Local Economic Structure and Sectoral Employment Growth in German Cities
Annette Illy, Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie,
No. 5,
This study systematically examines the impact of fundamental elements of urban economic structure on sectoral employment growth in German cities (“urban growth”). We test four elements simultaneously – sectoral specialisation, diversification of economic activities, urban size and the impact of local competition. To account for the effect of varying spatial delimitations in the analysis of urban growth, we further differentiate between cities and planning regions as geographical units. Our regression results show a U-shaped relationship between localisation economies and urban growth and positive effects of local competition on urban growth. With respect to diversification, we find positive effects on urban growth on the city level, but insignificant results on the level of the planning regions. The impact of urban size also differs between free cities and planning regions; in the former, a U-shaped relationship is found, whereas the effect is inversely U-shaped for the latter.
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Specialization versus Diversification: Perceived Benefits of Different Incubation Models
Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,
No. 3,
Business incubator initiatives are a widespread policy instrument for the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation and the development of new technology-based firms. Recently, there has been an increasing tendency for the more traditional diversified incubators to be superseded by incubators focusing their support elements, processes and selection criteria on firms from one specific sector, and its particular needs. Despite the increasing importance of such specialized incubators in regional innovation strategies, the question of whether they are advantageous has neither been investigated empirically nor discussed theoretically in detail. Drawing on large-scale survey data from 161 firms incubated in either diversified or specialized incubators in Germany, we investigate the benefits to firms of being part of a specialized business incubator as opposed to being part of a generalized business incubator. The investigation of the value-added contribution of specialized incubators, in particular regarding hardware components, business assistance, networking and reputation gains, reveals considerable differences compared to the more diversified incubation model.
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An Options-based Approach to Forecast Competing Bids: Evidence for Canadian Takeover Battles
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
No. 34,
During takeover battles, a tender offer provides a call option right to the target’s shareholders: it guarantees the offered price but maintains the chance of a higher offer. We present an options-based approach to estimate the probability and expected value of higher competing takeover bids using target stock price data. Analysing Canadian takeover battles in the period 1997 to 2007 we find that during the 5 trading days prior to the occurrence of an increased takeover bid, the estimated probability of a higher bid exceeds 80% on average and the expected value of a potential competing bid almost matches the realized value.
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The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Foreign Investors in Post-Socialist Economies
Benedikt Schnellbächer, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
We integrate international business theory on foreign direct investment (FDI) with institutional theory on intellectual property rights (IPR) to explain characteristics and behaviour of foreign investment subsidiaries in Central East Europe, a region with an IPR regime-gap vis-à-vis West European countries. We start from the premise that FDI may play a crucial role for technological catch-up development in Central East Europe via technology and knowledge transfer. By use of a unique dataset generated at the IWH in collaboration with a European consortium in the framework of an EU-project, we assess the role played by the IPR regimes in a selection of CEE countries as a factor for corporate governance and control of foreign invested subsidiaries, for their own technological activity, their trade relationships, and networking partners for technological activity. As a specific novelty to the literature, we assess the in influence of the strength of IPR regimes on corporate control of subsidiaries and conclude that IPR-sensitive foreign investments tend to have lower functional autonomy, tend to cooperate more intensively within their transnational network and yet are still technologically more active than less IPR-sensitive subsidiaries. In terms of economic policy, this leads to the conclusion that the FDI will have a larger developmental impact if the IPR regime in the host economy is sufficiently strict.
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Current Account Problems in the EMU – is there a Need to Adapt Fiscal Policy?
Toralf Pusch, Marina Grusevaja
Leistungsbilanzungleichgewichte innerhalb der EU sind symptomatisch für die europäische Schuldenkrise. Zwischen ihnen und den nationalen Budgetdefiziten besteht ein enger Zusammenhang. Dazu, wie eine problematische Entwicklung der beiden Größen identifiziert und ein Gleichgewicht wiederhergestellt werden kann, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Vorschlägen. Die Autoren bewerten diese mit Hilfe einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse.
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Do Manufacturing Firms Benefit from Services FDI? – Evidence from Six New EU Member States
J. Damijan, Crt Kostevc, Philipp Marek, Matija Rojec
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
This paper focuses on the effect of foreign presence in the services sector on the productivity growth of downstream customers in the manufacturing sector in six EU new member countries in the course of their accession to the European Union. For this purpose, the analysis combines firm-level information, data on economic structures and annual national input-output tables. The findings suggest that services FDI may enhance productivity of manufacturing firms in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries through vertical forward spillovers, and thereby contribute to their competitiveness. The consideration of firm characteristics shows that the magnitude of spillover effects depends on size, ownership structure, and initial productivity level of downstream firms as well as on the diverging technological intensity across sector on the supply and demand side. The results suggest that services FDI foster productivity of domestic rather than foreign controlled firms in the host economy. For the period between 2003 and 2008, the findings suggest that the increasing share of services provided by foreign affiliates enhanced the productivity growth of domestic firms in manufacturing by 0.16%. Furthermore, the firms’ absorptive capability and the size reduce the spillover effect of services FDI on the productivity of manufacturing firms. A sectoral distinction shows that firms at the end of the value chain experience a larger productivity growth through services FDI, whereas the aggregate positive effect seems to be driven by FDI in energy supply. This does not hold for science-based industries, which are spurred by foreign presence in knowledge-intensive business services.
