The unemployment-growth relationship in transition countries
Hubert Gabrisch, Herbert Buscher
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
Does the disappointingly high unemployment in Central and East European countries reflect non-completed adjustment to institutional shocks from transition to a market economy, or is it the result of high labour market rigidities, or rather a syndrome of too weak aggregate demand and output? In the case of transitional causes, unemployment is expected to decline over time. Otherwise, it would pose a challenge to the European Union, particular in case of accession countries, for it jeopardizes the ambitious integration plans of, and may trigger excessive migration to the Union. In order to find out which hypothesis holds 15 years after transition has started, we analyze the unemploymentgrowth dynamics in the eight new member countries from Central-Eastern Europe. The study is based on country and panel regressions with instrument variables (TSLS). The results suggest to declare the transition of labour markets as completed; unemployment responds to output and not to a changing institutional environment for job creation. The regression coefficients report a high trend rate of productivity and a high unemployment intensity of output growth since 1998. The conclusion is that labour market rigidities do not to play an important role in explaining high unemployment rates. Rather, GDP growth is dominated by productivity progress, while the employment relevant component of aggregate demand is too low to reduce substantially the high level of unemployment.
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The Economics of Restructuring the German Electricity Sector
Christian Growitsch, Felix Müsgens
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft,
No. 3,
The debate about the development of German electricity prices after the liberalization of energy markets in 1998 raises the question of failures in market restructuring. However, a general statement would be misleading for two main reasons. Firstly, the price development, analyzed for the exemplary case of household prices, shows significant differences among the stages of the value chain. Secondly, the underlying cost structure might have changed from 1998 to 2004. While such effects can be expected to level out over time, they can distort the comparison of a small period of observation. For these reasons, we analyzed the different price components at a detailed level, finding a considerable price reduction of about 32% in generation and a much lower reduction of 13% in transmission and distribution tariffs. These decreases have been mostly compensated by a significant increase in taxes and subsidies (+56%).
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An analysis of household electricity price developments in Germany since liberalization
Christian Growitsch, Felix Müsgens
Externe Publikationen,
Despite the liberalization of energy markets in 1998, household electricity prices in 2004 are nearly the same as 1998, indicating a failure of market restructuring. However, such a general consideration is misleading for two main reasons. Firstly, the price development shows significant differences among the stages of the value chain. Secondly, the underlying cost structure might have changed from 1998 to 2004. While such effects can be expected to level out over time, they can distort the comparison of a small period of observation. For these reasons, we analyzed the different price components at a detailed level, finding a considerable price reduction of about 32% in generation and a much lower reduction of 13% in transmission and distribution tariffs. These decreases have been mostly compensated by a significant increase in taxes and subsidies (+56%).
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Technology spillovers from foreign investors in transition economies - are the effects still expected?
Jutta Günther
Economic and business review,
No. 1,
While it is widely acknowledged that there is a technology transfer from parent companies to foreign subsidiaries in central East European countries, there is no clear cut evidence for technology spillovers in favour of domestic companies so far. The paper presents a theoretical framework for how spillover mechanisms are turned into a reality and outlines empirical findings on technology spillovers for transition economies based on a comprehensive literature review. Against the background of an empirical qualitative study, the paper provides firm level explanations for the obvious lack of technology spillovers. Policy oriented issues will be discussed in the conclusions.
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IWH East German industry survey May 2005: business situation consolidated, expectations retained
Sophie Wörsdorfer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Im ostdeutschen Verarbeitenden Gewerbe stehen die Signale weiterhin auf Erholung. Die konjunkturelle Belebung wird sich allerdings verlangsamt fortsetzen, wie die Mai-Befragung des IWH unter rund 300 ostdeutschen Industrieunternehmen zeigt. Die befragten Firmen konnten das Geschäftsergebnis vom März offenbar halten; der Saldo der positiven und negativen Meldungen zur Geschäftslage erhöhte sich geringfügig um einen Punkt. Auch bleibt der Anteil der Positivurteile zur Lage („gut“ bzw. „eher gut“) mit rund 68% der Teilnehmer unverändert hoch. Die Erwartungen für die kommenden Monate fallen aber etwas verhaltener als in der Vorperiode aus, wie der Rückgang im Saldo der Geschäftsaussichten zeigt.
