Non-market Allocation in Transport: A Reassessment of its Justification and the Challenge of Institutional Transition
Ulrich Blum
50 Years of Transport Research: Experiences Gained and Major Challenges Ahead,
Economic theory knows two systems of coordination: through public choice or through the market principle. If the market is chosen, then it may either be regulated, or it may be fully competitive (or be in between these two extremes). This paper first inquires into the reasons for regulation, it analyses the reasons for the important role of government in the transportation sector, especially in the procurement of infrastructure. Historical reasons are seen as important reasons for bureaucratic objections to deregulation. Fundamental economic concepts are forwarded that suggest market failure and justify a regulatory environment. The reasons for regulation cited above, however, may be challenged; we forward theoretical concepts from industrial organization theory and from institutional economics which suggest that competition is even possible on the level of infrastructure. The transition from a strongly regulated to a competitive environment poses problems that have given lieu to numerous failures in privatization and deregulation. Structural inertia plays an important role, and the incentive-compatible management of infrastructure is seen as the key element of any liberal transportation policy. It requires that the setting of rules on the meta level satisfies both local and global efficiency ends. We conclude that, in market economies, competition and regulation should not be substitutes but complements. General rules, an "ethic of competition" have to be set that guarantee a level playing field to agents; it is complimented by institutions that provide arbitration in case of misconduct.
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Negotiated Third Party Access - an Industrial Organisation Perspective
Christian Growitsch, Thomas Wein
European Journal of Law and Economics,
In the course of the liberalization of European energy markets, the German government opted – diverging from all other European countries – for Negotiated Third-Party Access. In this article we analyze if, theoretically, this institutional regime can be superior to regulation. We review empirically whether certain aspects of the actual implementation, in particular publication of the network access charges for each network supplier, facilitated or inhibited competition. In the first place we reconsider previous research, showing that NTPA can – under certain conditions – be economically effective. Our empirical analysis shows that the duty of publishing access charges supported market transparency and imposed a regulatory threat, particularly to suppliers with significantly above-average charges. On the other hand observable price adjustments over time serve as an indicator of tacit collusion. Although the expensive suppliers cut their prices, the cheaper ones raised theirs.
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Network Access Charges, Vertical Integration, and Property Rights Structure
Christian Growitsch, Thomas Wein
Energy Economics,
No. 2,
After the deregulation of the German electricity markets in 1998, the German government opted for a regulatory regime called negotiated third party access, which would be subject to ex post control by the federal cartel office. Network access charges for new competitors are based on contractual arrangements between energy producers and industrial consumers. As the electricity networks are incontestable natural monopolies, the local and regional network operators are able to set (monopolistic) charges at their own discretion, limited only by their concerns over possible interference by the federal cartel office (Bundeskartellamt). In this paper we analyse if there is evidence for varying charging behaviour depending on a supplier`s economic independence (structure of property rights) or its level of vertical integration. For this purpose we hypothesise that incorporated and vertically integrated suppliers set different charges than independent utility companies. Multivariate estimations show a relation between network access charges and the network operator’s economic independence as well as level of vertical integration. On the low voltage level, for an estimated annual consumption of 1700 kW/h, vertically integrated firms set – as predicted by our hypothesis - significantly lower access charges than vertically separated suppliers, whereas incorporated network operators charge significantly higher charges compared to independent suppliers. There is insufficient evidence available to confirm these results for other consumptions or voltage levels.
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Comply or Explain - Die Akzeptanz von Corporate Governance Kodizes in Deutschland und Großbritannien
Nicole Steinat
Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht,
No. 39,
Die zahlreichen Unternehmenszusammenbrüche, Bilanzskandale sowie der Absturz der Indizes an den Kapitalmärkten zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends verstärkten die Diskussion um die Unternehmensführung und -kontrolle in Deutschland und führten schließlich vor nunmehr fast drei Jahren zur Verabschiedung des deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex. Dieser Verhaltenskodex, der sich an börsennotierte Gesellschaften richtet, greift internationale Kritikpunkte an der deutschen Unternehmensverfassung auf und soll somit den Standort Deutschland für ausländische Investoren attraktiver machen und das Vertrauen der Anleger zurückgewinnen. Ob dies gelungen ist, soll in dieser Studie ebenso untersucht werden, wie die Frage, ob und in welchen Bereichen der Kodex mit seinen Anforderungen von den Unternehmen akzeptiert wird...
