Is East Germany Catching Up? A Time Series Perspective
Bernd Aumann, Rolf Scheufele
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 14,
This paper assesses whether the economy of East Germany is catching up with the
West German region in terms of welfare. While the primary measure for convergence and catching up is per capita output, we also look at other macroeconomic indicators such as unemployment rates, wage rates, and production levels in the manufacturingsector. In contrast to existing studies of convergence between regions of reunified Germany, our approach is purely based upon the time series dimension and is thus directly focused on the catching up process in East Germany as a region. Our testing setup includes standard ADF unit root tests as well as unit root tests that endogenously allow for a break in the deterministic component of the process. In our analysis, we find evidence of catching up for East Germany for most of the indicators. However, convergence speed is slow, and thus it can be expected that the catching up process will take further decades until the regional gap is closed.
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Consequences, opportunities and challenges for modern biotechnology for Europe (BIO4EU) - TASK 2. Report 3
S. Gaisser, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Thomas Reiss
No. 4,
Modern biotechnology is one of the key enabling technologies of the 21st century with a potentially wide range of applications in many sectors, including health, agriculture and industrial processes. Considering the potential of modern biotechnology to contribute to the achievement of major European Union policy goals, such as economic growth and job creation, public health, environmental protection and sustainable development, the European Parliament has requested the European Commission to carry out an assessment of modern biotechnology. The European Commission welcomed the initiative and announced to undertake a study “to conduct a cost benefit analysis of biotechnology and genetic engineering, including genetically modified organisms in the light of major European policy goals formulated in the Lisbon Strategy,
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Stages of the 2007/2008 Global Financial Crisis: Is there a Wandering Asset Price Bubble?
Lucjan T. Orlowski
Economics E-Journal 43. Munich Personal RePEc Archive 2008,
This study identifies five distinctive stages of the current global financial crisis: the meltdown of the subprime mortgage market; spillovers into broader credit market; the liquidity crisis epitomized by the fallout of Northern Rock, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers with counterparty risk effects on other financial institutions; the commodity price bubble, and the ultimate demise of investment banking in the U.S. The study argues that the severity of the crisis is influenced strongly by changeable allocations of global savings coupled with excessive credit creation, which lead to over-pricing of varied types of assets. The study calls such process a “wandering asset-price bubble“. Unstable allocations elevate market, credit, and liquidity risks. Monetary policy responses aimed at stabilizing financial markets are proposed.
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Stages of the Ongoing Global Financial Crisis: Is There a Wandering Asset Bubble?
Lucjan T. Orlowski
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
This study argues that the severity of the current global financial crisis is strongly influenced by changeable allocations of the global savings. This process is named a “wandering asset bubble”. Since its original outbreak induced by the demise of the subprime mortgage market and the mortgage-backed securities in the U.S., this crisis has reverberated across other credit areas, structured financial products and global financial institutions. Four distinctive stages of the crisis are identified: the meltdown of the subprime mortgage market, spillovers into broader credit market, the liquidity crisis epitomized by the fallout of Bear Sterns with some contagion effects on other financial institutions, and the commodity price bubble. Monetary policy responses aimed at stabilizing financial markets are proposed.
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The Changing Role of the Exchange Rate in a Globalised Economy
Irina Bunda, Filippo di Mauro, Rasmus Rüffer
ECB Occasional Paper Series,
No. 94,
In addition to its direct effects on the global trading and production structure, the ongoing process of globalisation may have important implications for the interaction of exchange rates and the overall economy. This paper presents evidence regarding possible changes in the role of exchange rates in a more globalised economy. First, it analyses the link between exchange rates and prices, showing that there is at most a moderate decline in exchange rate pass-through for the euro area. Next, it turns to the effect of exchange rate changes on trade flows. The findings indicate that the responsiveness of euro area exports to exchange rate changes may have declined somewhat as a result of globalisation, reflecting mainly shifts in the geographical and sectoral composition of trade flows. The paper also provides a firm-level analysis of the impact of exchange rate changes on corporate profits, which suggests that overall this relationship appears to be relatively stable over time, although there are important cross-country differences. In addition, it studies the overall impact of exchange rates on GDP and the potential role of valuation effects as a transmission channel in the case of the euro area. JEL Classification: E3, F15, F31
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Industry Specialization, Diversity and the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Determinants of Innovative Behaviour,
Innovation processes are characterized by a pronounced division of labor between actors. Two types of externality may arise from such interactions. On the one hand, a close location of actors affiliated to the same industry may stimulate innovation (MAR externalities). On the other hand, new ideas may be born by the exchange of heterogeneous and complementary knowledge between actors, which belong to different industries (Jacobs’ externalities). We test the impact of both MAR as well as Jacobs’ externalities on innovative performance at the regional level. The results suggest an inverted u-shaped relationship between regional specialization in certain industries and innovative performance. Further key determinants of the regional innovative performance are private sector R&D and university-industry collaboration.
