Schwierigkeiten der Investitionsförderung – Der Fall CargoLifter AG
Mirko Titze
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit einem konkreten Fall der Wirtschaftsförderung – der Gewährung von Investitionszuschüssen an die Cargo- Lifter AG durch die brandenburgische Landesregierung. Letztendlich wollte man durch diese Ansiedlungspolitik den Totalabsturz der Wirtschaft im Land Brandenburg, das besonders vom Strukturwandel betroffen ist, verhindern. Die Nützlichkeit der öffentlichen Förderung von Großinvestitionen war in den letzten Jahren immer wieder Gegenstand einer kontrovers geführten wirtschaftspolitischen Debatte. Nach einer anfänglichen Euphorie mit dem Einwerben von rund 220 Mio. Euro am Kapitalmarkt und der Zahlung von Subventionen in Höhe von insgesamt rund 50 Mio. Euro im wesentlichen über die GA-Förderung geriet das Unternehmen zusehends in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Einerseits agierte das Projektmanagement dieses Unternehmens mangelhaft, andererseits ist aber auch die Wirksamkeit des Förderinstruments kritisch zu hinterfragen. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, daß Argumente für die Förderung der CargoLifter AG vorgelegen haben. Die Entscheidung, dieses Vorhaben auf der Grundlage der GA-Förderung zu subventionieren, ist eine wesentliche Ursache für das Scheitern dieses Unternehmens.
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Local Public Utilities' Profits and Municipal Expenses in Germany: An Empirical Analysis
Peter Haug, Birger Nerré
Proceedings of the 99th Annual Conference on Taxation (November 16-18), Washington DC,
The article offers information on profits and municipal expenses of local public utilities in Germany. It reveals that cities and municipalities faced rising expenses over the last years and the only way for local governments to avoid budgetary bottlenecks is to postpone infrastructure investment and increase short-term borrowing. The countries municipalities tried to overcome such difficulties by increasing local public utilities' profits.
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Die Gestaltung der Wirtschaftsstruktur durch das Land Brandenburg - Eine kritische Analyse der Subventionszahlungen für die CargoLifter AG
Mirko Titze
Forum der Forschung. Wissenschaftsmagazin der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus,
No. 17,
Die Subventionierung der CargoLifter AG erfolgte vor dem Hintergrund der so genannten „neuen Industriepolitik“. Im Rahmen dieser Politik identifiziert und fördert der Staat gezielt einzelne Branchen oder Unternehmen. Theoretisch begründet wird die neue Industriepolitik unter anderem mit der „strategischen Handelspolitik“. Die Theorie der strategischen Handelspolitik besagt, dass auf unvollkommenen Märkten mit sinkenden Durchschnittskosten und hohen Markteintrittsbarrieren eine Subventionierung eines inländischen Unternehmens zu Wohlstandsgewinnen für die subventionierende Region führen kann. Der Beitrag wird sich kritisch damit auseinandersetzen, ob im Fall der CargoLifter AG eine wirksame strategische Handelspolitik durch das Land Brandenburg durchgeführt wurde. Darüber hinaus wird auf Probleme einer strategischen Handelspolitik eingegangen.
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Can EU Policy Intervention Help Productivity Catch-Up?
Johannes Stephan, P. Holmes, J. Lopez-Gonzales, C. Stolberg
Closing the EU East-West Productivity Gap - Foreign direct Investment, Competitiveness, and Public Policy,
"A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the ‘new’ EU so much poorer than the ‘old’, and how will EU enlargement help to solve the problem? Focusing on the productivity problems underlying the East-West gap, it looks in particular at the role that foreign investment and R&D can play in closing it. Against that background, the book assesses what role proactive development policy might play in attacking the roots of low social productivity. Concluding that there will be a clear-cut process of convergence between East and West, albeit an incomplete one, it finishes with an assessment of the patterns of competitiveness, East and West, that are likely to emerge from this process of incomplete convergence."
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Vertical Intra-industry Trade between EU and Accession Countries
Hubert Gabrisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 12,
The paper analyses vertical intra-industry trade between EU and Accession countries, and concentrates on two country-specific determinants: Differences in personal income distribution and in technology. Both determinants have a strong link to national policies and to cross-border investment flows. In contrast to most other studies, income distribution is not seen as time-invariant variable, but as changing over time. What is new is also that differences in technology are tested in comparison with cost advantages from capital/labour ratios. The study applies panel estimation techniques with GLS. Results show country-pair fixed effects to be of high relevance for explaining vertical intraindustry trade. In addition, bilateral differences in personal income distribution and their changes are positive related to vertical intra-industry trade in this special regional integration framework; hence, distributional effects of policies matter. Also, technology differences turn out to be positively correlated with vertical intra-industry trade. However, the cost variable (here: relative GDP per capita) shows no clear picture, particularly not in combination with the technology variable.
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Investment and Internal Finance: Asymmetric Information or Managerial Discretion?
