Vierteljährliche Konjunkturberichterstattung für das Land Sachsen-Anhalt – Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage im 2. Quartal 2011 –
Udo Ludwig, Brigitte Loose, Franziska Exß
No. 2,
Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung hat auch in Sachsen-Anhalt im zweiten Quartal einen Dämpfer bekommen. Nicht nur die Industrie schwächelte, sondern auch die Leistungen des Baugewerbes, des Handels sowie des Kredit- und Versicherungsgewerbes gaben gegenüber den Monaten Januar bis März konjunkturell gesehen nach. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist mit 1,2% kräftig gesunken. Das war deutlich mehr als im Durchschnitt für Deutschland und die neuen Bundesländer insgesamt (-0,2%). Allerdings wird diese Aussage sehr stark von Sondereffekten geprägt, so dass die konjunkturelle Grundtendenz unterzeichnet wird. So kam es im umsatzstärksten Industriezweig, der Mineralölverarbeitung, zu einem technisch bedingten Produktionsausfall für einen ganzen Monat, und das Baugewerbe litt unter der Reaktion auf das hohe, witterungsbedingte Aufholtempo im ersten Quartal. Die unternehmensnahen privaten Dienstleister erzielten zwar ein Leistungsplus. Sie konnten jedoch die Rückgänge in den anderen Wirtschaftsbereichen nicht wettmachen. Zudem standen die öffentlichen Dienstleister weiterhin unter dem Druck der anhaltenden Haushaltskonsolidierung im Bereich Öffentliche Verwaltung, Erziehung und Unterricht.
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Stock Market Firm-Level Information and Real Economic Activity
Filippo di Mauro, Fabio Fornari, Dario Mannucci
ECB Working Paper,
No. 1366,
We provide evidence that changes in the equity price and volatility of individual firms (measures that approximate the definition of 'granular shock' given in Gabaix, 2010) are key to improve the predictability of aggregate business cycle fluctuations in a number of countries. Specifically, adding the return and the volatility of firm-level equity prices to aggregate financial information leads to a significant improvement in forecasting business cycle developments in four economic areas, at various horizons. Importantly, not only domestic firms but also foreign firms improve business cycle predictability for a given economic area. This is not immediately visible when one takes an unconditional standpoint (i.e. an average across the sample). However, conditioning on the business cycle position of the domestic economy, the relative importance of the two sets of firms - foreign and domestic - exhibits noticeable swings across time. Analogously, the sectoral classification of the firms that in a given month retain the highest predictive power for future IP changes also varies significantly over time as a function of the business cycle position of the domestic economy. Limited to the United States, predictive ability is found to be related to selected balance sheet items, suggesting that structural features differentiate the firms that can anticipate aggregate fluctuations from those that do not help to this aim. Beyond the purely forecasting application, this finding may enhance our understanding of the underlying origins of aggregate fluctuations. We also propose to use the cross sectional stock market information to macro-prudential aims through an economic Value at Risk.
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University Cities: Including Universities and Research Institutes into Strategies for Urban Growth
Peter Franz
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
The topic of this special issue refers to the observation that many larger and middle-sized cities dispose of a considerable potential of institutions creating and disseminating knowledge. This kind of endowment seems to be especially valuable in an upcoming knowledge-based economy. Recent strategic concepts and inter-city competitions referring to ‘knowledge-based urban development’, ‘knowledge city’, ‘creative city’, ‘science city’ or ‘entrepreneurial university’ indicate that urban planners and politicians are beginning to search for strategies to take advantage and to make use of this potential. The papers in this special issue a) present case studies of cities trying to activate their knowledge resources for local economic growth, b) deal with regulatory barriers and problems for cities applying ‘knowledge city’ strategies, c) analyze the university support for entrepreneurial activities, and d) discuss some implications of ‘knowledge city’ strategies for architecture and urban planning.
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Determinants of the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Regional Studies,
No. 7,
Determinanten der technischen Effizienz von regionalen Innovationssystemen, Regional Studies. Wir analysieren Unterschiede in der Effizienz regionaler Innovationssysteme (RIS). Zunächst werden alternative Maße für die Effizienz von RIS diskutiert, die auf dem Konzept der Wissensproduktionsfunktion aufbauen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sowohl Spillover aus dem privaten Sektor als auch von Hochschulen und anderen öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen die Effizienz privater F&E-Aktivitäten positiv beeinflussen. Insbesondere die Intensität der Interaktion zwischen öffentlichen Einrichtungen und dem Privatsektor führt zu hoher Effizienz. Regionen, die durch Großbetriebe dominiert sind, weisen tendenziell eine geringere Effizienz der Innovationsaktivitäten auf als Regionen mit einer geringeren durchschnittlichen Betriebsgröße.
