Keeping the Bubble Alive! The Effects of Urban Renewal and Demolition Subsidies in the East German Housing Market
Dominik Weiß
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
German urban renewal programs are favoring the cities in the Eastern part since the re-unification in 1990. This was accompanied additionally by attractive tax incentives, designed as an accelerated declining balance method of depreciation for housing investments during the late 1990s. The accumulated needs for comfortable housing after 40 years of a disastrous housing policy of the GDR era were generally accepted as justification for the subvention policy. But various subsidies and tax incentives caused a construction boom, false allocations, and a price bubble in Eastern Germany. After recognizing that the expansion of housing supply was not in line with the demographic development and that high vacancy rates were jeopardizing housing companies and their financial backers, policy changed in 2001. Up to now, the government provides demolition grants to reduce the vast oversupply. By means of a real option approach, it is ex-plained how different available forms of subsidies and economic incentives for landlords lift real estate values. The option value representing growth expectations and opportunities is calculated as an observable market value less an estimated fundamental value. Empirical results disclose higher option premiums for cities in Eastern Germany and a strong correlation of the option premium with urban renewal spending.
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Municipal Enterprises as Shadow Budgets – How do they Affect the Actual Budgetary Situation of Germany´s Local Governments?
Peter Haug
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 5,
Die Verlagerung kommunaler Aufgaben aus dem Kernhaushalt auf kommunale Unternehmen verzerrt immer mehr die Wahrnehmung der tatsächlichen Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage der Kommunen in Deutschland. Überangebot- und -nachfrage bei öffentlichen Leistungen als Folge dieser „Fiskalillusion“ sind eine mögliche Gefahr jener Entwicklung. Der Beitrag versucht daher, am Beispiel der kreisfreien Städte durch die simultane Analyse ausgewählter Kennzahlen für Kernhaushalt und kommunale Unternehmen eine differenziertere Darstellung der Haushaltssituation zu leisten. Außerdem werden die methodischen Probleme derartiger Berechnungen verdeutlicht. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Nebenhaushalte erhöhen sich z. B. die Pro-Kopf-Einnahmen, -Investitionen und -Schulden im gesamtdeutschen Durchschnitt um ein Drittel bis 50%. Dagegen entfallen 75% der kommunalen Beschäftigten weiterhin auf den Kernhaushalt. Der Auslagerungsgrad der Ausgaben für bestimmte freiwillige Selbstverwaltungsaufgaben ist mit durchschnittlich 22% zwar noch relativ gering, doch zeichnet sich auch hier eine steigende Tendenz ab. Die Untersuchung liefert zudem Hinweise auf signifikante Unterschiede zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Städten. Dazu zählen die größere Ertragskraft kommunaler Unternehmen sowie die höhere Pro-Kopf-Verschuldung und die höheren Ausgaben in den Bereichen Kultur, Sport, Freizeit und Wissenschaft in Ostdeutschland. Bei der Ergebnisinterpretation sind allerdings gewisse Unzulänglichkeiten der amtlichen Statistik zu beachten. So ist beispielsweise keine vollständige Bereinigung um interne Zahlungsströme möglich. Außerdem können indirekte kommunale Mehrheitsbeteiligungen sowie die kommunalen Sparkassen nicht berücksichtigt werden. Insgesamt bleibt abzuwarten, ob die eingeleiteten Reformen zur Einführung der Doppik im kommunalen Haushaltswesen helfen, dem Idealziel eines aussagefähigen „Konzernabschlusses“ für den „Konzern Stadt“ näherzukommen.
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The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Foreign Investors in Post-Socialist Economies
Benedikt Schnellbächer, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
We integrate international business theory on foreign direct investment (FDI) with institutional theory on intellectual property rights (IPR) to explain characteristics and behaviour of foreign investment subsidiaries in Central East Europe, a region with an IPR regime-gap vis-à-vis West European countries. We start from the premise that FDI may play a crucial role for technological catch-up development in Central East Europe via technology and knowledge transfer. By use of a unique dataset generated at the IWH in collaboration with a European consortium in the framework of an EU-project, we assess the role played by the IPR regimes in a selection of CEE countries as a factor for corporate governance and control of foreign invested subsidiaries, for their own technological activity, their trade relationships, and networking partners for technological activity. As a specific novelty to the literature, we assess the in influence of the strength of IPR regimes on corporate control of subsidiaries and conclude that IPR-sensitive foreign investments tend to have lower functional autonomy, tend to cooperate more intensively within their transnational network and yet are still technologically more active than less IPR-sensitive subsidiaries. In terms of economic policy, this leads to the conclusion that the FDI will have a larger developmental impact if the IPR regime in the host economy is sufficiently strict.
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Ownership Structure, Strategic Controls and Export Intensity of Foreign-invested Firms in Transition Economies
I. Filatotchev, Johannes Stephan, Björn Jindra
Journal of International Business Studies,
No. 7,
This paper examines the relationships between foreign ownership, managers’ independence in decision-making and exporting of foreign-invested firms in five European Union accession countries. Using a unique, hand-collected data set of 434 foreign-invested firms in Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Estonia, we show that foreign investors’ ownership and control over strategic decisions are positively associated with export intensity, measured as the proportion of exports to total sales. The study also analyzes specific governance and control configurations in foreign-invested firms, showing that foreign equity and foreign control over business functions are complementary in terms of their effects on export intensity.