Hans Degryse, Abe de Jong
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
No. 1,
This paper examines the investment-cash flow sensitivity of publicly listed firms in The Netherlands. Investment-cash flow sensitivities can be attributed to overinvestment resulting from the abuse of managerial discretion, but also to underinvestment due to information problems. The Dutch corporate governance structure presents a number of distinctive features, in particular the limited influence of shareholders, the presence of large blockholders, and the importance of bank ties. We expect that in The Netherlands, the managerial discretion problem is more important than the asymmetric information problem. We use Tobin's Q to discriminate between firms with these problems, where LOW Q firms face the managerial discretion problem and HIGH Q firms the asymmetric information problem. As hypothesized, we find substantially larger investment-cash flow sensitivity for LOW Q firms. Moreover, specifically in the LOW Q sample, we find that firms with higher (bank) debt have lower investment-cash flow sensitivity. This finding shows that leverage, and particularly bank debt, is a key disciplinary mechanism which reduces the managerial discretion problem.
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Solidarpakt II: Adequate application of funds not in sight
Joachim Ragnitz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Auch im Jahr 2004 haben die ostdeutschen Länder mit Ausnahme des Freistaates Sachsen die ihnen im Solidarpakt zur Verfügung gestellten Mittel zu einem erheblichen Teil zur Deckung laufender Ausgaben verwendet. Auch wenn sich der Anteil der konsumtiven Ausgaben an den Zuweisungen aus dem Solidarpakt (SoBEZ) überall verringert hat, ist die Verwendung der Mittel für nicht-investive Zwecke mit Blick auf die Verbesserung der langfristigen Wachstumschancen der neuen Länder problematisch. Dementsprechend zeigt es sich, daß der Abbau der Infrastrukturlücke nicht in dem gebotenen Tempo vorankommt. Hieran wird sich – legt man die Haushaltspläne der Länder zugrunde – auch in den nächsten Jahren nicht viel ändern. Ohne massives Umsteuern wird sich der von den ostdeutschen Ländern als Begründung für den Solidarpakt II angeführte infrastrukturelle Nachholbedarf bis zum Jahre 2019 nicht abbauen lassen. Verschärft wird die Situation noch dadurch, daß ab dem Jahre 2009 die Solidarpaktmittel stark abnehmen werden, somit der Abbau der Infrastrukturlücke noch zusätzlich erschwert wird. Ein politischer Wille, den Solidarpakt II zu reformieren, ist derzeit nicht zu erkennen, obwohl von verschiedenen Seiten eine Reihe von Vorschlägen hierzu unterbreitet worden ist. Im Interesse der langfristigen Wirtschaftsentwicklung sollten die Beteiligten bald in Verhandlungen über eine Anpassung des Solidarpaktes eintreten.
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Analysis of statements made in favour of and against the adoption of competition law in developing and transition economies
Franz Kronthaler, Johannes Stephan, Frank Emmert
No. 1,
The paper is concerned with documenting and assessing statements made by policy-makers, opinion formers, and other stakeholders in favour and against the adoption of competition laws with particular reference to transition and developing countries which have not yet enacted these kind of laws. For example, claims that competition enforcement might reduce the inflow of foreign direct investment, or that other policies are successfully used as substitutes for competition law, are assessed. In a first step, the method of generalized analysis structures the list of statements around core issues of common features to make them accessible to further interpretation and assessment.
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Technology spillovers from foreign investors in transition economies - are the effects still expected?
Jutta Günther
Economic and business review,
No. 1,
While it is widely acknowledged that there is a technology transfer from parent companies to foreign subsidiaries in central East European countries, there is no clear cut evidence for technology spillovers in favour of domestic companies so far. The paper presents a theoretical framework for how spillover mechanisms are turned into a reality and outlines empirical findings on technology spillovers for transition economies based on a comprehensive literature review. Against the background of an empirical qualitative study, the paper provides firm level explanations for the obvious lack of technology spillovers. Policy oriented issues will be discussed in the conclusions.
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Analysis of statements made in favour of and against the adoption of competition law in developing and transition economies
Johannes Stephan, Franz Kronthaler, Frank Emmert
No. 9,
The paper is concerned with documenting and assessing statements made by policymakers, opinion formers, and other stakeholders in favour and against the adoption of competition laws with particular reference to transition and developing countries which have not yet enacted these kind of laws. For example, claims that competition enforcement might reduce the inflow of foreign direct investment, or that other policies are successfully used as substitutes for competition law, are assessed. In a first step, the method of generalized analysis structures the list of statements around core issues of common features to make them accessible to further interpretation and assessment. The paper shows that some claims are in fact country or region specific, and specific to the development level of the respective countries. In a second step, the core issues are assessed according to economic and legal criteria. Since the analysis focuses on transition and developing countries, the criteria for economic assessment are predominantly economic growth and development issues, but also include the economic coherency of a set of claims submitted by stakeholders in a given country. The criteria for legal assessment include whether claims are problematic in light of WTO-principles, or are even born out of a political objective which is incompatible with the spirit, if not the letter of WTO-rules.
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