Is There Monopsonistic Discrimination against Immigrants?
Boris Hirsch, Elke J. Jahn
ILR Review,
No. 3,
The authors investigate immigrants’ and natives’ labor supply to the firm within an estimation approach based on a dynamic monopsony framework. Applying duration models that account for unobserved worker heterogeneity to a large administrative employer–employee data set for Germany, they find that immigrants supply labor less elastically to firms than do natives. Under monopsonistic wage setting, the estimated elasticity differential predicts a 7.7 log points wage penalty for immigrants thereby accounting for the entire unexplained native–immigrant wage differential of 5.8 to 8.2 log points. When further distinguishing immigrant groups differing in their time spent in the German labor market, their immigration cohort, and their age at entry, the authors find that the observed unexplained wage differential is larger for those groups that show a larger elasticity differential relative to natives. These findings not only suggest that search frictions are a likely cause of employers’ more pronounced monopsony power over their immigrant workers but also imply that employers profit from discriminating against immigrants.
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Fachkräftemangel – was ist dran? Bericht zum 9. IWH-IAB-Workshop zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik
Herbert S. Buscher, C. Harendt, A. Smigiel
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Ein möglicher Fachkräftemangel und seine Auswirkungen sind seit geraumer Zeit ein Kernthema wirtschafts- und arbeitsmarktpolitischer Debatten. Im Rahmen des 9. Workshops zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik des IWH und des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) in Halle (Saale) diskutierten Wissenschaftler und Vertreter aus Politik und Wirtschaft über die Problematik in den kommenden Jahren möglicherweise fehlender qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte. In diesem Kontext wurden demographische, unternehmensbezogene und regionalspezifische Aspekte des Problems beleuchtet. Der Fachkräftemangel ist empirisch schwer zu erfassen. Als temporäre, berufs- und regionalspezifische Phänomene sind Fachkräfteengpässe jedoch zu beobachten. Unabhängig von der Feststellung eines tatsächlichen Fachkräftemangels sind Maßnahmen zur Fachkräftesicherung aus Gründen der Wohlfahrtssteigerung zu empfehlen.
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What Drives FDI in Central-eastern Europe? Evidence from the IWH-FDI-Micro Database
Andrea Gauselmann, Mark Knell, Johannes Stephan
Post-Communist Economies,
No. 3,
The focus of this paper is on the match between strategic motives of foreign investments into Central-Eastern Europe and locational advantages offered by these countries. Our analysis makes use of the IWH-FDI-Micro Database, a unique dataset that contains information from 2009 about the determinants of locational factors, technological activity of the subsidiaries, and the potentials for knowledge spillovers in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. The analysis suggests that investors in these countries are mainly interested in low (unit) labour costs coupled with a well-trained and educated workforce and an expanding market with the high growth rates in the purchasing power of potential buyers. It also suggests that the financial crisis reduced the attractiveness of the region as a source for localised knowledge and technology. There appears to be a match between investors’ expectations and the quantitative supply of unqualified labour, not however for the supply of medium qualified workers. But the analysis suggests that it is not technology-seeking investments that are particularly content with the capabilities of their host economies in terms of technological cooperation. Finally, technological cooperation within the local host economy is assessed more favourably with domestic firms than with local scientific institutions – an important message for domestic economic policy.
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Monopsonistic Labour Markets and the Gender Pay Gap: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Boris Hirsch
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
No. 639,
This book investigates models of spatial and dynamic monopsony and their application to the persistent empirical regularity of the gender pay gap. Theoretically, the main conclusion is that employers possess more monopsony power over their female employees if women are less driven by pecuniary considerations in their choice of employers than men. Employers may exploit this to increase their profits at the detriment of women’s wages. Empirically, it is indeed found that women’s labour supply to the firm is less wage-elastic than men’s and that at least a third of the gender pay gap in the data investigated may result from employers engaging in monopsonistic discrimination. Therefore, a monopsonistic approach to gender discrimination in the labour market clearly contributes to the economic understanding of the gender pay gap. It not only provides an intuitively appealing explanation of the gap from standard economic reasoning, but it is also corroborated by empirical observation.
