Unternehmensinsolvenzen in Deutschland im Zuge der Corona-Krise
Oliver Holtemöller
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Die Corona-Pandemie hat die deutsche Wirtschaft in eine tiefe Rezession getrieben. In diesem Beitrag wird analysiert, wie sich die Rezession in den Unternehmensinsolvenzen niederschlägt. Prognosen auf Basis des üblichen Zusammenhangs zwischen Bruttowertschöpfung und Unternehmensinsolvenzen nach Wirtschaftsbereichen deuten auf eine kräftige Zunahme der Unternehmensinsolvenzen im zweiten Halbjahr 2020 hin. Für Unternehmensinsolvenzen gelten allerdings seit März 2020 Ausnahmeregelungen, die das Ziel haben, allein durch die Corona-Krise bedingte Unternehmensinsolvenzen zu vermeiden. Ferner erhalten die Unternehmen finanzielle Unterstützung im Rahmen der Corona-Hilfspakete. Mit zunehmender Dauer der wirtschaftlichen Beeinträchtigungen nimmt die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Unternehmensinsolvenzen gleichwohl zu, sodass nach Aufhebung der Ausnahmeregelungen Insolvenzen nachgeholt werden dürften und das übliche konjunkturelle Muster wieder greift.
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Aktuelle Trends: Trendmäßiger Anstieg der Sterbefälle in Deutschland – Altersstruktur bei der Interpretation der Sterblichkeit berücksichtigen
Birgit Schultz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
In Deutschland steigt aufgrund der Altersstruktur die Anzahl der jährlichen Sterbefälle. Ein einfacher Vergleich der aktuellen Sterbefälle mit dem Durchschnitt der Vorjahre ist daher nicht geeignet, um die Übersterblichkeit während der Pandemie zu beurteilen.
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Economic Mobility Likely to Increase Significantly after Relaxation – but also Number of COVID-19 Cases
Oliver Holtemöller, Malte Rieth
IWH Policy Notes,
No. 3,
In Deutschland wurden Anfang März in einigen Bereichen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus gelockert; so wurde die Anzahl der Personen aus verschiedenen Haushalten, die sich treffen dürfen, vielerorts erhöht und Einzelhandelsgeschäfte können vermehrt wieder Kunden empfangen. Auf diese Weise kommt es zu einem gewollten Wiederanstieg der wirtschaftlichen Mobilität und der persönlichen Kontakte zwischen Menschen. Die Kontakthäufigkeit ist allerdings auch ein wesentlicher Einflussfaktor für die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit des Coronavirus, zumal die Lockerungen bislang nicht mit einer systematischen Teststrategie einhergehen; und auch der Impffortschritt bleibt hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Schätzungen auf Basis eines Modells für den Zusammenhang zwischen Eindämmungsmaßnahmen (Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, Stringency Index), wirtschaftlicher Mobilität (Google Mobility Data), Corona-Neuinfektionen und Todesfällen mit Daten aus 44 Ländern deuten darauf hin, dass die jüngsten Lockerungen die wirtschaftliche Mobilität um mehr als zehn Prozentpunkte ansteigen lassen und die Zahl der Neuinfektionen und der Todesfälle in Deutschland um 25% erhöhen. Da sowohl ein fortgesetzter Lockdown als auch Lockerungen erhebliche negative Konsequenzen mit sich bringen, ist es umso wichtiger, durch eine bessere Test- und Quarantänestrategie und durch eine höhere Geschwindigkeit beim Impfen weitere Lockerungen zu ermöglichen, ohne damit die Gesundheit der Menschen zu gefährden.
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Qual VAR Revisited: Good Forecast, Bad Story
Makram El-Shagi, Gregor von Schweinitz
Journal of Applied Economics,
No. 2,
Due to the recent financial crisis, the interest in econometric models that allow to incorporate binary variables (such as the occurrence of a crisis) experienced a huge surge. This paper evaluates the performance of the Qual VAR, originally proposed by Dueker (2005). The Qual VAR is a VAR model including a latent variable that governs the behavior of an observable binary variable. While we find that the Qual VAR performs reasonable well in forecasting (outperforming a probit benchmark), there are substantial identification problems even in a simple VAR specification. Typically, identification in economic applications is far more difficult than in our simple benchmark. Therefore, when the economic interpretation of the dynamic behavior of the latent variable and the chain of causality matter, use of the Qual VAR is inadvisable.