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IWH Construction Survey East Germany, early 2005: profitability declined, sales expectations negative
Brigitte Loose
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 2,
Die Bauinvestitionen in Ostdeutschland sind nach Rückgängen von jeweils etwa 10% in den Jahren 2000 bis 2002 nun bereits das zweite Jahr in Folge mit „nur“ 6% geschrumpft. Sonderfaktoren, vor allem Vorzieheffekte infolge der Kürzung der Eigenheimzulage, infrastrukturelle Maßnahmen zur Beseitigung der Flutschäden und einzelne Großprojekte, haben den zuvor beobachteten steilen Abwärtstrend auch im Jahr 2004 abgemildert. Die Beschäftigung ist dabei etwas stärker als im Vorjahr abgebaut worden, was sich positiv auf Produktivität und Lohnstückkosten auswirken wird. Der Wettbewerbsdruck auf die ostdeutschen Bauunternehmen hält aber nach wie vor an. Obwohl die Bauinvestitionen pro Kopf der Bevölkerung inzwischen westdeutschen Verhältnissen entsprechen, kommen in Ostdeutschland auf 1 000 Einwohner immer noch 43 Bauarbeiter, das sind 73% mehr als in Westdeutschland. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die im IWH-Panel vertretenen Bauunternehmen im Dezember 2004 folgende Meldungen zur aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Lage und zur Umsatz- und Beschäftigungsentwicklung abgegeben.
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The Contestable Markets Theory - Efficient Advice for Economic Policy
Christian Growitsch, Thomas Wein
Externe Publikationen,
During the nineties of the last century several formerly monopolistic markets (telecommunication, electricity, gas, and railway) have been deregulated in Germany based on European directives and theoretically inspired by the theory of contestable markets. The original contestable market theory implied three assumptions necessary to be satisfied to establish potential competition: Free market entry, market exit possible without any costs, and the price adjustment lag exceeding the entry lag. Our analysis shows that if the incumbent reduces its prices slowly (high adjustment lag) and the market entry can be performed quickly (low entry lag), a new competitor will be able to earn back sunk costs. Therefore it is not necessary that all three conditions be complied with for potential competition to exist. Applying this „revised“ contestable market theory to the deregulated sectors in Germany, natural monopolies can be identified in telecommunication sections local loops and local/regional connection networks, in the national electricity grid and the regional/local electricity distribution networks, in the national and regional/local gas transmission/distribution sections, and in the railroad network. These sections are not contestable due to sunk costs, expected high entry lags and a probably short price adjustment lag. They are identified as bottlenecks, which should be regulated. The function of system operators in energy and railroad are closely related to the non-contestable monopolistic networks.
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EU structural fond: increase of funds expected after recent enlargement
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 7,
Die Expansion der Strukturfonds in der EU ist wirtschaftlich begründet, aber auch das Ergebnis eines vielschichtigen Verhandlungsprozesses. Die politische Einflussnahme der Mitgliedsländer auf die Mittelvergabe hat sich auch in den Beitrittsverhandlungen zur Osterweiterung erneut gezeigt. Wird das Förderinstrumentarium im Zuge der Erweiterung der Union möglicherweise noch ausgebaut, wird dies zu einer politisch motivierten Aufstockung der strukturpolitischen Fonds im Finanzierungszeitraum 2007 bis 2013 führen.
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IWH Construction Industry Survey October 2003 - East German construction industry in October 2003: situation still fine, expectations have been lowered considerably
Brigitte Loose
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 16,
Im Oktober 2003 hat sich das Geschäftsklima im ostdeutschen Baugewerbe saisonbedingt abgekühlt. Allerdings meldeten die ca. 300 vom IWH befragten Bauunternehmen nochmals einen überwiegend positiven Stand der laufenden Geschäfte, bei dem auch das vergleichbare Vorjahresniveau deutlich überschritten wird. Die Urteile zu den Geschäftsaussichten, die bis in das erste Quartal des kommenden Jahres reichen, sind dagegen erheblich zurückgeschraubt worden und erreichen nun fast wieder das sehr niedrige Niveau vor Jahresfrist.
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FDI as Multiplier of Modern Technology in Hungarian Industry
Jutta Günther
No. 5,
Foreign direct investment is generally expected to play a significant role as a multiplier of modern production and management know-how in Central Eastern European transition economies. The following paper examines the various mechanisms by which such technological spillover effects could in theory take place and compares them with the results of an empirical study of their practical significance for Hungarian industry.
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