Central Banks, Trade Unions and Reputation – Is there Room for an Expansionist Manoeuvre in the European Union?
Toralf Pusch, A. Heise
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics,
Seit der Gründung der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion hat sich am Problem der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit in der Eurozone wenig geändert. Der überwiegenden Sichtweise zufolge ist dies vor allem auf dysfunktionale Arbeitsmärkte zurückzuführen. In diesem Beitrag gehen wir der Frage nach, welche Änderungen sich ergeben können, wenn Gewerkschaften und Zentralbank in einem Klima der Unsicherheit zwischen verschiedenen Optionen wählen können. Das wahrscheinlichste Ergebnis im einstufigen Spiel ist eine hohe Arbeitslosenquote. Bei einer Wiederholung des Spiels können sich die Ergebnisse deutlich ändern. Dies wird allerdings dann unwahrscheinlich, wenn die Zentralbank ein außerordentlich hohes Gewicht auf Preisstabilität legt. Zweitens erfordert ein Vollbeschäftigungs-Gleichgewicht ein Mindestmaß an Kooperationsbereitschaft bzw. Koordinierungspotential auf Seiten der Gewerkschaften.
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A Cost Efficient International Lender of Last Resort
Tobias Knedlik
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics,
The current reform of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) lending instruments has transformed the Fund towards an international lender of last resort (ILOLR). Current research discusses various general frameworks for installing an ILOLR. However, it remains unclear how the ILOLR should actually operate. This paper discusses six different options for the construction of an ILOLR that supports central banks during currency crises. The paper concludes that the most cost efficient version of the ILOLR would be direct intervention by the IMF using IMF resources, with the option of using additional reserves from central banks. The paper considers measures of cost efficiency, such as cost of borrowing, intervention, and sterilization and moral hazard problems.
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The Extreme Risk Problem for Monetary Policies of the Euro-Candidates
Hubert Gabrisch, Lucjan T. Orlowski
We argue that monetary policies in euro-candidate countries should also aim at mitigating excessive instability of the key target and instrument variables of monetary policy during turbulent market periods. Our empirical tests show a significant degree of leptokurtosis, thus prevalence of tail-risks, in the conditional volatility series of such variables in the euro-candidate countries. Their central banks will be well-advised to use both standard and unorthodox (discretionary) tools of monetary policy to mitigate such extreme risks while steering their economies out of the crisis and through the euroconvergence process. Such policies provide flexibility that is not embedded in the Taylor-type instrument rules, or in the Maastricht convergence criteria.
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Potential Effects of Basel II on the Transmission from Currency Crises to Banking Crises – The Case of South Korea
Tobias Knedlik, Johannes Ströbel
Journal of Money,
No. 13,
In this paper we evaluate potential effects of the Basel II accord on preventing the transmission from currency crises to banking crises by analyzing the South Korean crisis of 1997. We show that regulatory capital reserves under Basel II would have been lower than those under Basel I, and that therefore Basel II would have had adverse effects on the development of the crisis. Furthermore we investigate whether the behavior of rating agencies has changed since the East Asian crisis. We find no evidence that rating agencies have started to take micro-mismatches into account. Thus, we have reservations concerning the effectiveness of Basel II.
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Banking Integration, Bank Stability, and Regulation: Introduction to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Central Banking
Reint E. Gropp, H. Shin
International Journal of Central Banking,
No. 1,
The link between banking integration and financial stability has taken center stage in the wake of the current financial crisis. To what extent is the banking system in Europe integrated? What role has the introduction of the common currency played in this context? Are integrated banking markets more vulnerable to contagion and financial instability? Does the fragmented regulatory framework in Europe pose special problems in resolving bank failures? What policy reforms may become necessary? These questions are of considerable policy interest as evidenced by the extensive discussions surrounding the design and implementation of a new regulatory regime and by the increasing attention coming from academia.
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Stages of the Global Financial Crisis: Is There a Wandering Asset Bubble?
