Risikoabsicherung von Mitarbeiteraktiva
Ulrich Blum, A Leuteritz, Frank Leibbrand, Michael A. Veltins
Studien des Freistaates Sachsen,
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On the Rationale of Leniency Programs: a Game-Theoretical Analysis
Ulrich Blum, Nicole Steinat, Michael A. Veltins
European Journal of Law and Economics,
Um die Durchsetzung des Kartellrechts zu unterstützen, wurden in vielen Industrieländern Kronzeugenregelungen eingeführt. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht in diesem Zusammenhang die Gründe und Wirkungsweisen der aktuellen europäischen und deutschen Kronzeugenregelung. Dabei wird die vorherrschende Meinung, dass die standardisierte Kronzeugenregelung mit Blick auf das Ziel der Wettbewerbssteigerung ausreichend Anreize bietet, in Frage gestellt. Der Beitrag versucht vielmehr zu belegen, dass es sich bei der aktuellen Kronzeugenregelung um einen Präventivschlag gegen Wettbewerber handelt, die sich in einem, für Kartelle, instabilen Umfeld bewegen. Dies impliziert eine zukünftige Verschärfung der Marktsituation, welche wiederum in den betroffenen Bereichen zu einem möglichen Rückgang der Wettbewerbsintensität führen kann. Unter Annahme strategischer Rationalität der Agenten, könnte der Kronzeuge für die Zukunft eine wirtschaftlich bessere Position antizipieren. Dies könnte ein unbeabsichtigtes Ergebnis der Bonus-Regelungen sein. Wenn die Kronzeugenregelung in diesem Sinne zu mehr Wettbewerb im Markt führt, sollten die Ergebnisse von den nationalen Kartellbehörden positiv aufgenommen werden. Die zuvor beschriebenen Überlegungen werden beispielhaft anhand eines spieltheoretischen Modells am deutschen Zement-Kartell betrachtet.
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Normen als Katalysator für geistige Eigentumsrechte
Ulrich Blum, Michael A. Veltins
Normen und Wettbewerb,
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Marktmacht, Kartelle und die Berechnung des Mehrerlöses
Ulrich Blum, Michael A. Veltins
Strategien und Trends im Handelsmanagement,
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The Quantity Theory Revisited: A New Structural Approach
Makram El-Shagi, Sebastian Giesen
While the long run relation between money and inflation is well established, empirical evidence on the adjustment to the long run equilibrium is very heterogeneous. In this paper we show, that the development of US consumer price inflation between 1960Q1 and 2005Q4 is strongly driven by money overhang. To this end, we use a multivariate state space framework that substantially expands the traditional vector error correction approach. This approach allows us to estimate the persistent components of velocity and GDP. A sign restriction approach is subsequently used to identify the structural shocks to the signal equations of the state space model, that explain money growth, inflation and GDP growth. We also account for the possibility that measurement error exhibited by simple-sum monetary aggregates causes the consequences of monetary shocks to be improperly identified by using a Divisia monetary aggregate. Our findings suggest that when the money is measured using a reputable index number, the quantity theory holds for the United States.
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Macroeconomic Imbalances as Indicators for Debt Crises in Europe
Tobias Knedlik, Gregor von Schweinitz
European authorities and scholars published proposals on which indicators of macroeconomic imbalances might be used to uncover risks for the sustainability of public debt in the European Union. We test the ability of four proposed sets of indicators to send early-warnings of debt crises using a signals approach for the study of indicators and the construction of composite indicators. We find that a broad composite indicator has the highest predictive power. This fact still holds true if equal weights are used for the construction of the composite indicator in order to reflect the uncertainty about the origin of future crises.
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International Fragmentation of Production and the Labour Input into Germany’s Exports – An Input-Output-analysis
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Udo Ludwig
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 14,
The import penetration of exports has become a topic of public debate, particularly in the context of Germany’s position as one of the world’s leading exporters. The growth in the volume of intermediate products purchased from abroad for subsequent processing into export goods in Germany seems to be undermining the importance of exports as a driver of domestic production and employment. The gains that arise from an increase in exports seem to have been offset by the losses caused by the crowding out of local production by imports. Empirical evidence on the impact of this international integration of the goods market on the German labour market is ambiguous. Short-term negative effects on employment are claimed to be offset by the long-term benefit that the jobs lost in the short run will eventually be replaced by higher-skilled jobs with better
perspectives. Against this background, the following hypothesis is tested empirically: Germany is poor in natural resources, but rich in skilled labour. In line with the Heckscher- Ohlin theory, Germany should therefore specialize in the production of export goods and services that are relatively intensive in these factors and should import those goods and services that are relatively intensive in unskilled labour. The empirical part of the paper deals with the extent of the German export penetration by imports. At first, it analyses by what ways imports are affecting the exports directly and indirectly and shows the consequences of import penetration of exports for the national output and employment. Secondly, consequences for employment are split in different skill types of labour. These issues are discussed with the standard open static inputoutput- model. The data base is a time series of official input-output tables. The employment effects for Germany divided by skill types of labour are investigated using skill matrices generated by the authors.
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How does Institutional Setting Affect the Impact of EU Structural Funds on Economic Cohesion? New Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
Marina Grusevaja, Toralf Pusch
Structural Funds are the main instrument of the EU cohesion policy. Their effective use is subject to an ongoing debate in political and scientific circles. European fiscal assistance under this heading should promote economic and social cohesion in the member states of the European Union. Recently, the domestic institutional capacity to absorb, to distribute and to invest Structural Funds effectively has become a crucial determinant of the cohesion process and has attracted attention of the scientific community. The aim of this study is to shed light on the effectiveness of Structural Funds in the countries of the first Central and Eastern European enlargement round in 2004. Using regional data for these countries, we have a look on the impact of several institutional governance variables on the effectiveness of Structural Funds. In the interpretation of results, reference is
made to regional economics. Results of the empirical analysis indicate an influence of certain institutional variables on the effectiveness of Structural Funds in the new member states.
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