The Impact of Innovation and Innovation Subsidies on Economic Development in German Regions
Uwe Cantner, Eva Dettmann, Alexander Giebler, Jutta Günther, Maria Kristalova
Regional Studies,
No. 9,
Public innovation subsidies in a regional environment are expected to unfold a positive economic impact over time. The focus of this paper is on an assessment of the long-run impact of innovation and innovation subsidies in German regions. This is scrutinized by an estimation approach combining panel model and time-series characteristics and using regional data for the years 1980–2014. The results show that innovation and innovation subsidies in the long run have a positive impact on the economic development of regions in Germany. This supports a long-term strategy for regional and innovation policy.
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The Internet Effects on Sex Crime Offenses – Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany
André Diegmann
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
This paper studies the effects of the introduction of a new mass medium on sex crime in Germany. I use unique data on criminal offenses and broadband internet measured at the municipal level to shed light on this issue. In order to address endogeneity in broadband internet availability, I exploit technical peculiarities at the regional level that determine the roll-out of high-speed internet. Results provide evidence of a substitution effect of internet exposure on sex crime. The substitution effect is neither driven by differences in reporting behavior, nor by matching processes at the victim and offender side. This suggests that the consumption of extreme media plays an important role in explaining the documented high-speed internet effect.
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Power Generation and Structural Change: Quantifying Economic Effects of the Coal Phase-out in Germany
Christoph Schult, Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller
In the fight against global warming, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a major objective. In particular, a decrease in electricity generation by coal could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. We study potential economic consequences of a coal phase-out in Germany, using a multi-region dynamic general equilibrium model. Four regional phase-out scenarios before the end of 2040 are simulated. We find that the worst case phase-out scenario would lead to an increase in the aggregate unemployment rate by about 0.13 [0.09 minimum; 0.18 maximum] percentage points from 2020 to 2040. The effect on regional unemployment rates varies between 0.18 [0.13; 0.22] and 1.07 [1.00; 1.13] percentage points in the lignite regions. A faster coal phase-out can lead to a faster recovery. The coal phase-out leads to migration from German lignite regions to German non-lignite regions and reduces the labour force in the lignite regions by 10,100 [6,300; 12,300] people by 2040. A coal phase-out until 2035 is not worse in terms of welfare, consumption and employment compared to a coal-exit until 2040
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Klimaschutz und Kohleausstieg: Politische Strategien und Maßnahmen bis 2030 und darüber hinaus
Pao-Yu Oei, Casimir Lorenz, Sophie Schmalz, Hanna Brauers, Philipp Herpich, Christian von Hirschhausen, Claudia Kemfert, Barbara Dröschel, Jan Hildebrand, Juri Horst, Uwe Klann, Patrick Matschoss, Michael Porzig, Irina Rau, Bernhard Wern, Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Gerhard Heimpold, Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Christoph Schult, Hauke Hermann, Dirk Heyen, Katja Schumacher, Cornelia Ziehm
Pao-Yu Oei et al., Klimaschutz und Kohleausstieg: Politische Strategien und Maßnahmen bis 2030 und darüber hinaus. Abschlussbericht. Climate Change 27/2019. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt,
published in: Energy
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die ökonomischen Auswirkungen eines durch die Klimaziele der Bundesregierung induzierten Kohleausstiegs in Deutschland. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Braunkohlenwirtschaft – insbesondere in den Braunkohleregionen. Diese werden in einem ersten Schritt räumlich abgegrenzt und beschrieben. Für die weitere Untersuchung bilden energiewirtschaftliche Modellierungen die Grundlage. Diese liefern Ausstiegspfade für die Kohlenutzung, welche sich in den gewählten Kriterien (spezifische Emissionen oder Kraftwerksalter) für die Abschaltungsreihenfolge der Kraftwerke unterscheiden. Darauf aufbauend werden mit Hilfe eines Input-Output-Modells und eines regionalwirtschaftlichen Modells die ökonomischen Effekte des Kohleausstiegs sowohl in den Braunkohleregionen als auch im übrigen Deutschland untersucht. Die Modelle zeigen, dass bei einem frühzeitigen Ausstieg die negativen Effekte des Strukturwandels früher zu Tage treten. Dafür können in diesem Fall jedoch Erholungseffekte laut regionalwirtschaftlichem Modell stärker den negativen Effekten entgegenwirken.