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FDI, Human Capital and Income Convergence — Evidence for European Regions
Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek, Dominik Völlmecke
Economic Systems,
No. 2,
This study examines income convergence in regional GDP per capita for a sample of 269 regions within the European Union (EU) between 2003 and 2010. We use an endogenous broad capital model based on foreign direct investment (FDI) induced agglomeration economies and human capital. By applying a Markov chain approach to a new dataset that exploits micro-aggregated sub-national FDI statistics, the analysis provides insights into regional income growth dynamics within the EU. Our results indicate a weak process of overall income convergence across EU regions. This does not apply to the dynamics within Central and East European countries (CEECs), where we find indications of a poverty trap. In contrast to FDI, regional human capital seems to be associated with higher income levels. However, we identify a positive interaction of FDI and human capital in their relation with income growth dynamics.
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Abnormal Real Operations, Real Earnings Management, and Subsequent Crashes in Stock Prices
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Lingxiang Li
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,
No. 2,
We study the impact of firms’ abnormal business operations on their future crash risk in stock prices. Computed based on real earnings management (REM) models, firms’ deviation in real operations (DROs) from industry norms is shown to be positively associated with their future crash risk. This association is incremental to that between discretionary accruals (DAs) and crash risk found by prior studies. Moreover, after Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002, DRO’s predictive power for crash risk strengthens substantially, while DA’s predictive power essentially dissipates. These results are consistent with the prior finding that managers shift from accrual earnings management to REM after SOX. We further develop a suspect-firm approach to capture firms’ use of DRO for REM purposes. This analysis shows that REM-firms experience a significant increase in crash risk in the following year. These findings suggest that the impact of DRO on crash risk is at least partially through REM.
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Does the Technological Content of Government Demand Matter for Private R&D? Evidence from US States
Viktor Slavtchev, Simon Wiederhold
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
No. 2,
Governments purchase everything from airplanes to zucchini. This paper investigates the role of the technological content of government procurement in innovation. In a theoretical model, we first show that a shift in the composition of public purchases toward high-tech products translates into higher economy-wide returns to innovation, leading to an increase in the aggregate level of private R&D. Using unique data on federal procurement in US states and performing panel fixed-effects estimations, we find support for the model's prediction of a positive R&D effect of the technological content of government procurement. Instrumental-variable estimations suggest a causal interpretation of our findings.
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Relative Peer Quality and Firm Performance
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Sureshbabu Mani, Pengfei Ye
Journal of Financial Economics,
No. 1,
We examine the performance impact of the relative quality of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’s compensation peers (peers to determine a CEO's overall compensation) and bonus peers (peers to determine a CEO's relative-performance-based bonus). We use the fraction of peers with greater managerial ability scores (Demerjian, Lev, and McVay, 2012) than the reporting firm to measure this CEO's relative peer quality (RPQ). We find that firms with higher RPQ earn higher stock returns and experience higher profitability growth than firms with lower RPQ. Learning among peers and the increased incentive to work harder induced by the peer-based tournament contribute to RPQ's performance effect.
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Spinoffs in Germany: Characteristics, Survival, and the Role of their Parents
Daniel Fackler, A. Schmucker, Claus Schnabel
Small Business Economics,
No. 1,
Using a 50 % sample of all private sector establishments in Germany, we report that spinoffs are larger, initially employ more skilled and more experienced workers, and pay higher wages than other startups. We investigate whether spinoffs are more likely to survive than other startups, and whether spinoff survival depends on the quality and size of their parent companies, as suggested in some of the theoretical and empirical literature. Our estimated survival models confirm that spinoffs are generally less likely to exit than other startups. We also distinguish between pulled spinoffs, where the parent company continues after they are founded, and pushed spinoffs, where the parent company stops operations. Our results indicate that in western and eastern Germany and in all sectors investigated, pulled spinoffs have a higher probability of survival than pushed spinoffs. Concerning the parent connection, we find that intra-industry spinoffs and spinoffs emerging from better-performing or smaller parent companies are generally less likely to exit.
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Transition to Clean Technology
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Douglas Hanley, William R. Kerr
Journal of Political Economy,
No. 1,
We develop an endogenous growth model in which clean and dirty technologies compete in production. Research can be directed to either technology. If dirty technologies are more advanced, the transition to clean technology can be difficult. Carbon taxes and research subsidies may encourage production and innovation in clean technologies, though the transition will typically be slow. We estimate the model using microdata from the US energy sector. We then characterize the optimal policy path that heavily relies on both subsidies and taxes. Finally, we evaluate various alternative policies. Relying only on carbon taxes or delaying intervention has significant welfare costs.
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