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The influence of Vertical Integration and Property Rights on Network Access Charges in the German Electricity Markets
Christian Growitsch, Thomas Wein
Externe Publikationen,
No. 6,
German Electricity markets were deregulated in the late nineties of the last century. In contrast to other European countries, the German government enacted negotiated third party access instead of installing a regulation authority. Network access charges for new competitors are based on contractual arrangements between energy producers and industrial consumers, which specify the calculation schemes for access charges. Local and regional suppliers are nevertheless able to set (monopolistic) charges at their own discretion, restricted only by the possibility of interference competition authorities. While some of those suppliers have been acquired by one of the four Transmission System Operators and become vertically integrated, the majority is still independent public utility companies. In this paper we analyse if there is evidence for different charging behaviour depending on the supplier’s economic independence or its level of vertical integration. Controlling for other coefficients as the so called structural features and related cost differences as well as the influence of competition law suits, multivariate estimations show significantly lower access charges than vertically separated suppliers, whereas incorporated network operators charge significantly higher charges compared to independent suppliers for at least one typical case.
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Cooperation Between Different Levels of Government and the Efficient Provision of Public Goods: The Case of Public Assistance for the Unemployed in Germany
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 135,
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Environmental policy under product differentiation and asymmetric costs - Does leapfrogging occur and is it worth it?
Jacqueline Rothfels
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 124,
This paper studies the influence of environmental policies on environmental quality, domestic firms, and welfare. Point of departure is Porter’s hypothesis that unilateral environmental regulation may enhance the competitiveness of domestic firms. This hypothesis has recently received considerable support in theoretical analyses, especially if imperfectly competitive markets with strategic behavior on behalf of the agents are taken into account. Our work contributes to this literature by explicitely investigating the implications of asymmetric cost structures between a domestic and a foreign firm sector. We use a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation, where the consumption of a product causes environmental harm. Allowing for differentiated products, the domestic industry can either assume the market leader position or lag behind in terms of the environmental quality of the produced product. Assuming as a benchmark case that the domestic industry lags behind, we investigate the possibility of the government to induce leapfrogging of the domestic firm, i.e. a higher quality produced by the domestic firm after regulation than that of the competitor prior to regulation. It is shown that in the case of a cost advantage for the domestic firm in the production process the imposition of a binding minimum quality standard can serve as a tool to induce leapfrogging. In case of a cost disadvantage the same result can be achieved through an adequate subsidization of quality dependend production costs. Thus, careful regulation enables the domestic firm in both scenarios to better its competitive position against foreign competitors and to earn larger profits. Additionally, environmental quality and welfare can be enhanced.
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Reform of joint tasks: How far can the federal and state governments disengage? A contribution to the discussion about the new establishment of the German system of public finance
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 91,
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Abolition of joint tasks of federal and state governments
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 4,
In der aktuellen Diskussion über die Reform
der deutschen Finanzverfassung wird u.a. die Forderung erhoben, daß der Bund auf seine Beteiligung an den heutigen „Gemeinschaftsaufgaben von
Bund und Ländern“ zukünftig verzichten sollte. Der Artikel geht den Fragen nach, welche Vorteile die Beteiligung des Bundes an den heutigen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben mit sich bringt, und welche dieser Vorteile auch mit anderen Regelungen erreicht werden könnten. In bezug auf einen Teil der
heutigen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben gibt es durchaus plausible Argumente für eine Bundesbeteiligung; wenn diesen Argumenten ein hohes Gewicht zugebilligt werden soll, so müßte die Bundesbeteiligung für die betreffenden Aufgaben erhalten bleiben.
Für die anderen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben läßt sich die Beteiligung des Bundes an der Aufgabengestaltung und -finanzierung demgegenüber heute nicht mehr überzeugend begründen. Allerdings müßten zur Abdeckung des gesamtstaatlichen Steuerungsbedarfs im Bereich dieser Aufgaben neue Institutionen geschaffen werden, wie etwa Verfahren zur Beihilfen-Kontrolle bei der regionalen Wirtschaftsförderung oder eine Ausweitung
der originären Steuereinnahmen der Länder.
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Reallocation of Competences between Local and Higher Levels of Government as so-called „Functional Reforms“: A Case of (De-) Centralization?
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Fiscal Decentralization,
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