Human Capital Investment, New Firm Creation and Venture Capital
Merih Sevilir
Journal of Financial Intermediation,
No. 4,
This paper studies the relation between firm investment in general human capital, new firm creation and financial development for new firm financing, such as the existence of a venture capital industry. On one hand, firm investment in general human capital leads employees to generate new innovative ideas for starting their own firm. Since employees need a venture capitalist to start their new firm, firm investment in general human capital encourages the creation of venture capitalists by increasing the need for their services, such as providing advice and monitoring. On the other hand, as new firm financing becomes available, firms' willingness to invest in general human capital increases, and as a by-product, the creation of employee-founded and venture capital-backed new firms increases in the economy. Hence, our model provides a rational explanation for the emergence of new firms created by employees of established firms, which represents one of the most common type of new firms in many industries.
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Corporate Governance in the Multinational Enterprise: A Financial Contracting Perspective
Diemo Dietrich, Björn Jindra
International Business Review,
The aim of this paper is to bring economics-based finance research more into the focus of international business theory. On the basis of an analytical model that introduces financial constraints into incomplete contracting in an international vertical trade relationship, we propose an integrated framework that facilitates the study of the interdependencies between internalisation decisions, firm-internal allocations of control rights, and the debt capacity of firms. We argue that the financial constraint of an MNE and/or its supplier should be considered as an important determinant of internal governance structures, complementary to, and interacting with, institutional factors and proprietary knowledge.
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Government Interventions in Banking Crises: Assessing Alternative Schemes in a Banking Model of Debt Overhang
Diemo Dietrich, Achim Hauck
In dieser Studie werden verschiedene Politikmaßnahmen evaluiert, die ergriffen werden können, um den Rückgang des Kreditangebots im Geiner Bankenkrise aufzuhalten. Es wird ein dynamischer Ansatz entwickelt, in dem Banken aufgrund eines bestehenden Schuldenüberhangs einen Anreiz haben, das Kreditangebot zu reduzieren oder eine fragile Kapitalstruktur zu wählen. Staatliche Unterstützungsmaßnahmen, die von neuen Bankgeschäften abhängig gemacht werden, erlauben es den Banken, das Ausmaß der Unterstützung zu beeinflussen und Risiken zu externalisieren; damit targen die Maßnahmen dazu bei, dass Banken das Kreditangebot unangemessen stark ausweiten und/oder exzessive Risiken eingehen. Unterstützungsmaßnahmen ohne Bezug auf neue Bankgeschäfte führen nicht zu diesen adversen Anreizeffekten, sind aber mit höheren fiskalischen Kosten verbunden.
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Cross-border Diversification in Bank Asset Portfolios
Claudia M. Buch, J.C. Driscoll, C. Ostergaard
International Finance,
We compute optimally diversified international asset portfolios for banks located in France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States using the mean–variance portfolio model with currency hedging. We compare these benchmark portfolios with the actual cross-border asset positions of banks from 1995 to 2003 and ask whether the differences are best explained by regulations, institutions, cultural conditions or other financial frictions. Our results suggest that both culture and regulations affect the probability of a country's being overweighted in banks' portfolios: countries whose residents score higher on a survey measure of trust are more likely to be overweighted, while countries that have tighter capital controls are less likely to be overweighted. From a policy standpoint, the importance of culture suggests a limit to the degree of financial integration that may be achievable by the removal of formal economic barriers.
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Macroeconomic Shocks and Banks' Foreign Assets
Claudia M. Buch, K. Carstensen, A. Schertler
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
No. 1,
Recent developments in international financial markets have highlighted the role of banks in the transmission of shocks across borders. We employ dynamic panel methods for a sample of OECD countries to analyze whether banks' foreign assets react to macroeconomic shocks at home and abroad. We find that banks reduce their foreign assets in response to a relative increase in domestic interest rates, and they increase their foreign assets when the growth rate of world energy prices rises. The responses are characterized by a temporal overshooting and a dynamic adjustment process that extends over several quarters.
