New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa – Institutional and Local Perspectives. African Development Perspectives Yearbook, Vol. 14
Tobias Knedlik, Karl Wohlmuth, Philippe Burger, Achim Gutowski, Mareike Meyn, T. (eds) Urban, Afeikhena Jerome
The Volume XIV analyses the “New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa“. Institutional issues and perspectives in designing new growth and poverty alleviation strategies are considered in various case studies (Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Botswana and Tanzania). Other studies deal with institutional problems of resource-rich countries after conflict (Sudan) and with the institutions to enhance environmental protection parallel to economic growth and poverty reduction (Niger). Further studies deal with institutions to bridge the gap between formal and informal entrepreneurial sectors in Kenya and Tanzania. Local issues and perspectives for designing new growth and poverty alleviation strategies are considered in case studies on rural-urban development gaps in Tanzania and on microfinance as an instrument for new growth and poverty alleviation strategies (Tanzania and Eritrea). A study on small farmers in Ghana provides information on the role they can play in value chains. Two studies on Nigeria highlight the local and the sub-regional health and poverty alleviation programmes and the relation to growth. Book reviews and book notes on the theme are part of the volume. This volume builds the foundation for a comprehensive strategy of policy reforms in Africa so as to integrate new growth and poverty alleviation strategies. Complementary to Volume XIV is Volume XIII on “New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa - Interational and Regional Perspectives“. Both volumes are of importance for all those who work in African countries as officials, executives, managers, researchers, and policy-makers, but also for all those who actively support Africa's development concerns at the international, regional, country, local, and project levels. They will experience this Volume XIV and also the complementary Volume XIII as indispensable sources of insight, reference, and inspiration.
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The Africa dummy revisited - The African growth gap, development policy and the realization of the MDGs
Eva Dettmann
African Development Perspectives Yearbook, No. 13,
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New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa - International and Regional Perspectives. African Development Perspectives Yearbook, Vol. 13
Karl Wohlmuth, Tobias Knedlik, Mareike Meyn, Afeikhena Jerome, T. (eds) Urban
African Development Perspectives Yearbook,
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The Effect of the Iraq War on Foreign Bank Lending to the MENA Region
H. Evren Damar
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
No. 5,
This paper examines whether a large geopolitical event, such as the war in Iraq, can affect foreign bank lending from developed countries to emerging markets. Using country-level data, the paper analyzes the effects of economic shocks and the Iraq war on the availability of foreign bank credit to five countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The war has had a nonuniform effect on foreign banks: Although the war has led to higher U.S. lending, it has also discouraged British and Italian banks from lending to the region. Implications concerning the stability and reliability of foreign bank credit in the face of increased geopolitical risks are identified and discussed.
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Africa – Commodity Dependence, Resource Curse and Export Diversification. African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2007, Vol. 12
Tobias Knedlik, Chicot Eboué, Achim Gutowski, Afeikhena Jerome, Touna Mama, Mareike Meyn, Karl Wohlmuth
Volume 12 des African Development Perspectives Yearbook behandelt in Form von Länderstudien den Zustand der afrikanischen Primärgüterabhängigkeit, die Bemühungen um Exportdiversifizierung und die Anfälligkeit für Krisen. Diese Probleme werden im Kontext des Ressourcenreichtums, insbesondere der strategisch wichtigen Ölvorkommen, betrachtet. Die hohe Abhängigkeit afrikanischer Länder von wenigen primären Exportgütern ist zudem eine Ursache für Konflikte. In dieser Ausgabe des African Development Perspectives Yearbook liegt der Fokus auf der Krisenanfälligkeit von rohstoffreichen, hauptsächlich ölexportierenden afrikanischen Ländern. Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen in verschiedenen rohstoffreichen Ländern werden Strategien zur Exportdiversifizierung, Optionen zur Schaffung politischer Stabilität als Voraussetzung für steigende Investitionen, Strategien zur Rekonstruktion und zur nachhaltigen politischen und ökonomischen Entwicklung diskutiert. Es wird analysiert, wie Länder dem Primärgüterabhängigkeitsproblem mit Hilfe pro-aktiver Wirtschaftspolitik und der Lösung politischer Konflikte entkommen können.
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Book Review: Martin Grandes, Nicolas Pinaud (eds.): Reducing Capital Cost in Southern Africa, 2005
Tobias Knedlik
Africa – Commodity Dependence, Resource Curse and Export Diversification, African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2007, No. 12,
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Africa-Escaping the Primary Commodities Dilemma. African Development Perspectives Yearbook, No. 11
Karl Wohlmuth, Achim Gutowski, Tobias Knedlik, Mareike Meyn, Philippe Burger, M.N. (eds.) Hussain
Africa - Escaping the Primary Commodities Dilemma (African Development Perspectives Yearbook),
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Estimating Monetary Policy Rules for South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
South African Journal of Economics,
Das Papier kombiniert die Schätzung des Monetary Conditions Index (MCI) mit einem theoretischen Modell zur optimalen Geldpolitik in Südafrika. Die grundlegende Idee des Beitrags ist, dass die Geldpolitik nicht nur ein Interesse an stabilen monetären Bedingungen im Inlandsbezug, sondern auch an externer Stabilität hat. Im Papier wird das Konzept des MCI vorgestellt und der relative Einfluss von Zins und Wechselkurs auf die Outputlücke geschätzt. Die geschätzten Gewichte sind 1.9:1. Die Schätzergebnisse werden zur Spezifizierung von Operating Targets-Regeln der südafrikanischen Geldpolitik verwendet.
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Signaling Currency Crises in South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 19,
Currency crises episodes of 1996, 1998, and 2001 are used to identify common country specific causes of currency crises in South Africa. The paper identifies crises by the use of an Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index as introduced by Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1996). It extends the Signals Approach introduced by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996, 1998) by developing a composite indicator in order to measure the evolution of currency crisis risk in South Africa. The analysis considers the standard suspects from international currency crises and country specifics as identified by the Myburgh Commission (2002) and current literature as potentially relevant indicators.
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Progressivity and flexibility in developing an effective competition regime: using experiences of Poland, Ukraine and South Africa for developing countries. Forschungsbericht innerhalb des EU-Projektes: Competition Policy Foundations for Trade Reform, Regulatory Reform, and Sustainable Development, 2005
Franz Kronthaler, Johannes Stephan
No. 5,
The paper discusses the role of the concept of special and differential treatment in the framework of regional trade agreements for the development of a competition regime. After a discussion of the main characteristics and possible shortfalls of those concepts, three case countries are assessed in terms of their experience with progressivity, flexibility, and technical and financial assistance: Poland was led to align its competition laws to match the model of the EU. The Ukraine opted voluntarily for the European model, this despite its intense integration mainly with Russia. South Africa, a developing country that emerged from a highly segregated social fabric and an economy dominated by large conglomerates with concentrated ownership. All three countries enacted (or comprehensively reformed) their competition laws in an attempt to face the challenges of economic integration and catch up development on the one hand and particular social problems on the other. Hence, their experience may be pivotal for a variety of different developing countries who are in negotiations to include competition issues in regional trade agreements. The results suggest that the design of such competition issues have to reflect country-particularities to achieve an efficient competition regime.
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