nach und nach aufgehoben wird. Im Zuge der Lockerungen wird sich vor allem der private Konsum kräftig erholen. Insgesamt dürfte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in diesem Jahr um 3,7 % und im kommenden Jahr um 3,9 % zulegen.
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IWH-Flash-Indikator II. Quartal und III. Quartal 2021
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 2,
Die hohen Infektionszahlen und der seit November 2020 immer wieder verlängerte Lockdown führten im ersten Quartal 2021 zu einem Rückgang des Bruttoinlandsprodukts um 1,7%. Insbesondere der private Konsum litt unter den strengen staatlichen Restriktionen. Hingegen liefen die Warenexporte gut und verhinderten einen stärkeren Einbruch der deutschen Wirtschaft. Nachdem bereits Ende des ersten Quartals in einigen Regionen Deutschlands begonnen wurde, die Restriktionen etwas zurückzunehmen, kam es aus Sorge vor einem weiteren Anwachsen der dritten Corona-Welle in der zweiten Aprilhälfte zu einer bundesweit regulierten Verschärfung der Lockdown-Regeln. Seit Anfang Mai gehen die Corona-Neuerkrankungen in Deutschland nun zurück. Das dürfte wohl neben einem saisonalen Effekt auch auf die endlich in Fahrt gekommene Impfkampagne zurückzuführen sein. Der Lockdown dürfte in absehbarer Zeit aufgehoben werden können. Insbesondere die private Konsumnachfrage dürfte davon profitieren und zusammen mit der robusten Nachfrage aus dem Ausland die Wirtschaftsleistung laut IWH-Flash-Indikator im zweiten Quartal 2021 um 2,1% und im dritten Quartal um 2,4% steigen lassen.
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06.05.2021 • 13/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Upward Trend in Bankruptcies Stopped; Reintroduction of Filing Requirement Unlikely to Generate Bankruptcy Wave
Following a rising trend in recent months, the number of corporate bankruptcies fell significantly in April. The number of impacted jobs also remained at modest levels. After a recent sharp rise in the bankruptcy statistics for microbusinesses (which has drawn little press attention), the upward trend for this subcategory loses steam. These are the key findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Update, which provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany.
Steffen Müller
Measuring the Impact of Household Innovation Using Administrative Data
Javier Miranda, Nikolas Zolas
Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the Twenty-First Century,
NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol 78 /
We link USPTO patent data to U.S. Census Bureau administrative records on individuals and firms. The combined dataset provides us with a directory of patenting household inventors as well as a time-series directory of self-employed businesses tied to household innovations. We describe the characteristics of household inventors by race, age, gender and U.S. origin, as well as the types of patented innovations pursued by these inventors. Business data allows us to highlight how patents shape the early life-cycle dynamics of nonemployer businesses. We find household innovators are disproportionately U.S. born, white and their age distribution has thicker tails relative to business innovators. Data shows there is a deficit of female and black inventors. Household inventors tend to work in consumer product areas compared to traditional business patents. While patented household innovations do not have the same impact of business innovations their uniqueness and impact remains surprisingly high. Back of the envelope calculations suggest patented household innovations granted between 2000 and 2011 might generate $5.0B in revenue (2000 dollars).
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Financial Analysts' Career Concerns and the Cost of Private Debt
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Liuling Liu, Qiang Wu, Yijiang Zhao
Journal of Corporate Finance,
Career-concerned analysts are averse to firm risk. Not only does higher firm risk require more effort to analyze the firm, thus constraining analysts' ability to earn more remuneration through covering more firms, but it also jeopardizes their research quality and career advancement. As such, career concerns incentivize analysts to pressure firms to undertake risk-management activities, thus leading to a lower cost of debt. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find a negative association between analyst career concerns and bank loan spreads. In addition, our mediation analysis suggests that this association is achieved through the channel of reducing firm risk. Additional tests suggest that the effect of analyst career concerns on loan spreads is more pronounced for firms with higher analyst coverage. Our study is the first to identify the demand for risk management as a key channel through which analysts help reduce the cost of debt.
