Signaling currency crises in South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
South African Reserve Bank: Macroeconomic Policy Challenges for South Africa Conference, South African Reserve Bank,
Diese Arbeit betrachtet die südafrikanischen Währungskrisenepisoden von 1996, 1998 und 2001, um gemeinsame länderspezifische Ursachen für Währungskrisen in Südafrika zu ermitteln. Die Identifikation der Währungskrisen erfolgt mittels des Exchange Market Pressure Indexes, welcher von Eichengreen, Rose und Wyplosz (1996) entwickelt wurde. Dann wird ein Signalansatz, basierend auf Kaminsky und Reinhart (1996, 1998) verwendet, um mit dessen Hilfe das Risiko für Währungskrisen in Südafrika zu evaluieren. Die Arbeit berücksichtigt als potentielle Einflussgrößen die üblichen Variablen aus der Währungskrisentheorie sowie länderspezifische Faktoren, welche sich aus dem Bericht der Myburgh Commission (2002) und aktueller Literatur ergeben.
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Are Botswana and Mozambique ready for CMA enlargement?
Tobias Knedlik
Botswana Journal of Economics,
No. 3,
The paper elaborates on the appropriateness of a potentially enlarged Common Monetary Area in Southern Africa including Botswana and Mozambique. The theory of optimum currency areas including some extensions by accounting for costs of non-integration and considering the external relations of currency areas are presented. Various indicators such as the structure of the economies, interest rates, inflation rates, exchange rates, factor mobility and trading partners are observed empirically. The paper concludes that current changes in the exchange rate policy of Botswana are expected to lead to increasing, though already high, convergence with CMA countries. Botswana is therefore an appropriate candidate for CMA enlargement. Mozambique is converging towards South Africa but still remains on a lower level. Taking into account the costs of non-integration, however, the target of integration should be formulated for the medium term.
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Progressivity and Flexibility in Developing an Effective Competition Regime: Using Experiences of Poland, Ukraine, and South Africa for developing countries
Franz Kronthaler, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
The paper discusses the role of the concept of special and differential treatment in the framework of regional trade agreements for the development of a competition regime. After a discussion of the main characteristics and possible shortfalls of those concepts, three case countries are assessed in terms of their experience with progressivity, flexibility, and technical and financial assistance: Poland was led to align its competition laws to match the model of the EU. The Ukraine opted voluntarily for the European model, this despite its intense integration mainly with Russia. South Africa, a developing country that emerged from a highly segregated social fabric and an economy dominated by large conglomerates with concentrated ownership. All three countries enacted (or comprehensively reformed) their competition laws in an attempt to face the challenges of economic integration and catch up development on the one hand and particular social problems on the other. Hence, their experience may be pivotal for a variety of different developing countries who are in negotiations to include competition issues in regional trade agreements. The results suggest that the design of such competition issues have to reflect country-particularities to achieve an efficient competition regime.
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Estimation of monetary conditions in South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen, Nr. 96,
No. 96,
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Monetary Policy and Private Sector Development. The Case of South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
African Development Perspectives Yearbook, No. 9,
No. 9,
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Possibilities and limitations of intra-regional exchange rate policy in Southern Africa
Tobias Knedlik
Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook, Vol. 2,
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Labor Market Analysis and Public Policy: The Case of Morocco
Guillermo Hakim, Julia Lane, Javier Miranda
World Bank Economic Review,
No. 3,
This article uses detailed industry and household data to understand why Morocco's labor market performed poorly in 1985–95. The data indicate that marked structural changes and weak demand in the product market were responsible. This article makes two contributions to the literature. The first is specific: it underscores that the demand for labor is a derived demand and that the performance of the product market is an important determinant of the performance of the labor market. The second is more general: it demonstrates that this kind of microeconomic analysis, using data sets that are often available in developing countries, can inform policy design.
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