7. Konferenz “Von der Transformation zur europäischen Integration – Ostdeutschland und Mittelosteuropa in der Forschung des IWH“ – ein Bericht
Gerhard Heimpold, Anne Löscher
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Am 16. Dezember 2013 fand am IWH die Konferenz „Von der Transformation zur europäischen Integration – Ostdeutschland und Mittelosteuropa in der Forschung des IWH“ statt. Den Eröffnungsvortrag hielt der Minister für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Hartmut Möllring, zum Thema „Internationalisierungsstrategie für Sachsen-Anhalt: Ziele, Umsetzung und künftige Handlungsbedarfe“. In den darauf folgenden Vorträgen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern des IWH wurden Befunde über die Internationalisierung des FuEStandortes Deutschland, die Umsetzung des europäischen Fiskalpakts und der deutschen Schuldenbremse, die Konjunkturentwicklung in Ostdeutschland und über die Auswirkungen der Preisliberalisierung auf das Städtesystem Russlands präsentiert. Den Abschluss bildete ein Podiumsgespräch mit Persönlichkeiten aus Unternehmen der Region und der Wissenschaft zum Thema: „Ostdeutsche Mittelständler auf Erfolgskurs in Europa – Was steckt dahinter?“
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Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Functions: A spatial panel approach
Matthias Brachert, Alexander Kubis, Mirko Titze
Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography,
The paper presents estimates for the impact of related variety, unrelated variety and the functions a region performs in the production process on regional employment growth in Germany. We argue that regions benefit from the existence of related activities that facilitate economic development. Thereby the sole reliance of the related and unrelated variety concept on standard industrial classifications (SIC) remains debatable. We offer estimations for establishing that conceptual progress can be made when the focus of analysis goes beyond solely considering industries. We develop an industry-function based approach of related and unrelated variety and test our hypothesis by the help of spatial panel approach. Our findings suggest that related variety as same as unrelated variety facilitate regional employment growth in Germany. However, the drivers behind these effects do differ. While the positive effect of related variety is driven by high degrees of relatedness in the regional “R&D” and “White-Collar”-functions, the effects of unrelated variety are spurred by “Blue Collar”-functions in this period.
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Agglomeration and FDI in East German Knowledge-intensive Business Services
Philipp Marek
Economia Politica,
No. 3,
The focus of this article is the empirical identification of factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) sector on the regional level of «Raumordnungsregionen» in East Germany. The analysis focuses on the impact of regional agglomeration and technological capability on the location decision of foreign investors and West German MNEs. It shows that localisation, patent activity and the share of employees with an R&D occupation affect significantly the location decision of FDI. This result provides an explanation for the strong concentration of KIBS in urban areas in a post-transition economy.
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Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland: Berufspendlerverflechtungen zwischen den Stadtregionen
Albrecht Kauffmann
Beitrag in IWH-Sammelwerk,
aus: Vernetzung, Kooperationen, Metropolregionen – Effekte für die wirtschaftliche Zukunft der Städte. Dokumentationen des „3rd Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth“
Beitrag aus: Vernetzung, Kooperationen, Metropolregionen – Effekte für die wirtschaftliche Zukunft der Städte. Dokumentationen des „3rd Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth“.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Berufspendlerverflechtungen zwischen den Gemeinden der Länder Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen zur Ermittlung funktionaler Stadtregionen um die Kernstädte der Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland herangezogen. Anschließend werden die Pendlerströme zwischen diesen Stadtregionen ermittelt. Es erfolgt ein Vergleich der tatsächlichen mit den anhand eines doppelt beschränkten Gravitationsmodells ermittelten Pendlerströmen. Auch der mögliche Einfluss von Ländergrenzen auf die Pendlerverflechtungen wird im Gravitationsmodell untersucht. Es wird versucht, Schlüsse auf die Vernetzung in der polyzentrischen Region zu ziehen.
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Wissenstransfer in der Region Jena: Die Bedeutung von Innovationskooperationen
S. Pfeil, Michael Schwartz, K. Kaps, M.-W. Stoetzer
Beitrag in IWH-Sammelwerk,
aus: Vernetzung, Kooperationen, Metropolregionen – Effekte für die wirtschaftliche Zukunft der Städte. Dokumentationen des „3rd Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth“
Beitrag aus: Vernetzung, Kooperationen, Metropolregionen – Effekte für die wirtschaftliche Zukunft der Städte. Dokumentationen des „3rd Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth“.
Jena als Mitgliedsstadt des Kooperationsverbundes „Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland“ vereint eine stark ausgeprägte und vernetzte Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftslandschaft, die bereits Gegenstand vielfältiger Analysen war. Neben der 450-jährigen Friedrich-Schiller-Universität und der Fachhochschule Jena, die dieses Jahr ihr 20-jähriges Jubiläum feiert, sind international renommierte Forschungseinrichtungen u. a. der Max-Planck- und Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft sowie der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ansässig. Zudem finden sich eine Vielzahl junger innovationsorientierter Unternehmen, z. B. in der optischen Industrie, der Mikrosystemtechnik und der Biotechnologie auf der einen Seite sowie die Traditionsunternehmen Jenoptik, Zeiss und Schott auf der anderen Seite. Die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft ist in Jena historisch verwurzelt – so arbeiteten bereits der Chemiker und Glastechniker Otto Schott, der Physiker und Professor Ernst Abbe und Universitätsmechaniker Carl Zeiss in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam an der Entwicklung optischer Geräte.
