International Banking and Liquidity Allocation: Cross-border Financial Services versus Multinational Banking
Diemo Dietrich, Uwe Vollmer
Journal of Financial Services Research,
Diese Studie untersucht den komparativen Vorteil multinationaler Banken gegenüber dem grenzüberschreitenden Handel mit Finanzdienstleistungen hinsichtlich der Fähigkeit, vom globalen Zugang zu Finanzierungsquellen zu profitieren. Es wird argumentiert, dass der komparative Vorteil durch Nutzen und Kosten einer besonderen Kenntnis lokaler Märkte bestimmt wird. Für multinationale Banken liegt der Nutzen darin, eine höhere Produktivität zu erreichen und mehr Liquidität bereit zu stellen. Die Kosten bestehen darin, dass bestehdne Interessenskonflikte nur aufgrund der Spezifität des Wissens auch zu Ineffizienzen auf den bankinternen Kapitalmärkten führen; diese sind aber erforderlich, um Liquidität grenzüberschreitend zu alloziieren. Es werden die Bedingungen analysiert, unter denen multinationale Banken einen komparativen Vorteil haben, und es wird gezeigt, dass Mindesteigenkapitalvorschriften einen Einfluss hierauf ausüben, da sie das Ausmaß der Ineffizienzen interner Kapitalmärkte für verschiedene Organisationsformen unterschiedlich beeinflussen.
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Bank Lending, Bank Capital Regulation and Efficiency of Corporate Foreign Investment
Diemo Dietrich, Achim Hauck
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
In this paper we study interdependencies between corporate foreign investment and the capital structure of banks. By committing to invest predominantly at home, firms can reduce the credit default risk of their lending banks. Therefore, banks can refinance loans to a larger extent through deposits thereby reducing firms’ effective financing costs. Firms thus have an incentive to allocate resources inefficiently as they then save on financing costs. We argue that imposing minimum capital adequacy for banks can eliminate this incentive by putting a lower bound on financing costs. However, the Basel II framework is shown to miss this potential.
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FDI versus exports: Evidence from German banks
Claudia M. Buch, A. Lipponer
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 3,
We use a new bank-level dataset to study the FDI-versus-exports decision for German banks. We extend the literature on multinational firms in two directions. First, we simultaneously study FDI and the export of cross-border financial services. Second, we test recent theories on multinational firms which show the importance of firm heterogeneity [Helpman, E., Melitz, M.J., Yeaple, S.R., 2004. Export versus FDI. American Economic Review 94 (1), 300–316]. Our results show that FDI and cross-border services are complements rather than substitutes. Heterogeneity of banks has a significant impact on the internationalization decision. More profitable and larger banks are more likely to expand internationally than smaller banks. They have more extensive foreign activities, and they are more likely to engage in FDI in addition to cross-border financial services.
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Banks’ Internationalization Strategies: The Role of Bank Capital Regulation
Diemo Dietrich, Uwe Vollmer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 18,
This paper studies how capital requirements influence a bank’s mode of entry into foreign financial markets. We develop a model of an internationally operating bank that creates and allocates liquidity across countries and argue that the advantage of multinational banking over offering cross-border financial services depends on the benefit and the cost of intimacy with local markets. The benefit is that it allows to create more liquidity. The cost is that it causes inefficiencies in internal capital markets, on which a multinational bank relies to allocate liquidity across countries. Capital requirements affect this trade-off by influencing the degree of inefficiency in internal capital markets.
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