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On the Economics of Ex-Post Transfers in a Federal State: A Mechanism Design Approach
Martin Altemeyer-Bartscher, T. Kuhn
WWDP, 95,
No. 95,
As a common feature in many federal states grants-in aid are payed to jurisdictions ex post, i.e. after local policy measures have chosen. We show that the central government cannot offer grants ex ante in a federal states with informational asymmetries as well as inter-temporal commitment problems. Local governments’ incentives to provide public goods are distorted if they rely on federal grants-in-aid offered ex post. Furthermore it becomes obvious that local governments are apt to substitute tax revenue for higher grants-in-aid if relevant local data are unobservable for the central government. To which extend ex post transfers mitigate local governments’ incentives crucially depends on the information structure predominant in the federation.
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Comparative Study of Multinational Companies in the Enlarged EU - A Technology Transfer Perspective
Johannes Stephan, Björn Jindra, I. Klugert
Conference Proceedings of „Comparing International Competitiveness of Manufacturing Companies in the EU with Special Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe“,
Die Untersuchung liefert einen Beitrag zur Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Heterogenität von multinationalen Unternehmen und internationalem Technologietransfer. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf den internen Technologietransfer, also den Transfer vom Mutter- zum Tochterunternehmen. Wir schätzen hierbei den Einfluß von Corporate Governance, Zielstellungen und absorptiver Kapazität des Tochterunternehmens sowie etwaige Effekte der kulturellen und geographischen Distanz als potentielle Determinanten des internen Technologietransfers. Dabei kontrollieren wir für andere firmen- und industriespezifische Effekte als auch unbeobachtete Spezifika des Investitionslandes. Die Hypothesen werden an einem Datensatz mit 434 ausländischen Tochterunternehmen aus einer Umfrage in Polen, Ungarn, Estland, der Slowakei und Slowenien aus dem Jahre 2002/2003 getestet. Die Ergebnisse scheinen zu zeigen, daß die Art der Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung in multinationalen Unternehmen von institutionellen Faktoren, den Zielstellungen der Investition und den verbundenen Risiken für den ausländischen Investor abhängen. Diese Faktoren wiederum haben einen Einfluß auf die Intensität des internen Technologietransfers. Absorptive Kapazität des Tochterunternehmens hat einen positiven Einfluß auf die Intensität des Technologietransfers, geographische Distanz hingegen scheint diese zu behindern. Schlußendlich scheint die Herkunft des ausländischen Investors keinen statistischen Einfluß auf die Intensität des internen Technologietransfers zu haben, wenn wir für Firmen-, Industrie- und Landesspezifika kontrollieren.
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Local Government Control and Efficiency of the Water Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Water Suppliers in East Germany
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 3,
The paper deals with the effects of local governments’ interference with business affairs of publicly owned utilities. A partial model is presented to illustrate the consequences of “democratic control” for the public managers’ effort and the efficiency of local public production. To check the theoretical results empirically, a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) is carried out for a sample of East German water suppliers. The organisational form is used as a measure for the degree of municipal control. The results of the OLS- and Tobit regression indicate an efficiency-enhancing effect of organisational forms with less distinctive control options for local politicians.
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Local Public Utilities' Profits and Municipal Expenses in Germany: An Empirical Analysis
Peter Haug, Birger Nerré
Proceedings of the 99th Annual Conference on Taxation (November 16-18), Washington DC,
The article offers information on profits and municipal expenses of local public utilities in Germany. It reveals that cities and municipalities faced rising expenses over the last years and the only way for local governments to avoid budgetary bottlenecks is to postpone infrastructure investment and increase short-term borrowing. The countries municipalities tried to overcome such difficulties by increasing local public utilities' profits.
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Economies of Scope in European Railways: An Efficiency Analysis
Christian Growitsch, Heike Wetzel
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
In the course of railway reforms in the end of the last century, national European governments, as well the EU Commission, decided to open markets and to separate railway networks from train operations. Vertically integrated railway companies – companies owning a network and providing transport services – argue that such a separation of infrastructure and operations would diminish the advantages of vertical integration and would therefore not be suitable to raise economic welfare. In this paper, we conduct a pan-European analysis to investigate the performance of European railways with a particular focus on economies of vertical integration. We test the hypothesis that integrated railways realise economies of joint production and, thus, produce railway services on a higher level of efficiency. To determine whether joint or separate production is more efficient we apply a Data Envelopment Analysis super-efficiency bootstrapping model which relates the efficiency for integrated production to a virtual reference set consisting of the separated production technology. Our findings are that in a majority of European Railway companies exist economies of scope.
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Investment and Internal Finance: Asymmetric Information or Managerial Discretion?
Hans Degryse, Abe de Jong
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
No. 1,
This paper examines the investment-cash flow sensitivity of publicly listed firms in The Netherlands. Investment-cash flow sensitivities can be attributed to overinvestment resulting from the abuse of managerial discretion, but also to underinvestment due to information problems. The Dutch corporate governance structure presents a number of distinctive features, in particular the limited influence of shareholders, the presence of large blockholders, and the importance of bank ties. We expect that in The Netherlands, the managerial discretion problem is more important than the asymmetric information problem. We use Tobin's Q to discriminate between firms with these problems, where LOW Q firms face the managerial discretion problem and HIGH Q firms the asymmetric information problem. As hypothesized, we find substantially larger investment-cash flow sensitivity for LOW Q firms. Moreover, specifically in the LOW Q sample, we find that firms with higher (bank) debt have lower investment-cash flow sensitivity. This finding shows that leverage, and particularly bank debt, is a key disciplinary mechanism which reduces the managerial discretion problem.
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