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MNE’s Regional Location Choice - A Comparative Perspective on East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek, J. P. Angenendt
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
published in: Empirica
The focus of this article is the empirical identification of factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in transition economies on a regional level (NUTS 2). The analysis is designed as benchmark between three neighboring post-communist regions, i.e. East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. Their different transition paths have not only resulted in economic differences. We can also observe today that the importance of pull factors for FDI varies significantly across the regions. This analysis shows that in comparison with Poland and the Czech Republic, East Germany’s major benefit is its purchasing power, its geographical proximity to West European markets, and its modern infrastructure. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that intra-industry linkages such as specialization and agglomeration economies are relevant factors for the location decision of foreign investors. This result can help to explain the regional divergence of FDI streams in transition economies.
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Vierteljährliche Konjunkturberichterstattung für das Land Sachsen-Anhalt – Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage im 1. Quartal 2011 –
Udo Ludwig, Brigitte Loose, Franziska Exß
No. 1,
Zu Beginn des Jahres hat sich die gesamtwirtschaftliche Aktivität in Sachsen-Anhalt weiter erholt. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist nach den moderaten Zuwächsen in der zweiten Hälfte des vergangenen Jahres mit 1,4% gegenüber dem Schlussquartal 2010 so kräftig gestiegen wie im Schnitt in Deutschland. Die Wachstumsführerschaft lag beim Baugewerbe, während die industrielle Wertschöpfung insgesamt bei ausgeprägt gegenläufigen Entwicklungen zwischen den Branchen stagnierte. Das Baugewerbe holte die im frühen Wintereinbruch Ende 2010 aufgetretenen Produktionsausfälle kräftig auf. Handel und Verkehr profitierten vom deutschlandweit sprunghaften Nachfrageanstieg. Während die unternehmensnahen privaten Dienstleister vom konjunkturellen Aufschwung in Deutschland insgesamt mitgezogen wurden, standen die öffentlichen Dienstleister weiterhin unter dem Druck der anhaltenden Haushaltskonsolidierung im Bereich Öffentliche Verwaltung, Erziehung und Unterricht.
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Entrepreneurial Opportunity and the Formation of Photovoltaic Clusters in Eastern Germany
Matthias Brachert, Christoph Hornych
R. Wüstenhagen, R. Wuebker (Hrsg.), Handbook of Research on Energy Entrepreneurship,
The aim of this paper is to explain the evolution of the spatial structures of one particular type of renewable energy in Germany – the photovoltaic (PV) industry. We first demonstrate how environmental movements have contributed to institutional change and government action, leading to changes in the legal and regulative structure in Germany. We describe how these changes opened up a window of locational opportunity (WLO), thus combining the WLO concept with the entrepreneurial opportunity concept. As market entries occurred mainly in Eastern Germany, the paper also explores the factors leading to a concentration of economic activity related to the new PV industry in this part of the country. Based on the WLO concept, we combine this framework with the industrial dynamics literature by Klepper (2007) and illustrate the spatial evolution of the PV industry.
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Africa and the Global Financial Crisis - Impact on Economic Reform Processes
R. Adelou Alabi, J. Alemazung, Achim Gutowski, Robert Kappel, Tobias Knedlik, O. Osnachi Uzor, Karl Wohlmuth, Hans H. Bass
African Development Perspectives Yearbook, Vol. 15,
In volume XV of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook, the Research Group on African Development Perspectives investigates the impact of the GFC on economic reform processes in Africa. The analysis is structured in such a way so as to reflect the opportunities and dangers of policy reversals in the face of the GFC. The impact of the crisis on different types and forms of governance in the region is considered. The first question is therefore which macro-economic policy instruments have to be applied in order to overcome the crisis and to continue with sustainable development. The second question is how the GFC has affected Africa's external economic relations and if the path of opening up to the world markets is continued. The third question raised is how the crisis has affected social cohesion, impacted on poverty alleviation strategies and the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). All these questions are discussed in the various contributions which comprise general studies and country case studies. The authors also looked into the role of international financial institutions during and after the crisis. The volume XV of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook is structured into three Units. Unit 1 addresses general issues regarding the impact of the GFC on reform processes in Africa. Unit 2 presents case studies from countries and sub-regions. Unit 3 presents reviews and book notes of current literature focusing on issues of African development perspectives.
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Incubating an Illusion? Long-term Incubator Firm Performance after Graduation
Michael Schwartz
Growth and Change,
No. 4,
Local economic development policies worldwide perceive business incubation as an effective measure to promote regional growth through the support of young and innovative ventures. The common assumption is that incubation promotes firm growth, in particular after these firms graduated from their incubator organizations. This article investigates the long-term performance of 324 graduate firms from five German business incubators (incubated between 1990 and 2006) after they have (successfully) completed their incubation. The present study does not suffer from a survivor bias, meaning that performance data of non-surviving firms is also included. Using employment and sales measures as performance indicators, this study contributes to our knowledge with regard to long-term incubator firm performance after graduation. While in the first years after graduation there is significant growth of formerly incubated firms, further results do not support the presumption of continuous firm growth beyond incubation. A minority of graduate firms exhibits a strong increase in performance, but the majority of firms do not experience considerable growth.
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