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Deriving the Term Structure of Banking Crisis Risk with a Compound Option Approach: The Case of Kazakhstan
Stefan Eichler, Alexander Karmann, Dominik Maltritz
Discussion paper, Series 2: Banking and financial studies, No. 01/2010,
No. 1,
We use a compound option-based structural credit risk model to infer a term structure of banking crisis risk from market data on bank stocks in daily frequency. Considering debt service payments with different maturities this term structure assigns a separate estimator for short- and long-term default risk to each maturity. Applying the Duan (1994) maximum likelihood approach, we find for Kazakhstan that the overall crisis probability was mainly driven by short-term risk, which increased from 25% in March 2007 to 80% in December 2008. Concurrently, the long-term default risk increased from 20% to only 25% during the same period.
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Bank Credit Standards, Demand, Pro-cyclicality and the Business Cycle: A Comment
Á. Maddaloni, J. L. Peydró Alcalde, J. Suárez, Reint E. Gropp
Moneda y crédito,
No. 230,
We analyze the determinants fo standards and demand for loans to firms and house-holds over the last business cycle using the comprehensive and confidential Bank Lending Survery from the Euro area. There is significant variation of standards and demand over the cycle. Standards for business loans vary more during the business cycle than the lending standards for households, whereas credit demand from households varies more than demand from firms. Lending standards vary mainly due to charges in perception of borrower risk, bank balance sheet positions and competitive pressures. In particular, we find that higher GDP growth softens lending standards for all loans, i. e. lending standards are pro-cyclical. However, we also find pro-cyclicality in credit demand.
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Shocks at Large Banks and Banking Sector Distress: The Banking Granular Residual
S. Blank, Claudia M. Buch, Katja Neugebauer
Journal of Financial Stability,
No. 4,
Size matters in banking. In this paper, we explore whether shocks originating at large banks affect the probability of distress of smaller banks and thus the stability of the banking system. Our analysis proceeds in two steps. In a first step, we follow Gabaix and construct a measure of idiosyncratic shocks at large banks, the so-called Banking Granular Residual. This measure documents the importance of size effects for the German banking system. In a second step, we incorporate this measure of idiosyncratic shocks at large banks into an integrated stress-testing model for the German banking system following De Graeve et al. (2008). We find that positive shocks at large banks reduce the probability of distress of small banks.
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Margins of international banking: Is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too?
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 12/2009,
Modern trade theory emphasizes firm-level productivity differentials to explain
the cross-border activities of non-financial firms. This study tests whether a
productivity pecking order also determines international banking activities. Using
a novel dataset that contains all German banks’ international activities, we
estimate the ordered probability of a presence abroad (extensive margin) and the
volume of international assets (intensive margin). Methodologically, we enrich the
conventional Heckman selection model to account for the self-selection of banks
into different modes of foreign activities using an ordered probit. Four main
findings emerge. First, similar to results for non-financial firms, a productivity
pecking order drives bank internationalization. Second, only a few non-financial
firms engage in international trade, but many banks hold international assets, and
only a few large banks engage in foreign direct investment. Third, in addition to
productivity, risk factors matter for international banking. Fourth, gravity-type
variables have an important impact on international banking activities.
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Axel Lindner
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Laien ist die Ratio wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Finanzkrise oft nur schwer zu vermitteln. Ein Beispiel dafür sind die Mitte Mai von der Bundesregierung beschlossenen Eckpunkte für das geplante Konsolidierungs- oder „Bad“-Bank-Modell. Kaum geringere Verständnisschwierigkeiten haben damit freilich auch geschulte Ökonomen. Welches Problem angegangen werden soll, ist immerhin klar: Die Finanzmarktkrise droht nach wie vor, die Kreditversorgung der Wirtschaft zu drosseln. Denn die Banken müssen damit rechnen, weiterhin in erheblichem Umfang Abschreibungen auf ihr Portfolio aus strukturierten Wertpapieren vornehmen zu müssen. Das zur Absicherung dieser Risiken zu hinterlegende Eigenkapital steht den Banken dann nicht mehr für die Kreditvergabe zur Verfügung. Die Eckpunkte des Bad-Bank-Modells sehen nun vor, dass den Finanzinstituten die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, die Problem-Papiere aus ihren Bankbilanzen in institutsspezifische Zweckgesellschaften (bad banks) auszulagern. Im Gegenzug erhalten sie von den Zweckgesellschaften herausgegebene Schuldverschreibungen. Durch die staatliche Garantie dieser Titel erledigt sich der Abschreibungsbedarf.
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