28.09.2017 • 35/2017
Joint Economic Forecast—Autumn 2017: Upturn Remains Robust—Amid Mounting Tensions
The German economic upturn has gained both in terms of strength and breadth. In addition to consumer spending, external trade and investments are now also contributing to economic expansion. These are the conclusions drawn by the economic research institutes in their autumn report for the German federal government. Whereas the very high economic momentum in the first half of the current year will slow slightly, expansion of economic output this year and next will exceed production capacity growth. As a result, overall capacity utilization will increase, with economic output exceeding potential output. Gross Domestic Product is likely to grow by 1.9 percent this year and by 2 percent in 2018 (calendar-adjusted: 2.2 and 2.1 percent, respectively).
Oliver Holtemöller
Der demographische Wandel und kommunale Investitionen
Martin Altemeyer-Bartscher, Reint E. Gropp, Peter Haug
IWH Online,
No. 1,
Die Investitionstätigkeit der Kommunen in Deutschland hängt im Wesentlichen von der örtlichen Finanzkraft ab und weist daher eine erhebliche räumliche Streuung auf. Doch gewisse regionale Unterschiede bei den Investitionen sind durchaus angemessen, wenn man die zukünftigen Nutzungsintensitäten der überwiegend langfristig angelegten Infrastrukturausstattung berücksichtigt. Da vor allem dort mehr investiert wird, wo die Nutzungsintensität in den kommenden Jahren wächst, fallen die regionalen Unterschiede bei den kommunalen Investitionsausgaben nicht so stark ins Gewicht. Die Gefahr, dass Kommunen mit geringer Ertragskraft in einen Teufelskreis geraten, in dem ausbleibende Investitionen primär einen Verlust an Standortattraktivität verursachen, scheint – wenn überhaupt – nur in Einzelfällen gegeben. Hingegen ist vielerorts eine Trägheit bei der Anpassung der Investitionen an eine neue demographische Situation zu beobachten. So investieren einige finanzstarke, schrumpfende Kommunen im Hinblick auf die abnehmenden Nutzungsintensitäten relativ viel in ihre Infrastruktur, währenddessen zahlreiche wachsende Orte ihre Kapazitäten unzureichend erweitern. Investitionszuschüsse sollten weniger an die gegenwärtige Bevölkerung, sondern vielmehr an die erwartete zukünftige Bevölkerungsentwicklung gekoppelt werden. Damit könnte die Effizienz der kommunalen Investitionen deutlich erhöht werden.
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Non-linearity in the Finance-Growth Nexus: Evidence from Indonesia
Nuruzzaman Arsyad, Iftekhar Hasan, Wahyoe Soedarmono
International Economics,
This paper investigates the finance-growth nexus where bank credit is decomposed into investment, consumption, and working capital credit. From a panel dataset of provinces in Indonesia, it documents that higher financial development measured by financial deepening and financial intermediation exhibits an inverted U-shaped relationship with economic growth. This non-linear effect of financial deepening is driven by both investment credit and consumption credit. These results suggest that too much investment credit and, to a lesser extent, consumption credit are detrimental to economic growth. Ultimately, only financial intermediation associated with working capital credit has a positive and monotonic impact on economic growth.
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Gender Quotas and Human Capital Formation: A Relative Deprivation Approach
Walter Hyll
German Economic Review,
No. 3,
We study a quota's effect on individual human capital investment incentives beyond merely altering individual's overall probability of being promoted. We assume that individuals sense relative deprivation from unfavorable (income) comparisons within their reference group and that comparisons take place within the same gender. The introduction of a female quota increases (decreases) the number of women (men) holding top positions. On one hand, the relative deprivation to which female individuals are subjected to increases. These female individuals respond to an increase in their relative deprivation by acquiring additional human capital which, because it enables them to increase their earnings, reduces their relative deprivation. On the other hand, male individuals invest less in human capital in response to a decrease in relative deprivation. We show that the human capital formed by women who are encouraged to do so by the quotas is larger than the human capital that men who are discouraged by the quotas refrain from forming. However, the positive human capital accumulation effect hinges on a certain level of ability by gender and on how much individuals perceive relative deprivation.
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Meaningless Work Threatens Job Performance
Adrian Chadi, Sabrina Jeworrek, Vanessa Mertins
LSE Business Review,
Open, transparent communication across the organisation is generally associated with improved employee motivation and organisational outcomes. For supervisors, the question arises how to deal with rather inconvenient information, such as in the case of a project failure. Informing employees after significant investments of time and effort might lead to negative effects on subsequent work motivation, one could argue. To identify a causal relationship between the meaning of previously completed work and workers’ subsequent work performance, we exploited a natural working environment in which the loss of the job’s meaning occurred as a matter of fact. At the same time, it was possible to credibly guide only part of the workforce to believe in the sudden loss of meaning by conducting a controlled experiment.
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IWH-Industrieumfrage im ersten Quartal 2017:
Ostdeutsche Industrie ausgesprochen optimistisch
Birgit Schultz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 2,
Das Geschäftsklima im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe Ostdeutschlands hat sich zum Jahresbeginn 2017 weiter aufgehellt, wie die Ergebnisse der IWH-Industrieumfrage unter rund 300 Unternehmen zeigen. Die Geschäftslage wird per saldo sechs Punkte besser als im Vorquartal bewertet. Auch der Saldo aus positiven und negativen Meldungen über die Geschäftsaussichten ist nochmals günstiger ausgefallen (vgl. Abbildung 1 und Tabelle).
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Central Bank Transparency and Cross-border Banking
Stefan Eichler, Helge Littke, Lena Tonzer
Journal of International Money and Finance,
We analyze the effect of central bank transparency on cross-border bank activities. Based on a panel gravity model for cross-border bank claims for 21 home and 47 destination countries from 1998 to 2010, we find strong empirical evidence that a rise in central bank transparency in the destination country, on average, increases cross-border claims. Using interaction models, we find that the positive effect of central bank transparency on cross-border claims is only significant if the central bank is politically independent and operates in a stable economic environment. Central bank transparency and credibility are thus considered complements by banks investing abroad.
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Do Local Banking Market Structures Matter for SME Financing and Performance? New Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Iftekhar Hasan, Krzysztof Jackowicz, Oskar Kowalewski, Łukasz Kozłowski
Journal of Banking and Finance,
This paper investigates the relationship between local banking structures and SMEs’ access to debt and performance. Using a unique dataset on bank branch locations in Poland and firm-, county-, and bank-level data, we conclude that a strong position for local cooperative banks facilitates access to bank financing, lowers financial costs, boosts investments, and favours growth for SMEs. Moreover, counties in which cooperative banks hold a strong position are characterized by a more rapid pace of new firm creation. The opposite effects appear in the majority of cases for local banking markets dominated by foreign-owned banks. Consequently, our findings are important from a policy perspective because they show that foreign bank entry and industry consolidation may raise valid concerns for SME prospects in emerging economies.
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