Lucjan T. Orlowski
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Dieser Beitrag begründet, warum die Schwere der gegenwärtigen globalen Finanzkrise von der ständigen Verlegung internationaler Liquidität auf verschiedene Anlagemärkte beeinflusst wird. Dieser Prozess kann als „wandernde“ spekulative Vermögensblase bezeichnet werden. Nachdem sie durch den Niedergang des amerikanischen Subprime-Hypothekenmarkts und der hypothekengedeckten Wertpapiere ausgelöst worden war, hat sie sich auf andere Kreditfelder, auf strukturierte Finanzprodukte und globale Finanzinstitutionen ausgebreitet. Die Reaktionen der Wirtschaftspolitik, insbesondere der Geldpolitik, sind bisher nicht angemessen ausgefallen, da sie sich auf eine unsystematische Re-Kapitalisierung der betroffenen und auch verantwortlichen Investitionsbanken konzentrierten. Stattdessen sollte die Geldpolitik darauf abzielen, die weltweite Überschussliquidität in produktive Investitionen zu lenken. Eine sinnvolle Maßnahme wäre die Einführung eines Inflationsziels im Rahmen einer vorwärts-blickenden geldpolitischen Strategie durch die amerikanische Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) und andere Zentralbanken. Damit könnten die inflationären Effekte der gegenwärtigen Liquiditätsinjektionen und der steigenden Preise für Warenfutures reduziert werden. Entscheidend ist auch, dass sich die Inflationsbekämpfung nicht an der Kerninflationsrate, sondern an der tatsächlichen Inflationsrate orientiert, da insbesondere die Preissteigerungen auf den Futuremärkten demnächst in die Kerninflationsrate durchschlagen werden.
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Monetary Policy and Financial (In)stability: An Integrated Micro–Macro Approach
Ferre De Graeve, Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter
Journal of Financial Stability,
No. 3,
Evidence on central banks’ twin objective, monetary and financial stability, is scarce. We suggest an integrated micro–macro approach with two core virtues. First, we measure financial stability directly at the bank level as the probability of distress. Second, we integrate a microeconomic hazard model for bank distress and a standard macroeconomic model. The advantage of this approach is to incorporate micro information, to allow for non-linearities and to permit general feedback effects between financial distress and the real economy. We base the analysis on German bank and macro data between 1995 and 2004. Our results confirm the existence of a trade-off between monetary and financial stability. An unexpected tightening of monetary policy increases the probability of distress. This effect disappears when neglecting microeffects and non-linearities, underlining their importance. Distress responses are largest for small cooperative banks, weak distress events, and at times when capitalization is low. An important policy implication is that the separation of financial supervision and monetary policy requires close collaboration among members in the European System of Central Banks and national bank supervisors.
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Does too much Transparency of Central Banks Prevent Agents from Using their Private Information Efficiently?
Axel Lindner
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 16,
This paper analyses in a simple global games framework welfare effects of different communication strategies of a central bank: it can either publish no more than its overall assessment of the economy or be more transparent, giving detailed reasons for this assessment. The latter strategy is shown to be superior because it enables agents to use private information and to be less dependent on common knowledge. This result holds true even if the strategies of agents are strategic complements, for which case it has been argued that too much transparency might induce agents to neglect their private knowledge.
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Does Post-Crisis Restructuring Decrease the Availability of Banking Services? The Case of Turkey
H. Evren Damar
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 9,
This study examines the relationship between post-crisis bank consolidation and the number of bank branches in Turkey. Using a unique data set, the analysis addresses several issues related to the impact of market characteristics on branching behavior. The findings suggest that sales of failed institutions by the central authority lead to branch closures in small and uncompetitive markets where the buyer does not have a prior presence. Contrary to popular belief, mergers between healthy institutions do not always cause a decrease in the number of branches; rather, they are shown to increase the availability of banking services in concentrated markets.
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