Die Studie untersucht die wirtschaftlichen Chancen in den Braunkohleregionen. Diese bestehen im Grundsatz in einem breiten Spektrum wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten. Die durchgeführten, exemplarischen Untersuchungen zeigen für alle Braunkohleregionen bedeutende Beschäftigungspotenziale auf. Bereits die aufgezeigten potenziellen Arbeitsplätze in den Bereichen Erneuerbare Energien und Gebäudesanierung können dem Stellenabbau im Zuge des untersuchten Strukturwandels durch den Kohleausstieg entgegenwirken. Abschließend werden flankierende politische Instrumente beschrieben, die die Regionen bei dem bevorstehenden Strukturwandel nutzen und unterstützen können.
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Do Asset Purchase Programmes Shape Industry Dynamics? Evidence from the ECB's SMP on Plant Entries and Exits
Manfred Antoni, Talina Sondershaus
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 12,
Asset purchase programmes (APPs) may insulate banks from having to terminate relationships with unproductive customers. Using administrative plant and bank data, we test whether APPs impinge on industry dynamics in terms of plant entry and exit. Plants in Germany connected to banks with access to an APP are approximately 20% less likely to exit. In particular, unproductive plants connected to weak banks with APP access are less likely to close. Aggregate entry and exit rates in regional markets with high APP exposures are also lower. Thus, APPs seem to subdue Schumpeterian cleansing mechanisms, which may hamper factor reallocation and aggregate productivity growth.
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‘And Forgive Us Our Debts’: Do Christian Moralities Influence Over-indebtedness of Individuals?
Iftekhar Hasan, Konstantin Kiesel, Felix Noth
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
This paper analyses whether Christian moralities and rules formed differently by Catholics and Protestants impact the likelihood of households to become overindebted. We find that over-indebtedness is lower in regions in which Catholics outweigh Protestants, indicating that Catholics‘ forgiveness culture and a stricter enforcement of rules by Protestants serve as explanations for our results. Our results provide evidence that religion affects the financial situations of individuals and show that even 500 years after the split between Catholics and Protestants, the differences in the mind-sets of both denominations play an important role for situations of severe financial conditions.
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Badly Hurt? Natural Disasters and Direct Firm Effects
Felix Noth, Oliver Rehbein
Finance Research Letters,
We investigate firm outcomes after a major flood in Germany in 2013. We robustly find that firms located in the disaster regions have significantly higher turnover, lower leverage, and higher cash in the period after 2013. We provide evidence that the effects stem from firms that already experienced a similar major disaster in 2002. Overall, our results document a positive net effect on firm performance in the direct aftermath of a natural disaster.
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(Since When) Are East and West German Business Cycles Synchronised?
Stefan Gießler, Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller
This paper analyses whether and since when East and West German business cycles are synchronised. We investigate real GDP, unemployment rates and survey data as business cycle indicators and employ several empirical methods. Overall, we find that the regional business cycles have synchronised over time. GDP-based indicators and survey data show a higher degree of synchronisation than the indicators based on unemployment rates. However, recently synchronisation among East and West German business cycles seems to become weaker, in line with international evidence.
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What Drives Banks‘ Geographic Expansion? The Role of Locally Non-diversifiable Risk
Reint E. Gropp, Felix Noth, Ulrich Schüwer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
We show that banks that are facing relatively high locally non-diversifiable risks in their home region expand more across states than banks that do not face such risks following branching deregulation in the 1990s and 2000s. These banks with high locally non-diversifiable risks also benefit relatively more from deregulation in terms of higher bank stability. Further, these banks expand more into counties where risks are relatively high and positively correlated with risks in their home region, suggesting that they do not only diversify but also build on their expertise in local risks when they expand into new regions.
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United Country – Three Decades After the Wall Came Down
Die Berliner Mauer als das Symbol der deutschen Teilung ist mittlerweile länger verschwunden als sie gestanden hat, doch die Unterschiede innerhalb des Landes sind auch nach drei Jahrzehnten noch sichtbar. Jüngste Forschungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass die Bruchkante der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung nicht immer ausschließlich entlang der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze verläuft, sondern neben dem West-Ost-Gefälle auch Süd-Nord- oder Stadt-Land-Unterschiede zutage treten.
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