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Consumer Defaults and Social Capital
Brian Clark, Iftekhar Hasan, Helen Lai, Feng Li, Akhtar Siddique
Journal of Financial Stability,
Using account level data from a credit bureau, we study the role that social capital plays in consumer default decisions. We find that borrowers in communities with greater social capital are significantly less likely to default on loans, even after adjusting for different levels of income and other characteristics such as credit scores. The results are strongest for potentially strategic defaults on mortgages; a one standard deviation increase in social capital reduces such defaults by 12.4 %. These results can be generalized to any mortgage default. Our results also indicate that the effect of social capital is most prominent among more creditworthy borrowers, suggesting that when given a choice, the social cost of defaulting is an important factor affecting default decisions. We find a similar impact of social capital on consumer defaults in other datasets with more detailed information on borrowers as well. Our results are robust to modeling and methodology choices, as well as controlling for other drivers of default such as wealth, income and amenities from homeownership. Our results suggest that increasing social capital via measures to build community cohesion such as promotion of owner-occupied home ownership may be one avenue to deter consumer default.
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The State Expropriation Risk and the Pricing of Foreign Earnings
Iftekhar Hasan, Ibrahim Siraj, Amine Tarazi, Qiang Wu
Journal of International Accounting Research,
No. 2,
We examine the pricing of U.S. multinational firms' foreign earnings in regard to their risk of expropriation and unfair treatment by the governments of the countries in which their international subsidiaries are located. Using 8,891 firm-years observations during the 2001–2013 period, we find that the value relevance of foreign earnings increases with the improvement of the protection from state expropriation risk in the subsidiary host-countries. Our results are not driven by the earnings management practice, investor distraction, country informativeness, and political and trade relationship of a foreign country with the U.S. Furthermore, our results are robust to the confounding effects of country factors, measurement error in the variable of the risk of expropriation, the influence of private contracting institutions, and endogeneity in the decision of the location of subsidiaries.
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Finance-Growth Nexus and Banking Efficiency: The Impact of Microfinance Institutions
Afsheen Abrar, Iftekhar Hasan, Rezaul Kabir
Journal of Economics and Business,
This paper investigates the relative importance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) at both the macro (financial development, economic growth, income inequality, and poverty) and micro levels (efficiency of traditional commercial banks). We observe a significant impact on most of the fronts. MFIs’ participation increases overall savings (total bank deposits) and credit allocation (loans to private sector) in the economy. Their involvement enhances economic welfare by reducing income inequality and poverty. Additionally, their active presence helps to discipline the traditional commercial banks by subjecting them to more competition triggering higher efficiency.
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Konjunktur aktuell: Neue Infektionswelle unterbricht wirtschaftliche Erholung
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Die globale Produktion hat nach dem dramatischen Einbruch vom vergangenen Frühjahr wieder deutlich zugelegt. Vor allem Ostasien erholt sich rasch, während das BIP im Euroraum zuletzt zurückging. Von Seiten der Wirtschafts politik sind die Bedingungen für eine Erholung der Weltwirtschaft insgesamt günstig. In Deutschland dürfte mit fortschreitender Impfkampagne und schrittweiser Aufhebung der Beschränkungen eine Normalisierung des Konsumverhaltens privater Haushalte die Konjunktur beflügeln. Im Jahr 2021 wird das BIP um 3,7% zunehmen, nach einem Rückgang um 4,9% im Jahr 2020. In Ostdeutschland fällt sowohl der Rückgang als auch der Wiederanstieg deutlich geringer aus.
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01.02.2021 • 4/2021
During Corona, households are saving more – not for fear of unemployment but for lack of spending opportunities
During the Corona crisis, European households increased their savings dramatically. According to an analysis carried out by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), the increase in savings is largely due to the inability of households to consume in the face of government lockdown measures, rather than other factors such as economic uncertainty. IWH President Reint Gropp therefore sees potential for a significant catch-up effect in consumption as soon as the lockdown is lifted.
Reint E. Gropp