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Globalisation Forces an Acceleration of Standardization Processes
Ulrich Blum, Henry Dannenberg
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 8,
Die Erhöhung der Wettbewerbsintensität in den vergangenen Jahren, vor allem auf den Märkten für industrielle Produkte, hat den Innovationsdruck in den Unternehmen erhöht. Dies findet Ausdruck in einer beschleunigten Einführung neuer Produkte und Verfahren, was zu einer Verkürzung der Produktlebenszyklen führt. Gleichermaßen führt der Innovationsdruck auch zu einem erhöhten Druck auf Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse, Erkenntnisse möglichst schnell zur Marktreife zu entwickeln.
Das Patentsystem und das Normungssystem geraten hierdurch unter Druck, befinden sie sich doch in einer Sandwichposition. Denn diese Verfahren des Kodifizierens und Sicherns von intellektuellen Eigentumsrechten benötigen Zeit für erforderliche Prüfungen und – im Fall der Normung – auch das Erzielen eines Konsenses für die vorgeschlagene Spezifikation.
Der folgende Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Normung, also die konsensbasierte Vereinheitlichung. Unter den Bedingungen eines zeitlichen Druckkessels ergeben sich drei Möglichkeiten: die Vereinheitlichung völlig zu unterlassen, auf nicht konsensbasierte Industriestandards auszuweichen oder die Verfahren zu beschleunigen. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit es den Normungsorganisationen gelungen ist, in der Sandwichposition zwischen beschleunigter Markteinführung und verkürzter Produktlebenszykluszeit ihre Normungszeiten zu verringern. Es zeigt sich, dass dies bisher gelungen ist – auch durch eine Reihe institutioneller Reformen, beispielsweise eine Priorisierung der internationalen vor der nationalen Normung durch Anfang und Mitte des letzten Jahrzehnts getroffene Vereinbarungen.
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Forecasting the CO2 certificate price risk
Henry Dannenberg, Wilfried Ehrenfeld
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
Die Modellierung des CO2Zertifikatepreisrisikos ist ein wichtiger Teilaspekt eines ganzheitlichen Managements von mit dem Emissionshandel verbundenen Unternehmensrisiken. Das Papier diskutiert ein Preisbildungsmodell, auf dessen Grundlage das Zertifikatepreisrisiko bewertet werden kann. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Zertifikatepreis durch die erwarteten Grenzvermeidungskosten der Handelsperiode determiniert wird und stochastisch um dieses Niveau schwankt. Dieses Verhalten wird mit einem Mean-Reversion-Prozess modelliert. Aufgrund von Unsicherheiten bezüglich künftiger Umweltzustände ist jedoch zu vermuten, dass innerhalb einer Handelsperiode durch das Bekanntwerden neuer Informationen sprunghafte Veränderungen der erwarteten Grenzvermeidungskosten auftreten können, womit sprunghafte Verschiebungen des erwarteten Preisniveaus einhergehen. Neben der ParameterSchätzung ist es daher auch ein Ziel der Arbeit, den Mean-Reversion-Prozess so zu modifizieren, dass solche sprunghaften Veränderungen des erwarteten Reversion-Niveaus abgebildet werden können.
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Transport Costs and the Size of Cities: The Case of Russia
Albrecht Kauffmann
Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Potsdam, Nr. 93,
No. 93,
Real costs of freight transportation have strong increased in Russia particularly during the period of price liberalization 1992–93. This paper investigates possible connections between rising transport costs and the evolution of the size structure of the system of cities in the Russian Federation and its federal subjects. Empirical findings suggest that under conditions of a closed system agglomeration processes according to the predictions of the model of Tabuchi et al. (2005) would have taken place especially in the periphere regions of the North and Far East.
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Systematic Mispricing in European Equity Prices?
Marian Berneburg
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
One empirical argument that has been around for some time and that clearly contra- dicts equity market efficiency is that market prices seem too volatile to be optimal estimates of the present value of future discounted cash flows. Based on this, it is deduced that systematic pricing errors occur in equity markets which hence can not be efficient in the Effcient Market Hypothesis sense. The paper tries to show that this so-called excess volatility is to a large extend the result of the underlying assumptions, which are being employed to estimate the present value of cash flows. Using monthly data for three investment style indices from an integrated European Equity market, all usual assumptions are dropped. This is achieved by employing the Gordon Growth Model and using an estimation process for the dividend growth rate that was suggested by Barsky and De Long. In extension to Barsky and De Long, the discount rate is not assumed at some arbitrary level, but it is estimated from the data. In this manner, the empirical results do not rely on the prerequisites of sta- tionary dividends, constant dividend growth rates as well as non-variable discount rates. It is shown that indeed volatility declines considerably, but is not eliminated. Furthermore, it can be seen that the resulting discount factors for the three in- vestment style indices can not be considered equal, which, on a risk-adjusted basis, indicates performance differences in the investment strategies and hence stands in contradiction to an efficient market. Finally, the estimated discount rates under- went a plausibility check, by comparing their general movement to a market based interest rate. Besides the most recent data, the estimated discount rates match the movements of market interest rates fairly well.
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