Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
Post-Communist Economies,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the western part of the country. To face this weakness a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analysing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted-U relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the Western part of the country. To face this weakness, a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted U-shaped relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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Spillover Effects of Spatial Growth Poles - a Reconciliation of Conflicting Policy Targets?
Alexander Kubis, Mirko Titze, Joachim Ragnitz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
Regional economic policy faces the challenge of two competing policy goals - reducing regional economic disparities vs. promoting economic growth. The allocation of public funds has to weigh these goals particularly under the restriction of scarce financial re- sources. If, however, some region turns out to be a regional growth pole with positive spillovers to its disadvantaged periphery, regional policies could be designed to recon- cile the conflicting targets. In this case, peripheral regions could indirectly participate in the economic development of their growing cores. We start our investigation by defining and identifying such growth poles among German regions on the NUTS 3 administrative level based on spatial and sectoral effects. Using cluster analysis, we determine significant characteristics for the general identification of growth poles. Patterns in the sectoral change are identified by means of the change in the employment. Finally, we analyze whether and to what extent these growth poles ex- ert spatial spillover effects on neighbouring regions and thus mitigate contradictory in- terests in regional public policy. For this purpose, we apply a Spatial-Cross-Regressive- Model (SCR-Model) including the change in the secondary sector which allows to con- sider functional economic relations on the administrative level chosen (NUTS 3).
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Der Einfluß von Führungsfunktionen auf das Regionaleinkommen: eine ökonometrische Analyse deutscher Regionen
Ulrich Blum
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Das in den späten 70er Jahren entwickelte Potentialfaktorkonzept, das die Beziehung zwischen regional weitgehend immobilen Produktionsfaktorkapazitäten und dem regionalen Entwicklungspotential analysiert, wird auf die Regionen des vereinten Deutschlands angewendet. Ziel ist es, auf der Grundlage von Daten des Jahres 2003 die Beziehung auszuweisen und innerdeutsch in Bezug auf die wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit differenzierende Faktoren zu identifizieren. Daher werden neben der Erklärung von Arbeit sowie öffentlichem und privatem Kapital auch die Kapazität der Führungsfunktionen und die privaten Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung einbezogen. Zunächst zeigt sich, daß drei Faktoren für die Einkommenslücke des Ostens von rund 40% besonders verantwortlich zeichnen: Die weitgehend fehlenden Führungsfunktionen, die niedrigen FuE-Ausgaben und die Erreichbarkeit im überörtlichen Verkehrssystem. Rund 85% des ostdeutschen Rückstands werden durch sie erklärt. Natürlich ist bekannt, daß eine Interdependenz zwischen Führungsfunktionen und wirtschaftlicher Leistungsfähigkeit besteht und damit eine einfache Kausalität nicht zwingend ist. Da aber durch den Einigungsprozeß Kombinatsstrukturen zerschlagen wurden und im Rahmen der Privatisierung der Aufbau von örtlichen Führungsfunktionen kein vorgegebenes Ziel war, weshalb auch die Industrieforschung der DDR nur mit Anstrengungen – und dann nur partiell – in die Marktwirtschaft überführt werden konnte, steht hier diese Minderausstattung am Anfang der Ursachenforschung für die fehlende Ost-West-Konvergenz. Aus wirtschaftspolitischer Sicht muß damit die Forderung nach Unterstützung eines internen und externen Unternehmenswachstums Priorität gewinnen, um die Regionen wirtschaftlich zu ertüchtigen. Denn die Beziehung zwischen Produktivität, Unternehmensgröße und Internationalität der erstellten Güterstruktur ist aus theoretischer ebenso wie aus empirischer Sicht zwingend. In der Tat sind solche ostdeutschen Regionen besonders erfolgreich, denen dies vor allem durch den Aufbau leistungsfähiger Cluster gelungen ist.
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Enhanced Cooperation in an Enlarged EU, CeGE-Discussion Paper No. 53
J. Ahrens, Renate Ohr, Götz Zeddies
The paper adresses the need for more flexibility in the integration process of the European Union after its recent eastward enlargement. Due to the increasing number of decision-makers and the increasing heterogeneity of economic structures, financial constraints, societal preferences, and political interests, European integration based on the uniformity principle is hardly feasible. In order to avoid a rank growth of integration and yet to strengthen the momentum of flexibility, so-called enhanced cooperation appears to be an appropriate instrument to be applied to the overall integration process. In this context the paper analyzes different possible developments of selected common policies in the EU if enhanced cooperation is practised by a sub-group of EU-members. Based on cluster analysis similarities and distinctions among the EU members with respect to some specific policy realms are elaborated to identify clusters, or clubs, of countries which may apply the instrument of enhanced cooperation in the specific policy fields.