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Will there be a shortage of skilled labor? An East German perspective to 2015
Herbert S. Buscher, Eva Dettmann, Marco Sunder, Dirk Trocka
Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement,
Wie auch andere ostdeutsche Bundesländer steht Thüringen noch immer einer hohen Arbeitslosigkeit in Folge des ökonomischen Transformationsprozesses gegenüber und erfährt eine schnellere Alterung und Schrumpfung der Bevölkerung als die meisten Regionen Westeuropas. Unter Verwendung von Extrapolationsmethoden wird im Beitrag für das Bundesland Thüringen eine Fortschreibung des Angebots und der Nachfrage nach Fachkräften – disaggregiert nach Qualifikationsarten – bis 2015 vorgestellt. Dabei weist die Analyse nicht auf einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden Fachkräfteengpass hin, dennoch liefert sie Hinweise auf einen enger werdenden Arbeitsmarkt für Fachkräfte. Auf Grundlage einer im Sommer 2008 durchgeführten Befragung von rund 1 000 thüringischen Unternehmen wird untersucht, inwieweit Unternehmen diese Entwicklung bereits heute als Problem einschätzen und welche Vorkehrungen sie im Bereich Personalpolitik gegebenenfalls treffen werden. Die Mehrzahl der Unternehmen plant den Ausbau von Weiterbildungsaktivitäten sowie die Einstellung bzw. die Beschäftigung von älteren Arbeitnehmern. Die Studie schließt mit Handlungsempfehlungen zur Reduzierung des Mismatch zwischen Qualifikationsangebot und -nachfrage.
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The Gender Pay Gap under Duopsony: Joan Robinson meets Harold Hotelling
Boris Hirsch
Scottish Journal of Political Economy,
No. 5,
This paper presents an alternative explanation of the gender pay gap resting on a simple Hotelling-style duopsony model of the labour market. Since there are only two employers, equally productive women and men have to commute and face travel cost to do so. We assume that some women have higher travel cost, e.g., due to more domestic responsibilities. Employers exploit that women on average are less inclined to commute and offer lower wages to all women. Since women's firm-level labour supply is for this reason less wage-elastic, this model is in line with Robinson's explanation of wage discrimination.
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Will There Be a Shortage of Skilled Labor? An East German Perspective to 2015
Herbert S. Buscher, Eva Dettmann, Marco Sunder, Dirk Trocka
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 13,
We analyze the supply and demand of skilled labor in an East German federal state, Thuringia. This state has been facing high unemployment in the course of economic transformation and experiences population ageing and shrinking more rapidly than most West European regions. In a first step, we use extrapolation techniques to forecast labor supply and demand for the period 2009-2015, disaggregated by type of qualification. The analysis does not corroborate the notion of an imminent skilled-labor shortage but provides hints for a tightening labor market for skilled workers. In the second step, we ask firms about their appraisal of future recruitment conditions, and both current and planned strategies in the context of personnel management. The majority of firms plan to expand further education efforts and hire older workers. The study closes with policy recommendations to prevent occupational mismatch.
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Low Skill but High Volatility?
Claudia M. Buch
CESifo Working Paper No. 2665,
Globalization may impose a double-burden on low-skilled workers. On the one hand, the relative supply of low-skilled labor increases. This suppresses wages of low-skilled workers and/or increases their unemployment rates. On the other hand, low-skilled workers typically face more limited access to financial markets than high-skilled workers. This limits their ability to smooth shocks to income intertemporally and to share risks across borders. Using cross-country, industry-level data for the years 1970 - 2004, we document how the volatility of hours worked and of wages of workers at different skill levels has changed over time. We develop a stylized theoretical model that is consistent with the empirical evidence, and we test the predictions of the model. Our results show that greater financial globalization and development increases the volatility of employment, and this effect is strongest for low-skilled workers. A higher share of low-skilled employment has a dampening impact.
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Workplace Equipment and Workplace Gap by Gender in East and West Germany
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Johann Fuchs, Cornelia Lang
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 9,
In dem vorliegenden Aufsatz werden (a) Umfang und Struktur der vorhandenen Arbeitsplätze nach Geschlechtern in Ost- und Westdeutschland, (b) das geschlechtsspezifische Ausmaß der „Arbeitplatzlücke“ in beiden Großregionen sowie (c) die Ursachen für die – gemessen an Westdeutschland – höhere „Arbeitsplatzlücke“ in Ostdeutschland auf der Grundlage von Daten der Regionalen Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen und der Bundesgentur für Arbeit untersucht. Die Analyse zeigt, dass im Jahr 2003 die „Arbeitsplatzausstattung“ je 1000 Erwerbsfähigen in Ostdeutschland fast genau so hoch war wie in Westdeutschland. Bei den Frauen lag sie sogar über dem westdeutschen Vergleichswert. Dennoch ist die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Arbeitsangebot und der Nachfrage bei den ostdeutschen Frauen und Männern erheblich größer. Dies ist zum einen auf strukturelle Ursachen und zum anderen auf die höhere Erwerbsneigung der ostdeutschen Frauen zurückzuführen, die insbesonde durch das tradierte Verhaltensmuster nach Erwerbsarbeit sowie die geringeren Haushalteinkommen in Ostdeutschland bedingt ist.
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