Current Trends - Sharp drops at the stock markets: Steps back to normality
Axel Lindner, Marian Berneburg
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 15,
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A revised theory of contestable markets : applied on the German telecommunication sector
Christian Growitsch, Thomas Wein
Externe Publikationen,
No. 275,
Despite the scepticism raised by the German Monopoly Commission our analysis shows that the revised theory of contestable markets can be applied to the telecommunications market better than expected. The original contestable market theory implied three assumptions necessary to be satisfied to establish potential competition: Free market entry, market exit is possible without any costs, and the price adjustment lag exceeds the entry lag. Our analysis shows that if the incumbent reduces its prices slowly (high adjustment lag) and the market entry can be performed quickly (low entry lag), a new competitor will be able to earn back sunk costs. Therefore it is not necessary that all three conditions are satisfied for potential competition to exist. We applied the ‘revised’ contestable market theory to the German telecommunication market and have been able to clearly identify the value added stages in which regulation is required. Under the present conditions local loops - which can be determined as natural monopolies - are not contestable due to sunk costs, high entry lags expected and a probable short price adjustment lag. Local loops can be identified as monopolistic bottlenecks therefore. Regional and local connection networks should also be regulated because a high entry lag and a low price adjustment lag have to be expected as well as current competition does not exist today. The national connection network shows current competition between several network providers; hence regulation can be abolished in this field. Assumed that network access is regulated, services can be supplied by several competing firms.
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Central and Eastern European stock markets: Insufficient liquidity restricts development
Thomas Linne
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 5,
Als Folge der Russlandkrise im August 1998 haben viele internationale Investoren ihre Aktienengagements in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas einer kritischeren Betrachtung unterzogen. Mit dem Rückgang der Portfolioinvestitionen ausländischer Anleger sind wichtige Handelsteilnehmer an den Aktienmärkten weggefallen. Dies hat die ohnehin schon geringe Liquidität noch weiter verringert. Wichtige Impulse für die Entwicklung der Kapitalmärkte können von der Gründung von Pensionsfonds ausgehen, die als Kapitalsammelstellen zusätzliche inländische Nachfrage nach Wertpapieren schaffen.
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The Total Cost of Trading Belgian Shares: Brussels versus London
Hans Degryse
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 9,
Since 1990, London’s SEAQ International (SEAQ-I) has attracted considerable trading volume in Belgian equities. This paper investigates competition between the Brussels CATS market and London’s SEAQ-I. Toward this end, we gathered extensive limit order book data as well as transactions and quotation information. With regard to liquidity (indirect costs), measured by the quoted and effective bid–ask spread, the paper concludes that CATS outperforms SEAQ International for both measures. The effective spread is of course substantially smaller than the quoted spread, with the CATS effective spread showing a U-shaped form. This paper, unique in employing an extensive data set that includes all hidden orders and the whole limit order book, produces results in line with the different market microstructure models. Total trading costs on CATS are lower (higher) for small (large) trade sizes.
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Stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Investors euphoric despite institutional obstacles
Thomas Linne
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Die Massenprivatisierung in verschiedenen Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas hat entscheidende Impulse für die Entwicklung der Aktienmärkte gegeben. Die anfängliche Begeisterung ausländischer Investoren ist angesichts der Liquiditätsprobleme dieser Märkte übertrieben. Für die Kapitalnachfrage der inländischen Unternehmen bedeutet die geringe Liquidität eine bindende Restriktion bei der Kapitalbeschaffung. Als Ausweichreaktion streben deshalb einige Unternehmen eine Börsennotierung im Ausland an.
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