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Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from German Firm-Level Data
Claudia M. Buch, J. Kleinert, A. Lipponer
Economic Policy,
No. 41,
Foreign direct investment is an essential aspect of ‘globalization’ yet its empirical determinants are not well understood. What we do know is based either on poor data for a wide range of nations, or good data for the US and Swedish cases. In this paper, we provide evidence on the determinants of the activities of German multinational firms by using a newly available firm-level data set from the Deutsche Bundesbank. The specific goal of this paper is to demonstrate the relative role of country-level and firm-level determinants of foreign direct investment. We focus on three main questions: First, what are the main driving forces of German firms’ multinational activities? Second, is there evidence that sector-level and firm-level factors shape internationalization patterns? Third, is there evidence of agglomeration effects in the foreign activities of German firms? We find that the market access motive for internationalization dominates. Firms move abroad mainly to gain better access to large foreign markets. Cost-saving motives, however, are important for some manufacturing sectors. Our results strongly suggest that firm-level heterogeneity has an important influence on internationalization patterns – as stressed by recent models of international trade. We also find positive agglomeration effects for the activities of German firms that stem from the number of other German firms that are active on a given foreign market. In terms of lessons for economic policy, our results show that lowering barriers to the integration of markets and encouraging the formation of human capital can promote the activities of multinational firms. However, our results related to the heterogeneity of firms and agglomeration tendencies show that it might be difficult to fine-tune policies directed at the exploitation of synergies and at the creation of clusters of foreign firms.
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A Study of the Competitiveness of Regions based on a Cluster Analysis: The Example of East Germany
Franz Kronthaler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 179,
This paper examines whether some East German regions have already achieved the same economic capability as the regions in West Germany, so that they are on a competitive basis with the West German regions and are able to reach the same economic level in the long run. If this is not the case, it is important to know more about the reasons for the economic weakness of the East German regions twelve years after unification.
The study is based on a cluster analysis. Criteria for the cluster formation are several economic indicators, which provide information about the economic capability of regions. The choice of the indicators is based on a review of results of the theoretical and empirical literature on the new growth theory and new economic geography.
The results show that most of the East German regions have not yet reached the economic capability and competitiveness of their West German counterparts so that they - from the viewpoint of the new growth theory and the new economic geography - are not in the position to reach the same economic level. According to these theories economic disadvantages are most notably the consequences of less technical progress, a lack of entrepreneurship and fewer business concentration. Under these points it is especially noteworthy that young well educated people leave these East German regions so that human capital might will turn into a bottle-neck in the near future. Only a few regions in East Germany - those with important agglomerations - are comparable to West German regions that are characterised by average capability and competitiveness, but not to those with above average economic capability and competitiveness. Even those more advanced East German regions still suffer from a slower technical progress.
There are important policy implications based on these results: regional policy in East Germany was not able to assist raising all regions to a sufficient level of competitiveness. It may be more effective to concentrate the regional policy efforts on a selection of important agglomerations. This has also strong implications for the EU regional policy assuming that the accession countries will have similar problems in catching up to the economic level of the EU as have the East German regions.
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Regional analysis of East Germany: A comparison of the economic situation of states, districts, and municipalities
Franz Barjak, Peter Franz, Gerhard Heimpold, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 2,
Zehn Jahre nach der politischen Wende in Ostdeutschland erscheint die Frage von zunehmendem Interesse, ob und in welchem Ausmaß sich im einst zentral verwalteten ostdeutschen Wirtschaftsraum regionale Differenzierungen herausgebildet haben. Der Beitrag versucht, diese Frage mit Hilfe eines Systems ausgewählter Indikatoren und statistischer Daten für die Jahre 1991 bis 1998 zu beantworten.
Die Studie zeigt, dass jedes Land sein spezifisches ökonomisches Profil aufweist. Brandenburg nimmt aufgrund seiner Verflechtungen mit der Bundeshauptstadt eine Sonderposition ein, die in Wanderungsüberschüssen, einer relativ niedrigen Arbeitslosigkeit und besonders hohen Werten beim Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner zum Ausdruck kommt. Sachsen erreichte bei der Ausstattung mit Humankapital, den wirtschaftsnahen Infrastrukturinvestitionen, dem technischen Fortschritt, der unternehmerischen Initiative, der Modernität der Produktionsstruktur sowie der industriellen Basis eine gute Position. Thüringen fällt u. a. durch besonders hohe Patentanmeldungen und eine relativ stabile industrielle Basis auf. Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Schattenseiten zeigen sich in einer hohen Arbeitslosigkeit, bei der besonders starken Abwanderung von Einwohnern und den besonders niedrigen Industrieinvestitionen; letzterem stehen allerdings recht hohe Investitionen in der Tourismusbranche gegenüber. Sachsen-Anhalt schließlich weist über den Gesamtzeitraum die niedrigste Erwerbstätigenquote, den größten Rückgang der Industriebeschäftigung, die höchste Arbeitslosenquote sowie den zweitniedrigsten Wert beim Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner auf. Demgegenüber zeichnet sich Sachsen-Anhalt durch die höchsten Investitionen alle anderen Länder aus.
Auf der Kreisebene wurden mit dem Verfahren der Clusteranalyse vier, relativ deutlich voneinander unterscheidbare Cluster ermittelt: Ein „Cluster mit erheblichen Schwächen der wirtschaftlichen Situation“, ein „Cluster mit hohem Humankapitalbestand und Suburbanisierungsverlusten“, ein „Cluster mit einem guten wirtschaftlichen Ergebnis“ und ein viertes und letztes „Cluster mit Wachstumspotentialen durch mittelständische Unternehmen“.
Vergleicht man die Länder, die Landkreise und die Städte in Ost und West dahingehend, wie stark die Indikatorwerte streuen, so zeigt sich, dass die ökonomischen Unterschiede in Ostdeutschland nach wie vor geringer sind als in Westdeutschland.
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