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Options and Limits of the Matching Approach – An Application to Workers Participation
Birgit Schultz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
Die Evaluation der ökonomischen Wirkungen von betrieblicher Mitbestimmung ist aufgrund von spezifischen Merkmalen bei Betrieben mit Betriebsräten aus methodischer Sicht nicht unproblematisch. So führen bisherige Studien zu teilweise konträren Ergebnissen. In der hier vorliegenden Studie sollen daher die Probleme aufgezeigt, näher diskutiert und Lösungsmöglichkeiten an dem Beispiel der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung in ostdeutschen Betrieben des produzierenden Gewerbes und des Baus dargestellt werden. Es wird ein optimaler Matching-Algorithmus zur Zuordnung von „statistischen Zwillingsbetrieben“ genutzt, der insbesondere gute Matchingergebnisse bei geringen Fallzahlen liefert. Da mit der ursprünglichen Teilnehmergruppe aufgrund kurzer Beobachtungsperioden nur kurzfristige Effekte ermittelt werden können, wird das Matchingverfahren zusätzlich zur Konstruktion verlängerter Beobachtungsperioden genutzt. Bei diesem neuen Anwendungsfall werden Betriebe, die einen Betriebsrat gegründet haben mit sogenannten Stellvertreter-Betrieben, die bereits einen Betriebsrat besitzen, verknüpft. Dadurch werden die kurzen Beobachtungsdauern verlängert, und es können auch Aussagen über die längerfristige Wirkung der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung getroffen werden. Die ermittelten Effekte auf die Produktivität, die Ertragslage und das Qualifikationsniveau der Beschäftigten deuten weder kurz- noch langfristig auf eine signifikante Wirkung der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung hin.
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On the Trail of Core–periphery Patterns in Innovation Networks: Measurements and New Empirical Findings from the German Laser Industry
Wilfried Ehrenfeld, Toralf Pusch, Muhamed Kudic
Annals of Regional Science,
No. 1,
It has been frequently argued that a firm’s location in the core of an industry’s innovation network improves its ability to access information and absorb technological knowledge. The literature has still widely neglected the role of peripheral network positions for innovation processes. In addition to this, little is known about the determinants affecting a peripheral actors’ ability to reach the core. To shed some light on these issues, we have employed a unique longitudinal dataset encompassing the entire population of German laser source manufacturers (LSMs) and laser-related public research organizations (PROs) over a period of more than two decades. The aim of our paper is threefold. First, we analyze the emergence of core–periphery (CP) patterns in the German laser industry. Then, we explore the paths on which LSMs and PROs move from isolated positions toward the core. Finally, we employ non-parametric event history techniques to analyze the extent to which organizational and geographical determinates affect the propensity and timing of network core entries. Our results indicate the emergence and solidification of CP patterns at the overall network level. We also found that the paths on which organizations traverse through the network are characterized by high levels of heterogeneity and volatility. The transition from peripheral to core positions is impacted by organizational characteristics, while an organization’s geographical location does not play a significant role.
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Does Temporary Employment Affect the Work-related Training of Low-skilled Employees?
Eva Reinowski, Jan Sauermann
Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung,
No. 4,
Anhand des Mikrozensus 2004 wird untersucht, ob die Befristung von Arbeitsverträgen Einfluss auf die Beteiligung geringqualifiziert Beschäftigter an beruflicher Weiterbildung hat. Zur Berücksichtigung systematischer Unterschiede zwischen befristet und unbefristet Beschäftigten wird für die Analyse ein rekursives bivariates Probitmodell eingesetzt. Es wird kein systematischer Nachteil einer Befristung für geringqualifiziert Beschäftigte beim Zugang zu beruflicher Weiterbildung festgestellt.
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Meaningless Work Threatens Job Performance
Adrian Chadi, Sabrina Jeworrek, Vanessa Mertins
LSE Business Review,
Open, transparent communication across the organisation is generally associated with improved employee motivation and organisational outcomes. For supervisors, the question arises how to deal with rather inconvenient information, such as in the case of a project failure. Informing employees after significant investments of time and effort might lead to negative effects on subsequent work motivation, one could argue. To identify a causal relationship between the meaning of previously completed work and workers’ subsequent work performance, we exploited a natural working environment in which the loss of the job’s meaning occurred as a matter of fact. At the same time, it was possible to credibly guide only part of the workforce to believe in the sudden loss of meaning by conducting a controlled experiment.
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