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A Federal Long-run Projection Model for Germany
Oliver Holtemöller, Maike Irrek, Birgit Schultz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
Many economic decisions implicitly or explicitly rely on a projection of the medium- or long-term economic development of a country or region. In this paper, we provide a federal long-run projection model for Germany and the German states. The model fea-tures a top-down approach and, as major contribution, uses error correction models to estimate the regional economic development dependent on the national projection. For the medium- and long-term projection of economic activity, we apply a production function approach. We provide a detailed robustness analysis by systematically varying assumptions of the model. Additionally, we explore the effects of different demographic trends on economic development.
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Delineation of City Regions Based on Commuting Interrelations: The Example of Large Cities in Germany
Albrecht Kauffmann
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
The comparison of cities with regard to their economic or demographic development may yield misleading results, if solely the cities in their administrative borders are the object of consideration. Frequently, historical borders of cities neither conform to the contemporary settlement structures, nor do they consider the mutual dependencies between cities and parts of their hinterland. Therefore, it is often claimed to use city regions as objects of comparison or for the sake of urban planning. Commonly, the delineation of functional regions is based on commuting flows from the municipalities in the hinterland of the core cities directed to the cores. A municipality is regarded as belonging to a certain city region if the share of out-commuters from this municipality to the respective core in the total mass of those employees who reside in that municipality is the largest one, and if this share exceeds a certain threshold value. However, commuting flows in the opposite direction are not considered. The method presented here delineates city regions on the base of bidirectional commuting flows. Hereby, various modifications regarding the characteristics of the employment base, the possibility of overlaps of regions, the formation of polycentric city regions, and of the minimum threshold value of mutual connectivity are applied to the sample of 81 German cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants. Finally, the effects of different kinds of regionalisation on the coefficients of regional specialisation of these cities and city regions are demonstrated.
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Foreword: Competing: Important Stimuli for Knowledge Cities to Become Prosperous
Peter Franz
T. Yigitcanlar, K. Metaxiotis, J. Carrillo (eds), Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities. Policies, Plans and Metrics,
The author discusses the role of competitions in urban development strategies based on the cooperation of higher education institutions. The experience with similar strategies in regional policy and in innovation policy is reflected upon. After the presentation of some cases, the advantages and disadvantages of development strategies based on competitions are compared.
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Local Economic Structure and Sectoral Employment Growth in German Cities
Annette Illy, Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie,
No. 5,
This study systematically examines the impact of fundamental elements of urban economic structure on sectoral employment growth in German cities (“urban growth”). We test four elements simultaneously – sectoral specialisation, diversification of economic activities, urban size and the impact of local competition. To account for the effect of varying spatial delimitations in the analysis of urban growth, we further differentiate between cities and planning regions as geographical units. Our regression results show a U-shaped relationship between localisation economies and urban growth and positive effects of local competition on urban growth. With respect to diversification, we find positive effects on urban growth on the city level, but insignificant results on the level of the planning regions. The impact of urban size also differs between free cities and planning regions; in the former, a U-shaped relationship is found, whereas the effect is inversely U-shaped for the latter.
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Industrial Associations as a Channel of Business-Government Interactions in an Imperfect Institutional Environment: The Russian Case
A. Yakovlev, A. Govorun
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 16,
International lessons from emerging economies suggest that business associations may provide an effective channel of communication between the government and the private sector. This function of business associations may become still more important in transition economies, where old mechanisms for coordinating enterprise activities have been destroyed, while the new ones have not been established yet. In this context, Russian experience is a matter of interest, because for a long time, Russia was regarded as a striking example of state failures and market failures. Consequently, the key point of our study was a description of the role and place of business associations in the presentday
Russian economy and their interaction with member companies and bodies of state
administration. Relying on the survey data of 957 manufacturing firms conducted in
2009, we found that business associations are more frequently joined by larger companies, firms located in regional capital cities, and firms active in investment and innovation. By contrast, business associations tend to be less frequently joined by business groups’ subsidiaries and firms that were non-responsive about their respective ownership structures. Our regression analysis has also confirmed that business associations are a component of what Frye (2002) calls an “elite exchange”– although only on regional and local levels. These “exchanges” imply that members of business associations, on the one hand, more actively assist regional and local authorities in social development of their regions, and on the other hand more often receive support from authorities. However, this effect is insignificant in terms of support from the federal government. In general, our results allow us to believe that at present, business associations (especially the
industry-wide and “leading” ones) consolidate the most active, advanced companies and act as collective representatives of their interests. For this reason, business associations can be regarded as interface units between the authorities and businesses and as a possible instrument for promotion of economic development.
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